Wednesday, April 18, 2018

NGDCs .. Part 9 - Gloskrutham Story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. The differing Dom and the Basics ..

[19/04 11:14] GJk(GloskruthamJayakrishn:

 NGDCs.. 4 Vedas 6 Shastras, Gloskrutham Addendum Story - Part 9 .. 

With the latest findings on Flat Earth Theories and the Ground Realities, the previous "8nte pani" kind of Part- 8 of the story is now modified with the fresh new revelations .. Ultimately everything could be manifestations of God only including the errors and lies too as some gappners with some 8nte Panies .. 

Maybe in a No Result Oriented fashion to get out of such a gap, maybe a slightly hypocritical solution is found out now by terming Bhakthi as more of a kind of Sama Vedic principle of Thatwamasi MahaVakya with Shaktheya and Sauram religious principles as its  ingredients more with the latest findings ..  Rather than considering Yajur Vedic Principle as "Bhakthi" as stated in the previous part - 8  story,  "ViRaga" principles seem to suit the Yajur Veda principle more rather than Bhakthi principle  stated earlier .. And the constituents of Yajur Vedic principles are now on shall be considered more as a combination Shaiva and Vaishnavic religious principles more with the MahaVakya of Aham Brahmasmi in a Gloskrutham Analogy .. 

So to overcome the the "Mamathwam" Tapam in Thapathrayas Sama Vedic Principle of "Money" with "Vaisya Dharmam" taste of "Thatwamasi" could be more useful .. not very sure though .. yet ..

While addressing the Tapa of Moha for Self Actualization with Higher Quality maybe Rigvedic principles help more as stated in the previous parts of this Gloskrutham story of 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. And  when addressing the VanderWal Forces of attraction and Resonance of "Ragas" are considered with higher Spiritual Quests (Adhyathmika Tapam) Yajur Vedic Principles with "ViRaga" seems to suit more using 9, 1 and 5 houses in a kind of Gloskrutham Dom Analogy which may seem to differ slightly from the Basket Analogies of 6 Vedangas and Shastras with some missing links of Imaginations to give Space to the AnoRaneeyan MahathoMaheeyanGod too beyond all our Logical and Rational Comprehensions too .. "Praise be to the Lord" .. 🙏 ..

[19/04 11:15] GJk(GloskruthamJayakrishn: .. (To be continued..) .. 

[19/04 12:05] GJk(GloskruthamJayakrishn:

 Continuation of this Gloskrutham story got eaten up by some Rahu Kethu Grahanas here in Whatsapp .. All that got written just vanished when tried to copy here .. Basically the essence was that while the basic basket analogies in minute details may differ with Vedangas and Shastras , the Dom analogies of Higher Quality, (need not just like any Rainbow) may differ slightly from the Ground Realities kind of analogy of Baskets of Vedangas and Shastras giving V(W)it C allowances to Rahu and Kethu too as a kind of some BraINy IQ upasana agendas with AshVani Devathas too   .. Shall try to explain to those who come to me personally .. need not any cup of tea for all to understand .. maybe even i am skeptical slightly with some (Many ) probable missing links connecting the basics and the Dom .. These are all subject to evolution later .. 🙏 .. Praise be to the Lord .. 🙏 ..


  1. NGDCs.. With the still latest modification "ViRaga" with Pragyan is termed into RajoGunam with RigVedic themes of IcchaShakthi in tune with the 3rd law of Thermodynamics and Yajur Vedic themes of Gyan with Thamo Gunam in tune with the second law of Thermodynamics now falls into a kind of Kshathriya category aimed at the Purushartha of "Kama" in ChathurVidha Purusharthas.. Maybe being Satvic brings in Artha with "Kriya Shakthi" and and Rajo Gunam might help the IcchaShakthi to give allowances to many principles with ViRaga to achieve the Purushartha of "Dharma" probably in a Brahminical style of "Socialism" narrated by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev Maharaj as the Purohiths give others what they need not possess .. 🤔😲🙏 .. Praises and Prayers to all the Gods and Goddesses.. 🙏 ..


  2. NGDCs .. Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev Maharaj's speech on Socialism..


    Above link is from the movie 3 idiots ..
