NGDCs .. Kathitham Kathanakam .. Interesting perspectives in Bhagavatham ..
[29/12 07:35] GloskruthamJayakrishnan:
यद्यपि ब्रह्मसंबन्धाच्छ्रुतमेतत्सुरर्षिणा । सप्ताहश्रवणविधिः कुमारैस्तस्य भाषितः॥२२॥
शौनक उवाच
लोकविग्रहमुक्तस्य नारदस्यास्थिरस्य च । विधिश्रवे कुतः प्रीतिः संयोगः कुत्र तैः सह॥२३॥
सूत उवाच
अत्र ते कीर्तयिष्यामि भक्तियुक्तं कथानकम् । शुकेन मम यत्प्रोक्तं रहः शिष्यं विचार्य च॥२४॥
एकदा हि विशालायां चत्वार ऋषयोऽमलाः । सत्संगार्थं समायाता ददृशुस्तत्र नारदम्॥ २५॥
NGDCs .. Above stated are some verses from Bhagavatha Mahathmyam .. If you try to look at the word meanings of it in one particular way, interesting to note that Soothan, a great scholar and disciple of Sri Shuka seems to be telling the questioner Brahmin Shaunaka, who asked "How to alienate the Fears of Material World (Samsara Bhayam) ?" that, "When Shuka or the pious ones go on talking, one needs to try and find the "Kathanakam", the inside of the story or the Sound in a devotted manner .. Maybe Vishala Manaskar (Broad Minded ones ) might find one meaning inside any talks around, Chatur ones might find 4 meanings inside and likes of Narad who do the so called Sathsang along with good people may find innumerous meanings from time to time (Samayatha - Samayathinanusarichu (in accordance with time) too probably )..
Maybe the fuelling engine of "BhagVath" flight also seems to be Devotted enquiries and explorations into the unknown inside of talks and stories of SathSang with good people ..
Devotion probably also take a meaning that it could be the prayer posture or could even be the emotional mood of realising the lesser(lowered) ego of one ie felt when one is unaware and unknown of the situations that one gets put up in with like AnoRaneeyan MahathoMaheeyan "Bigger than the Biggest and Smaller than the Smallest" ..
Thoughtful .. 🤔🙏 ..
[29/12 07:36] GloskruthamJayakrishnan: