NGDCs .. Now a days there seems a debate going on trying to differentiate between "HinduIsm" and "HinduTwam" .. Some scholars like Sasi Taroor while support HinduIsm oppose HinduTwam ..
It could be interesting to further ponder into these words further .. "Ism" is an English Word whereas "Twam" is a Sanskrit Word ..
Here is what dictionary says about "Ism" .. It is a kind of oppressive philosophy one clings on to kind of meaning emerges from it ..
Now if we ponder further into the word meaning of "Hindu", Supreme Court says its a way of life.. The word Hindu was given by Westerners to a Civilizations's way of life following Sanathana Dharma ( Maybe meaning Eternal Righteousness or Opinions which is enumerated by giving space to all the principles that get manifested..) ..
So HinduIsm essentially means someone who try to abide by Sanathana Dharma's way of life giving allowance to all the Principles that get manifested as facets of Brahman (God) including that of Christianity and Islam or whatever that get manifested including Science and Technology and Athiesm too ..
Now if we take what is the word meaning of "HinduTwam" .. It is probably expecting the other people too to follow such a practice of "Acceptance of All" .. Twam in Sanskrit has also got a word meaning "You" ..
So here comes a debatable issue wherein Abrahamic Religions thrive by putting forward their "Superiority" with their versions of "Swarga" and "Naraka" (Heaven and Hell) concept used by the Upper Casts in Hinduism Time Immemorial .. with a kind of "I am Okay, But You are not Okay" kind of concept in the in between limited life between birth and death considering death and extinction of anything and everything too as a fact of mortal life ..
Sanathana Dharma also had this concept as a kind of "Vyavaharic Dharma" on the basis of jobs and duties with cast systems and also had the Eternal Dharma perspectives too giving allowances to all principles with Vedantic Perspectives too using Value Education measures too as said in Bhagavatham by Shuka Maharshi with an "Utthama Shloka Leelaya" perspective .. wherein Sandal Wood is encouraged to be used more as Sandal Paste or still better uses more rather than using that as just Fire Wood for which other materials for that purpose could be available ..
Once Value Education perspectives started receeding with Vedanthins, people started migrating from Hinduism to other Religions which by then adopted the upper cast principles in Hinduism with "I am Okay, You are not Okay" kind of philosophies with Saved and Unsaved ones ..
Maybe "HinduTwam" ideals expect others too to understand more about Hinduism and tries Value Education measures to know more about "Sanathana Dharma" in various ways ..
Maybe some of the UpperCast ways used in Value Education, using "I am Okay, You are not Okay" principles without fearing Deaths too in some RakthaSakshi / BaliDani Methods, adopted in Value Education to understand more about Hinduism might seem to be using Sandal Wood as Fire Wood more rather than using that for still finer tuned uses like that of Sandal Paste could be the debatable point raised here ..
Maybe IDK how much the "V(W)it C" upasanas of Ashwani Devathas with Tappet Clearances are allowed in any principles with Sanathana Dharma .. Maybe God decides ultimately with the Manifestations with Resultant Intensities within and without with Thy Divine Will in "Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma" .. 🤔😳🙏 .. Praise be to the Lord .. 🙏 ..
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