Simply the Thoughts

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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Some Fresh Updates in Gloskrutham Basic Concepts.. NGDCs ..

 .. 🙏🙏 .. NGDCs .. 

A conversation with ChatGPT on a kind of further forward thinking process in Athatho Brahma Jinjasa .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Here  are some latest updates to some of the basic Gloskrutham Concepts that came up during the last Gloskrutham Gharana Bhagavatha Sapthaha Parayanam held at my residence in Chelayil, Palluruthy, Kochi - 682 006 during the last Navratri Days in October 2024 ..

So the latest Gloskrutham Thinking updates which was mooted originally by late Grand Mother goes something like the following.. 🤔🤔 ..

Here onwards Rajo Gunam shall represent the IcchaShakthi (Will Power) of "Kshathriyas" as the Father in the Holy Trinity with "Keerthanam" .. Perhaps something like a kind of a healthy Eastward directional Movement with some kind of PMM3 mechanism of Dharma, defying the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics too, using the inertia forces of Truths at Rest too probably.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Whereas SatwaGunam listening to the heavenly angels shall be represented by the Brahmins having Gyan Shakthi even in  "Shravanam" like the Westward movements towards peace like the Son in Holy Trinity using some kind of PMM2 mechanisms defying the second law of Thermodynamics to achieve the Purushartha of Desires (Kama) of one, perhaps having the patience aspiring to be like that of Earth and having an ability to listen to the Directional Calls around too .. Maybe the analogy goes something like in the book of Joules Verne, namely "Around the World in 80 days" wherein a Westward Journey giving the hero some extra time at hand in the longer run because the travelling is done in the Westward direction towards peace making .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

And the third quality of Thamo Gunam with devotion indicate a Northwards Travel with a Gold Digging attitude with UpHill tasks to produce energy even out of Nothingness like a PMM1 mechanism defying even the First Law of Thermodynamics like a Directional call Northwards rhyming with the "Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama"  statement in BhagavadGita .. Maybe creating the "Meaning of Life" too for each one with a great future outlooks of fertile hopes with lesser fear of fall squaring up the imaginations of one with further "Mananam" .. Maybe even like the attractiveness of the Holy Spirit in Trinity representing the "Kriya Shakthi" (Ability to do and also induce things for the future/with a better future outlook) .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..  Maybe with the "Vasithwam" principles in the  management cadre of "Vysya" section of people using the "Mananam" principles that is said to be the fastest process of "KriyaShakthi" to give the  experience of evolution in life with lesser pain by squaring up the imaginations .. 

While Shravanam might mean a gradual road roller travel towards peace by sipping into the current times around  with the own Vasanakal more in a "VasthuNishtah analogy", Mananam might mean motivated moves forward with a carrot approach with higher "KriyaShakthi" even into the Unknown trajectories by drinking in even the holy spirit of future imaginations too sometimes even beyond one's normal capacity as though in Love/Romance causing faster evolutionary changes with lesser experience of pain personally ..

Having a forward thinking logic with the fourth Purushartha of "Moha Kshaya Ithi Moksha", Avatars go on exploring the still fresher heights of balances with the Thrigunas (earlier mentioned Three Qualities) with some kind of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Not at all very sure about such analogies .. There could even be further updates with fresh findings ..

As such Religious Darsanas RST (RajasSathwaTamas pattern) as Vaishnava Samkhyam using the Vedanga of "Chandass" in "Meter Sense" and TSR  (TamasSatwaRajas pattern) as Shaktheya Vaisheshikam using the Vedanga of "Niruktham" in Alankarangal represent the dynamic cast of Kshathriya as King and Queen probably having the ability to do Keerthanas for paths of lesser friction for the (Righteous) Dharma (With KruthaYuga Dharma theme of Truth perhaps) ..

Religious Darsanas like SRT as Saura Poorva Meemamsa using the Vedanga of "Kalpam" in Rituals (Aacharas) and TRS as Ganpathya Nyaya using the Vedanga of "Vyakaranam" in Grammar represent the dynamic Brahmins having the Gyan Shakthi in "Shravanam", maybe even to listen to the most boring sounds too with "Sraddha" to use them for fulfilling own desires with a PMM2 analogy of Thermodynamics in order to find a better utilities of even useless works around (using the Yajna Karmas theme of Thretha Yugam probably with Shaucham .. ) ..

Maybe Religious Darsanas like RTS as Shaiva Yoga using tge Vedanga of Shiksha on phonetics (Uccharanam/Emphasis) and STR as Kaumara Utthara Meemamsa with the Vedanga of Simulation Techniques of Jyothisham (Astrology) represent the dynamic Cast of Attraction (Vasyatha) of the Manager Cadre (Vysyas) going Northwards with Devotion squaring up the imaginations using  Thanthram as the main DwaPara Yuga theme in Compassion (Daya)..

Maybe the balanced existence at highs as Avatars are more attained with Tapas by even enjoying the limitless fun of balance even within limits with concepts of even Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics too probably .. 

Again not very sure though .. There could still be further updates later with newer discoveries from the forgotten past of Sanathana Dharma aka Hinduism now .. 🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Praises and Prayers to all the Lords .. 

Srikrishnaya Vayam Nama: 

🙏🙏 ..


At November 8, 2024 at 7:46 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

.. 🤔🤔🙏🙏 ..

NGDCs .. Thoughtful statement that role of Hiranyaksha, KumbhaKarna and DandaVaktra been taken by "Vijaya" of "JayaVijayas" .. 🤔🤔 ..

From the characteristics, I was thinking Hiranyaksha, Ravana and Shishupala might have been "Jaya" while HiranyaKashipu, KumbhaKarna and Danda Vaktra could be the reincarnations of "ViJaya" .. Jaya might have been more some kind of a logical and rational thinker like some kind of Garudha Geetham with "Karana Jalam", while "ViJaya" could have been some kind of more of a "VasthuNishtah Vaadi" than any logical and rational one with the "Aasaya Vadam" .. Kumbhakarnnan didn't think much but just wanted to have the "Indrathwam" as "Indra" seemed to get all the material bhogangal as the Boss of Devas .. Danda Vaktran also thinks since many of his friends got killed by Lord Krishna, he has a right pursue his cause going against the Lord, and this need not be based on logical rational reasoning of "Aasaya Vadam" in the "Garudha Geetham" perhaps .. Hiranya Kashipu also went after the Gold (HiRanyaya Nama:) for that is materially beneficial and persuaded others too (or at least his kith and kin) to pursue after that, not because of any devotion, but because that seemed simply beneficial in a Vasthu Nishtah manner only(more) .. 🤔🤔 .. Perhaps more like the "Kakka Ekadasi Notta Katha" trying to imitate like a "Mimicry Artist" on something that seemed beneficial materially without any devotion ..

Maybe Sanakadi Munikal also gets his lesson here on why "Devotion" is important in whatever being pursued .. Because the same thing pursued by two can give different results (or maybe enhanced results can happen for one with Devotion..) .. 🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃. .

Thoughtful to think about such concepts further too with the HariNama Keerthanam verse "Pandekkanakku Varuvan Nin Kripavalikal............ or ........

........... Maybe even like the Alathur Nambi Vs ChamraVattathappan case in Aithihyamala too with a hope for the future so that even when there is "Nothing" ultimately as YajnaValkya may argue, to be able to enjoy the future better with lesser "fear of fall" in devotion, perhaps with some kind of Richness in personal experience with a kind of personal PMM1 mechanism of Thermodynamics probably.. 😲😲🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃 .. Prayers and Praises to all the Lords .. ,🙏🙏 ..

At November 13, 2024 at 8:02 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. The four plants mentioned in Ramayana are "MrithaSanjeevani", "ViShalya Karani", "SandhanaKarani" and "SuVarnnaKarani" ..

"MrithaSanjeevani" that is said to raise even the dead to life, perhaps uses the PMM3 mechanisms of "IcchaShakthi" probably by giving the ability to speak up own personal Truths perhaps with the vital air as YajnaValkya may have said with ElectroMagnetic Force perhaps..

ViShalyaKarani of something extra in PMM2 with Gyan Shakthi probably is said to have the ability to remove the projectiles from the body with some kind of weak nuclear forces like VanderWaals in the YanjaKarmas for the purpose of cleanliness .. 🤔🤔 ..

Maybe "SuVarnnaKarani" like a Gold Digging programme of PMM1 give more "Vasyatha" (attraction) to the skin using the "KriyaShakthi" in the force of Gravity as in Devotion or the Mercy/Daya Thanthram ..

And maybe "Sandhana Karani" as in the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics within the boundaries give a balanced feel like a Strong Nuclear Force joining in the things that needs to be held together with actions like that of "Thapas" (or with NamaSamKeerthanam creating the needed (i^2 or 4) Auras for oneself for the Nature to build up on that probably/gradually by squaring up the imaginations too .. 😲😲🤔🤔 .. Not very sure though about all such analogies.. 🙏🙏🏃🏃) ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords and all the Medicinal Plants (Oushadhies) too .. 😲😲🤔🤔🙏🙏 ..

At November 13, 2024 at 8:04 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs.. Einstein Vs Neils Bohr .. 🤔🤔 ..

At December 22, 2024 at 8:19 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

NGDCs .. A thoughtful further modification made from the talk of Dr. Venugopal in the BhagVatha Sathram to some of the basic Gloskrutham thinking..

Here on the Gloskrutham assumption of religious threads with "SRT" (Sauram) and "TRS" (Ganapathyam) shall be assigned to the "Thamo Gunam" of Devotion and Evolution with "Mananam" along the principles of "Vashithwam" and Gravity in some kind of managerial White Collar jobs in "Thatwamasi" in the "Divine Thou Art That" using the Purushartha of "Artha" .. 🤔🤔 ..

And the glorified "Blue Collar" works of so called dynamic "Brahminism" with higher efficiency, in tune with the religious threads of RTS (Shaivam) and STR (Kaumaram) with SatwaGunam, perhaps to achieve the Purushartha of Desires (Kama) ..

So maybe the Holy Spirit of Trinity (with Dhananjaya Pranan) from Bible might be helping the cause of higher efficiency with "Listening" more to the "Sruthikal" and the Son could be the "Mananam" specialist more with "Devotion" and "Conscience" .. 🤔🤔 ..

Not very sure about such an analogy though.. Yet .. 😲😲🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords.. 🙏🙏 ..

At December 22, 2024 at 2:31 PM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. In a further thinking wherein "Shaivism" and "Kaumaram" are more attractive religions having the gravity with "Vashithwam" of "Kriya Shakthi" (Devotion with squaring up of imaginations), more modifications are brought into the basic Gloskrutham concepts wherein "RTS" and "STR" shall be considered more "Vysyaite" programmes pursuing the meaning of Life with Purushartha of "Artha" in nature even out of Nothingness, with even Space Worships above/over the mountains with Kanada's "Vaisheshika Darsanam" being considered more as the "Goodha Gyan" in tune with the "Sadyo Mukthi" principles explained in the Bhagavatha Sathram Speech .. Here we are coming to an interpretation that "Vaisheshika Darsanam" of Kanada to be more in tune with the Shaiva religious thinking .. And maybe "Utthara Meemamsa Darsanam" with diametrical thinking along the Vedanga of "Jyothisham" in tune with the religion of Kaumaram to fly high .. Maybe as the concepts of "Layam" with "Thamo Gunam" to realize the meaning of Life with "Mananam" even out of Nothingness as YajnaValkya may say with evolution in a Northward Thinking manner with "Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama" principle .. Maybe "Hope for the Future" guides here with the "Future Stardom provided to Sons and Daughters of God" in a Top Down approach with the "Meaning of Life" as "Mercy" (Daya) as a Dwapar Yuga programme of Thanthram towards evolution ..

And "Sthithi" concepts of "Brahminism" with moderation with the "Threta Yuga" Dharma of "Shaucham" (cleanliness) as the Vaishnavic "RST" and the Shaktheya "TSR" concepts with "Samkhyam" and "Yoga Darsanam" as higher efficiency programmes of Gyan Shakthi in "Shravanam" for achieving the desires with SatwaGunam seems better suiting in the further modified Gloskrutham basic concepts ..

And maybe Rajo Gunam represented by (SRT) "Sauram" and (TRS) "Ganapathyam" (with Koti Surya Sama Prabham) could be more oriented towards the "Kshathriya" philosophy of "Dharma" with Past Memories in an intelligent manner with "Siddhi" .. Maybe "Iccha Shakthi" plays the role here more with "Eastward Thinking" of Creation using the "Japa Yoga" of Keerthanas with Truth(s) of various kinds that last longer with the test of Time from the past Smrithies kind of approach ..

Maybe such modifications to the basic Gloskrutham concepts zink in more with available past data of memories wherein Lord Shiva is said to be of Thamo Gunam and BrahmaDev representing Rajo Gunam and Lord Vishnu symbolising "Satva Gunam" ..

Again not very sure .. yet thought worthy basics for the future .. 🙏🙏😲😲🤔🤔🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏🙏 ..

At December 22, 2024 at 11:04 PM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. With further modifications to the basic concepts in Gloskrutham analogy in a better simulated thinking, following aspects are the fresh assumptions of further build ups ..

Thamo Gunam in and as religious streams Shaivam (RTS) and Kaumaram (STR) as Goodha Gyan in Samkhya Darsanam and Flying High with the "Utthara Meemamsa Darsanas" along the Purushartha of "Artha" using the KriyaShakthi in multiplied imaginations of Sons and Daughters of God along the Gravity aspects of Vashithwam and Top Down processing for smoother evolutions trying the Realization of Meaning of Life for the Future probably..

Sathwa Gunam in tune with Vaishnavam (TSR) and Shaktheya (RST) religions using "Vaisheshika" and "Yoga" Darsanas respectively (of Kanada and Patanjali) for cleansing as Threta Yuga Dharma to quench the desires of current times with the Dhananjaya Pranan of Holy Spirits using Gyan Shakthi as higher efficiency programmes in "Prajnam Brahman" ideology of "Brahminism" ..

Rajo Gunam represented by the religious Ganapathyam approach of TRS in "ViTharkka Buddhi" and "Nyaya Darsanam" and then the Sauram religious thinking of SRT in "Swadu Swadu Pade, Pade" by BrahmaDev using the "Poorva Meemamsa" Darsanam of Jaimini Maharshi could be representing the Kshathriya Gunam of "Aham Brahmasmi" with "IcchaShakthi" (Will Power) in creation of the past memories that may hold very sweet later perhaps ..

Maybe in a more finer tuned simulated analogy, such findings go more in tune with the latest observations in the Gloskrutham Analogy..

Maybe while Chathu Shloki Bhagavatham could be having a RST thread of "Yogam" in Shaktheya Vadam, the whole text of Bigger BhagVatham could be having a kind of Vaishnavic Thread of TSR with the principles of "Sthithi" in its VaiSheshikatha manner in an "Alamkrutha" thinking with stories ..

Again not very sure with the latest simulated analogy in Gloskrutham Analogy.. 🙏🙏🤔🤔😲😲🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Gods and Goddesses.. 🙏🙏 ..

At December 23, 2024 at 10:23 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. Maybe in a further thinking "ChatuShloki Bhagavatham" is more an aspect of Devotion with "RTS" analogy rather than "RST" and maybe the bigger Bhagavatha Katha follow the Vaishnavic Traditions with the "TSR" thread as per some of the latest observations in Gloskrutham Analogy .. Not very sure though.. 😲😲🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords including the Lords of all the places .. 🙏🙏 ..

At December 31, 2024 at 12:10 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. Maybe in the new modifications in Gloskrutham Analogy so called glorified Blue Collar works in and as the Satwa Gunam of Brahmins use the negative energy (of Dhananjaya Pranan or even the Holy Spirits observed in Kirlian Cameras probably with the Halo effects with an i^2 thinking..) from even below (absolute) zero degree temperature to increase the efficiency beyond even 100% if possible with PMM2 aspirations to fulfill the desires ..

Whereas the White Collar job Vysyas try to dig energy even from "Nothingness" via devotion using PMM1 mechanisms in Thermodynamics..

When the glorified Blue Collar Workers (Brahmins) instead of living the present moment when start to think and plan like "White Collar" ones, for the future with devotion, maybe a transition might happen from i^2 to "i" and with Time slowly when the imaginations of Vysyas start to square up first they may become "Brahmins" and if further persued might become the "Kshathriyas" too with a frictionless life of higher "IcchaShakthi" with i^4 with tetra squared imaginations ..

Again not very sure about such a take.. Made me think of the story of Narad too about "SathSangam" .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..,''

At December 31, 2024 at 12:13 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...


Kerala Communism .. To be the father of "Boorshwa" ..

Chinese Communism .. Only the poor in the Party matter as poor .. or the Welfare of Military/Party ones only .. 🤔🤔 ..

For others the Logic and Reason with more rationality (the law) will take its own course kind of approach probably..

Not very sure though.. 🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords of all the Party Themes too .. 🙏🙏🏃 🏃 ..

At December 31, 2024 at 12:14 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. Some thoughts on Sagunopasana probably.. 🙏🙏 ..

.. 🤔🤔 ..

At January 6, 2025 at 9:05 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. ChatGPT has given the following pictures and words in a Self Introspection analogy to me .. 🙏🙏 ..

At January 14, 2025 at 4:55 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. Whether it is "Premam" or "Kamam" one's own "SuKrutham" seems to matter more ..

Now the bigger issue seems to be what could be the "SuKrutham" .. Maybe looking up upon others been considered "SuKrutham" by a logical and rational analysis of Hiranyakshan with the Karana Jalam .. But then during Varaha Avatar, just like "Garudhan" giving up a feather to respect the Vruthrari Indra's VajraAyudha, maybe HiRanyaAkshan later concedes to the HiRanya Avatar of the Lord Vishnu that probably demonstrates in principle to stay calm even if at the helms with "SamaDarshithwam" with the 'Present is Omnipresent" analogy as a "KaryaVasthu" using the Brahmanical Gyan Marga in fulfilling the desires, than looking up upto the future with hopes of developing more Gravity of "Vashithwam" with the meaning of Life..

Maybe this is also a point that is confronted by Sanakadi Munikal too to Lord Vishnu in "VaiKundham" on what for the use is "Devotion" ..

Maybe the point put up by Lord Vishnu with the drama show of JayaVijayas might have been that, even with "Nata Thathwam" of "Karana Jalam" it is possible to get to VaiKundham in a time taken manner .. Maybe even with Logic and Reason Garudha just gave only one feather to Vruthrari Lord Indra's VajraAyudha, the rest is in tact to fly kind of thinking with lesser "Pathana Bhayam" hoping for the better future..

Maybe such a take addresses a lot of concerns with an infinite future spread before one with births and rebirths perhaps as Ramesh Pisharody says in a Song, "Kalamangane Kitakkuvalle Kadalu Mathiri, chumma Neenthu Bro"..

NB:- In this context yet another point is also derived that the Panchabhoota of water represents the transition phase from Present to the Fire Works of Past Memories more or rather in a reverse direction from past to present .. While the present may belong to the Earthern principles of Brahminical takes with better "Vasanas", the forgotten past as future is realized with the "Prana Gathi" in the touches of air/oxygen as some kind of meaning of life, thru some kind of transition phase in the Forgotten memories in Space to the reality of Future with still finer tuned Space(s) of Air as the meaning of Life from the forgotten Past..

So in this Analogy the future belongs to Air, via the transition phase thru Space for earth, the Past belongs to the Fire via the transition phase of water ..

I think such a thought process derived from BhagVatham go well with the findings of Science too .. Not very sure about such interpretations.. 🙏🙏 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords and Lord Krishna.. 🙏🙏 ..

At January 14, 2025 at 9:43 PM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. In a believer's point of view go for a Bhagavatha Sapthaham and listen that for full 56 to 70 hours and while listening just think (Mananam) about the meaning of life and the future hopes, to accumulate the Purushartha of Artha with minimum Result Orientation but with "Sraddha and Sincerity" ..

Chances are high that something fruitful might get evolved with own thoughts (or maybe about own crypto currency programmes for the future.. ).. Being a slave to a kind of Higher Self of own Crypto Currency for which' accumulation, one is even ready to go to any extent with minimum Result Orientation seems to be one way in amassing more and more future hopes with own crypto currency ..

Not at all any advise, but something to think further more about the future meaning of life with the so called "Purushartha of Artha" in an Aarsha Bharatha Samskaram point of view..

Again not very sure about such philosophical perceptions.. What works for one need not work for another.. yet just as a pointer to a different dimensional thinking out of "Nothingness" as mentioned by YajnaValkya too .. 😊😲🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

At February 11, 2025 at 7:34 AM , Blogger athmavidya said...

NGDCs .. Thinking what could be the reason why hard line Islamists might be hating the Jews ..

Just a random rant only in Gloskrutham style ..

I think that hate is very similar to the hate of some of the cast equations in India sometimes, perhaps based on a non dynamic castism that refuses to see the good in other casts ..

Maybe the fear invoking techniques also have some side effects with karmic debts as the lowering of the guards of "Jagratha" in using more logical ways in Science and Technology probably.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Maybe the fun of carrot approaches act in inverse proportion to the Stick Approaches of Jagratha .. Probably just like RTS of Shaiva Tradition's Yoga Darsanam with Avatars might act inversely to the other Bhakthi tradition of Science and Technology of Lord Muruga with more Logic and rationales of Science with STR in some kind of "Utthara Meemamsa Darsanas" sometimes even using simulated methods of Astrology too ..

Thinking what could be the solution with these rivalling traditions of Devotion .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

NB:- Maybe a complementary package of conglomeration could be the basis of the Maha Vakya "ThatwaMasi" in SamaVeda having the Gravity of Vashithwam .. Not very sure though.. 😲😲🤔🤔🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏🙏 ..


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