Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Monday, November 19, 2007

Jaanaki Jaane, Raama (The Prakriti know the Purush)

"This visible universe is made up of three Gunas (Sathva, Rajas and Thamas). This is the reason for describing the cosmos as 'Sthree'. The term 'Sthree' has three components: “Sa", "Tha" and "Ra". "Sa" signifies the Sathva Guna. This comprises qualities like forbearance, compassion, and love. "Tha" signifies the Thamo Guna which includes qualities like modesty, bashfulness, fear and patience. "Ra" signifies the Rajo Guna represented by qualities such as courage, sacrifice and the adventurous spirit. Every being born in the world has feminine qualities. Merely on the basis of the physical form, a distinction is made between men and women. The three qualities in the term 'Sthree' are to be found both in men and women."


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba say, the thorn of Tamas need to be taken out with the thorn of Rajas, the thorn of Rajas should be removed with the thorn of Satva and one needs to remove even the thorn of Satva to simply Be the Gunateet even beyond the state of Visions and that travel needs to be done all alone with Divine Self.;_ylt=AoyRNngLGUSKIGWfY0.MFYXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071116184257AABZ7Ap

Incidently last day, happened to see a video show of a seemingly sincere rationalist Sri. Premanand. Seemed a very wise and soft spoken thoughtful Visionary. He termed Sri Ramakrishna Devan's Kaali worship as just an imaginary halucination and interpreted that Ramakrishna Devan's Guru Sri. Totapuri actually killed that halucination to enable Ramakrishna Devan to lead a normal life.

It would be interesting to see what Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said about Ramakrishna Devan. Bhagavan said, Sri Ramakrishna Devan had not had this Samadhi feeling always. It just came and went during his life time. No wonder, Swami Vivekanandan was not that confident to put forth his Guru's Name in front of the Western World fearing the uncertainties had his Guru's name been dragged in among the Western Civil World who appreciate anything based on material benefits.

Jayakrishnan's assessment is that, had Swami Vivekananda projected His Guru, Ramakrishna Dev ahead of his understandings of the Sanathana Dharma in Western World also as he did in India with Sri Ramakrishna Ashram (a well established Spiritual Organisation in India), perhaps Sathya Sai Baba would not have even taken this Avatar and descended upon earth as the requirement and crave by the world for the Avatar would have been far less. But then the Divine Will of the Lord works in mysterious ways not known to us. So the descendence of the Avatar that is well planned by Bhagavan to even its minutest detail need not be comprehensible by any of us.

Now the said attempts made by Swami Vivekananda to neglect few of the miracles part of Ramakrishna Devan, is something to think of. If he had complete confidence in his Guru, he would have pondered why his Guru might have done this. Like the Psedo Secularists of this country, may be Swami Vivekananda was also perhaps unnecessarily afraid of an Imaginary Satan / Ghost. Here some thoughts on it. If you compare the activities that happened in Indian Stock Market for the last one Month, with a huge crash and recovery, some of these aspects can be read in the field of Business also.;_ylt=AsYjyIEZJcZrm9TCEHvw7s3ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071016030637AAmcV09

Sathya Sai Baba say, "Of what use, whatever you learn, if that can not be practiced in Life." In Business Management while studying the subject "Project Planning", there is an important lesson that while getting into any worldly project, you should also have an exit option also intact. If you do not have a safe exit option, better do not go for it. May be the story of "Abhimanyu" in Mahabharat is a beautiful narration of this principle of getting involved without thinking of the safe exit route according to the prompts of so called closer friends and relatives of the network other than Bhagavan. Perhaps, the lesson to be taken here is even the sincerely devoted network of 3000 intelligent and capables are not enough, if Bhagavan is not there with.
But then the world is not run by the rationales. The delusions of three gunas (Qualities) run this world colourfully. Even the Self Proclaimed Rationalist Sri. Premanand is running on his irrational ground of ideology. If Sri. Ram Dev Baba can cure Cancer, had Sri. Premanand was a real rationalist practicing what he preach, with a rational behaviour thinking body is everything, he should have tried to cure his body somehow. If Sri. Premanand has a halucination that, not just the body is everything, he should try to find out then which halucination or ideology is best. Whether Kovoor's halucination of disharmonious thought, word and deed or Ramakrishna Devan's harmonious halucination.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba say, "Among all these halucinations of worldly existence, the halucination for Devotion to Divine (Bhakthi Bhranth) is the Best."

With irrationales running the world colurfully, with disharmoniuos thought, word and deed also perhaps Bhagavan's Great Leela (Playful Divine Drama). Without the so called irrational Rationales, the likes of P.C. Sarkars and Premanands playing the roles of a sincere Karna loyal to Duryodhana with irks for elders like Bhishma and Drona, what's the fun in reading Mahabharat. Had there not been the emotive story "Abhimanyu" in Chakra Vyuha, how could Mahabharata be even the story of ordinary man.

Swami Vivekanadan was an advocate of Vegetarianism. But with the frustrations, he met with the Tamasic nature of General Masses in India, he advocated some vigourous diet for Indians with even non - veg to somehow provoke the Nation into somekind of Rajasic Nature at least. (Its relevent to remember the thorn analogy of Bhagavan on the three qualities that constitute the world over here). What perhaps Swami Vivekanadan failed to understand was the Power of His Guru, in the form of miracles given to him for this purpose. Perhaps he also tried to be lil bit irrationally rational. Here one story into his delusion that happened in Gujrath.

Now here some athmavidya thoughts on a video shown in Kairali T.V., may be two years back reproduced by the so called irrational Rationalists.

Here some more good old thoughts on a Restricted God again ..;_ylt=AiFjECkB9alKn3pi95IO5HQjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20060822193746AAMbVNv

Now, if we try analysing a bit more into aspects of Miracles shown by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, well, it could be surprising to see a general pattern.

Most of the time, when Bhagavan created some material, golden ring or watch other than just the Vibhuti (the Holy Ash) with his so called majic / trickery as seen by irrational rationalists there is seen an upgradation from the Tamasic Nature to Rajasic Nature in due course of time after this incident. When this is a Public Show by Bhgavan, the dominating Tamasic Nature of masses assembled slowly gets converted to the Rajasic Nature. This is very evident with the Sathya Sai Disciples of Kerala. A shift was perhaps mooted by Bhagavan from Tamasic Nature to Rajasic Nature with a very much discussed Ring Creation to the present day Sathya Sai Seva Organisation President Sri. Mukundan Master years back. Ofcourse, the usual problems associated with too much "Rajas" is another aspect that do not come under the purview of this article for the time being.

Now if you observe carefully further into some of the so called miracles / majics performed by Bhagavan, of which the so called irrational Rationalists have no clue about like the cure of diseases of even athiests, the Divine Ecstasy, The electric shock like feeling, The Dreams etc etc (The irratioal Rationalists without any know how on the latest scientific advancements in Genetical Engineering, Gene Therapy, Quantum Physics and Psychology, try to umbrella brand all these majic / miracles, based on outdated Freudian Concepts on halucination), there also seems to be a general pattern.

Here the transformation seems to be from the Rajasic Nature of Individuals to Satvic Nature, from Me first attitude to Bhagavan First or Ideology First attitude of Satva Guna.
Further travel from there starts perhaps with Thought, Word and Deed in line and in harmony within and without. Perhaps the Visions of Past, Present and Future induce that transformation to travel into aspects of a Gunateet that's perhaps undescribable with ordinary laws of existence. Bhagavan say, its a lonely journey along with Bhagavan only.

Let jk conclude for the time being with some more Sathya Sai Thoughts that was published on November 17th, 2007.

"Visions are only reflections of divine vibrations in the mind, aroused by Sadhana (spiritual practice). They are milestones, signposts; they happen on the road to the goal. They do not, they cannot accompany you right to the end. You will have to travel alone and overcome obstacles. Grace from your own self is the most important and essential help for spiritual progress. I might grant you grace without limit, but of what use can that be if your heart is not clean and if your head is full of ego? Clean your heart with Prema (love) and remove ego through service."





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