Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Saturday, June 2, 2018

NGDCs. . A Gloskrutham Story of Lies ..

NGDCs. . A Gloskrutham Lies Story ..

(Courtesy to a Speech made by Sarvasree  Prof. Vaidyalinga Sharma Sir on Lies..) ..

Bellram thought to himself what kind of an Upper Cast he could be whether a Scholary One like a Brahmin, Or an YajurVedi like enjoying the funs within and giving funs without with myriad of imaginations and multiplicity of meanings, Or the one trying to appease "ThatwaMasi " principles, or the one enjoying the Jack of All, Master of None trait who never see any death nor birth of anyone like an Atharvi taking the essence fun of everything at a lower plane of Valleys rather than Hills .. 

Suddenly he remembered a Scholary speech, wherein the talk was about liars .. 

One Liar said he had great fun in creating the Stars and really enjoy displaying them to the World ..

Then the next one said, he actually pasted the stars in the Sky with the gum..

The third liar said that he actually provided the Ladder to go to Sky and fix the stars in the Sky..

And then the Fourth one thought whether, he could be the one holding ladder for all the other three .. 

And to know about his natural tastes better for the longer frameworks of Time, Bellram decided to go for a CGQIP programme to GJk using the FRNGS model. . And it came out via FRNGS model test that he actually is having the taste to sell the ladders to fix the created stars on Top .. 

And in the further CGQIP analysis it showed up that in order enjoy more of his current tastes, he also needs to put some hardworks to sell more of his ladders to go on Top. .

And then Bellram thought what kind of hard work and asked GJk to clarify more.. And GJk answered after some thoughts, "Now you may get married to Ksheri Rai" and continue the Gloskrutham Promotional and Lobbying Acts aimed at Nobel Prize for GJk at Value Engineering Works  (VEW) .. 

Meanwhile Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy returned from their deputed assignment from Switzerland, back to India after Bellram's PR acts of perusal for increased Co - Operation between PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation) and VEW too, so that PEC also can depute them to VEW just like JEW (Jyothi Engineering Works) deputed Ksheri Rai and Bellram along with Arjun Krishna .. 

By now Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy also wanted to settle back in India with their 3 year old Twins, a baby girl named Veda and a baby boy named Vikram born on an Akshaya Thriteeya Day evening on April 21, 2015 ..

Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy also thought proper Value Education programmes in India with VEW shall enable their children too to be better human beings in future .. 

GJk also approved their plan and gave permission to Bellram to get wed to Ksheri Rai in the next month of "Mithuna" .. 

PriyaVada was slightly dejected at Bellram getting wed to Ksheri Rai but she didn't show that dejection outwardly.. PriyamVada's Boss Kimmy Kat from PEC also approved the plan ..

And now they were all looking for a week long Grand Gala, Wedding Celebration in the First Week of July 2018 in an exotic location with select invites of guests..


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