Monday, January 1, 2018

NGDCs.. An Interpretation Attempt into BhagaVatha Mahathmyam .. Second Episode ..

शौनक उवाच

अज्ञानध्वान्तविध्वंसकोटिसूर्यसमप्रभ । सूताख्याहि कथासारं मम कर्णरसायनम्॥४॥

भक्तिज्ञानविरागाप्तो विवेको वर्धते महान् । मायामोहनिरासश्च वैष्णवैः क्रियते कथम्॥५॥

NGDCs.. Shaunaka, the seeker seems to be asking here that from "BhakthiGyanaViragam" (Devotion, Gyan and Unattachment) the Special Questioning abilities  (Maybe Vivekam can even be interpreted as Special Questioning Abilities too..) are said to be increasing more .. MaayaMohaNirasacha (By refusing the unreal temptations or by segregating the real from unreal aspirations) people in Vishnu Loka are said to do their activities (Vishnu shabdam is also said to be having a meaning - that which permeates all and everything .. So maybe this also mean people in VishnuLoka can permeate thru all too in a special way .. 🤔 .. meaning of VaiKundha also seems interesting to think about further too.. 😳 .. maybe they are able to understand the sorrows of people , including their's in a special manner / way..)

इह घोरे कलौ प्रायो जीवश्चासुरतां गतः । क्लेशाक्रान्तस्य तस्यैव शोधने किं परायणम्॥६॥

NGDCs .. In the age of Great Anger (Kalou) where you get yourself or people who have gone for Suratham or a kind of mixed and diverse aspirations and having difficulties arising out of that.. and using which way one can understand (do a kind of Shodhana / Enquiry) what is more and better suited for one.. maybe to be lesser fearful of falls into unreal aspirations (Maaya Moham) that one may not actually be needed to have .. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.. thoughtful .. 🤔..  (Para + Ayanam = Parayanam , Here Para also might be having a meaning "The Ultimate"..)

श्रेयसां यद्भवेच्छ्रेयः पावनानां च पावनम् । कृष्णप्राप्तिकरं शश्वत्साधनं तद्वदाधुना॥७॥

चिन्तामणिर्लोकसुखं सुरद्रुः स्वर्गसम्पदम् । प्रयच्छति गुरुः प्रीतो वैकुण्ठं योगिदुर्लभम्॥८॥

NGDCs .. Till this point Shaunaka , the seeker keeps on asking questions to Sootha on What is the best act suitable to be done ie correct to avoid the falls into fake or unreal MaayaMoham aspirations instead of the Real Aspirations for one probably .. (Sootha has also got a meaning Driver..) ..

"VaiKundham" probably also means a kind of Time - Place dimension where the so called "Kundhitham" (or sorrows) ie felt are also Special and Admirable which is said to be even difficult for Yogies to achieve ..

Now Sootha seems to be replying with Preethi (with a kind of good fulfilment of joy perhaps..) ..

सूत उवाच प्रीतिः शौनक चित्ते ते ह्यतो वच्मि विचार्य च । सर्वसिद्धान्तनिष्पन्नं संसारभयनाशनम्॥९॥

NGDCs .. Interesting to notice Sootha seems to be telling a kind of Theory of Theory statement here (Sarva Siddhanta Nishpannam, Samsara Bhaya Nashanam).. Maybe Siddhantham has also got a meaning "End of Siddhies" (siddhi also has a meaning whatever one is able to gain..).. Maybe Theories get formulated when one looses his gains (or whatever Siddhies that one achieved) .. Sarva Siddhanta Nishpannam can also mean a kind of Theory of Theories (Siddhanthangalute Siddhantham..) .. where all theories are made futile, maybe to keep whatever one achieves or wins (maybe as Siddhies)..

Interesting to also notice a point here that even Sankaracharyar in Bhaja GovIndam  states about such a scenario that when one achieves some adorable meter (Vruttham/Theory) (SamPrapthe need not mean death alone) grammar may not save but GovIndan can .. Interesting to also note that the word Gaveshanam (Research) seems to be coming out of the words Govu + Ishanam (Ishanam probably also means dung in CowDung..) .. Maybe this could be the underlying thought in the calls for not to kill cows but to nurture them instead so that at the time when someone gets something really wonderful , it is not lost .. not very sure of such analogies .. but i am just trying some probable alternate interpretations only .. Praise be to the Lord .. 🙏 ..

भक्त्योघवर्धनं यच्च कृष्णसन्तोषहेतुकम् । तदहं तेऽभिधास्यामि सावधानतया शृणु॥१०॥

NGDCs .. Here maybe the Soothan says the seeker Shaunaka that the fun of Black or UnOfficial World (Krishna shabdam also has got a meaning black ..) increases when one starts to listen to them carefully (Savadhan is the word used here for listening) ..

कालव्यालमुखग्रासत्रासनिर्णाशहेतवे । श्रीमद्भागवतं शास्त्रं कलौ कीरेण भाषितम्॥११॥

NGDCs .. In order to escape the Time or maybe even to go younger it is advised to listen to the "BhagVatham" from the mouth of pious people like Shuka Muni .. (Keerenu Bhashitam probably means to listen to the talks from the mouth of a Parrot who do repeated chanting .. Keeram and Shukam both has the meaning Parrot ..) .. Thoughtful to think why Manthras and JapaYogas are said to be done repeatedly .. Maybe listening to the sound energy of pious people has got a kind of ability to transcend time or maybe to reduce the age with some unknown cosmetic acts .. not very sure about such a thougt analogy but seems to be interesting as "Drinking Sound Energy" of pious pdople to transcend time maybe even to become younger is repeatedly brought up in BhagaVatham at multiple points .. at one place even telling sonething like Bhagavatham itself is "ShabdaBrahman" and a means for bringing out the sound energy of pious people for drinking that sound sound energy without any botheration of the meanings of whatever they might speak ..  just to drink the sound energy of pious people to transcend time perhaps ..

With such a concept seen in Bhagavatham at multiple places for the last Bhagavatha Sathram i tried to drink the sound energy and it was interesting to observe when drinking the sound energy of some people Picturesque Environments around even with some beautiful ladies and children too been seen .. Maybe that need not seem rational, but an interesting deduction canbe thought over here that when we listen or drink the words of pious people we may feel that Time flies and might seem us becoming younger at least by heart and when their sound energies are drank picturesque environments too might seem to be appearing around ..

Maybe this can even be a method to evaluate who all could be the really Pious people by looking at the environment around and see whether its picturesque or not while listening or drinking their sound energy .. Need not any fool proof analogy and need not be experienced by all .. yet but .. a thoughtful seeming concept / analogy it seemed in an alternate multiple meaning interpretation of the Shloka to transcend time and look fresh and young oneself .. Don't tell me the good old famous story of Narad on SathSangh and tell that it can even mean faster rebirths again to be young again ..  🤔😳🙏 ..

एतस्मादपरं किञ्चिन्मनःशुद्ध्यै न विद्यते । जन्मान्तरे भवेत्पुण्यं तदा भागवतं लभेत्॥१२॥

NGDCs .. Maybe thus Mind is more purified even without any proper formal dukringekarane Vidya / Grammar Education which can be probably a seed in the DNA that can even be useful in many further evolutions of life .. 🤔 ..

परीक्षिते कथां वक्तुं सभायां संस्थिते शुके । सुधाकुम्भं गृहीत्वैव देवास्तत्र समागमन्॥

NGDCs .. If you test the above mentioned drinking or listening carefully of the sound energy of pious ones in a place / Sabha where the likes of Shuka Rishies (Pious ones who repeatedly talk about the Glories of God perhaps..) are present , Heavenly Angels may arrive there with Heavenly Nector (Amritha Kumbham) even if one is inside his house ..

Sarvathra Govinda Nama Sankerrthanam Govinda, Govinda .. 🙏 ..

NB:- Maybe accepting or not accepting such Amritha Kumbhas (Pots of Heavenly Nector) is another game / act enumerated in BhagVatham perhaps  .. Thoghtful .. 🤔😳🙏 ..

Please note these interpretations need not be always the correct interpretation of these shlokas .. I just tried some thoughts of interpretation in my Butler English Style .. Praise be to the Lord  GovIndan .. 🙏 ..

Om Namo Bhagavathe VasuDevaya:
