Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sandranandam.. Gloskrutham Story ..

Sandranandam. . Gloskrutham Story ..

NGDCs ..

The wedding between Bellram and Ksheri Rai is all set and planned well in advance by the wedding planner to be held in an exotic location in Nainital as per an experimental social theme conducted by VEW (Value Engineering Works) and PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation) .. They have already reached a secret pact agreement with Ksheri Rai and Bellram, that "Shanti Muhoortham" (HoneyMoonFirstNight) shall be planned only after GJk wins the Nobel Prize for Gloskrutham Literature Art , the promotion and lobbying responsibility of which is upon Bellram..

The theme that they were planning was a kind of good old Aachara on Tantra wherein the Rithwics asks for a cat and a kotta  (box) and keep that Cat inside that Kotta (Box) , maybe like a Shrodinger's cat inside that Kotta (Box) till the rituals are over and success is met with .. or maybe like Penelope arranging a test for her admirers in Odyssey to save her for OdiSeuse  .. This plan was suggested and deviced by Jyothi Engineering Works  (JEW) which support and do the Hologram activities  needed for these internationally funded Value Education Programmes of VEW .. PEC is also  Co - Operating with VEW in this project now with some "Niche" Sectors of operation. .

So JEW brought up with this plan of keeping a cat inside a box from the day of Bellram's wedding till Shanti Muhoortham day feeding it through a small bird door that can be opened and closed till Bellram achieve success in his Lobbying. . Everything was set and the programme been planned to Take Off with a private airline hired for Ninital in the first week of July and then Lo' on behold and the CEO of PEC, Kimmikat has now appointed a new assistant above Ishindra Kaur and her name is Sandra TOmas VarghesE and she is the one who doesn't like much the boxing in programmes and in her audit objection report she said that it is a very costly affair with a too costly marriage proposal .. She added it is an over expenditure like spending without thinking  of how much the income / revenue is going to be .. So spending too much for a marriage that can have or get into too many legal complications with the whims and fancies of individuals involved needs to be avoided .. 

Sandra added that Aacharas are to be modified and evolved with existing times' rules and regulations .. Need not something to follow blindly for all .. In good old times marriages or rather (Sambandhas in Kerala) were not much legally binding with "MaruMakkathaya (Maternal) systems , but off late with the Makkathathaya  (Paternal Systems) taking a stronger hold in society, marriages brings in many other responsibilities too .. So it is actually a risky affair to spend too much on a legally binding programme which might be having so many other clauses too against the originally planned theme objective.. 

Sandra TOmas VarghesE added that in good old times the Aachara of putting a cat in a box came up probably because some cat might have made some problems during the rituals and the Rithwics may have asked to bring the Kotta (Box) to arrest that Cat .. and later the predecessors without understanding the point might have made it a compulsory custom to bring up a cat and lock it down .. So we must try to get into the root cause of these Aacharas and needs to take only those that logically appeals more to us, and that too in a more evolved sense with current time's rules and regulations too.. We need not follow all these Aacharas as said or put up by JEW .. Maybe Kosher Food Concepts are fine but that need not mean to be blind to other cheaper and better options.. And thus with her audit objections Sandy opened up a Pandora's box of opinion winds in search of higher quality..

Ishindra Kaur immediately jumped up as she had given the assurance to VEW that, she shall get the approval of KimmiKat too on behalf of PEC.. And with the audit objections put up by Sandy (Sandra) , KimmiKat by now got a still better idea of cost estimate and price that needs to be paid for the programme announced an immediate withdrawel of PEC from the event and asked Ishindra Kaur to sit down with a frown because she did not abreast her properly regarding these issues .. which gave some heart filling joy to PriyamVada too .. PriyamVada  had some harsh feelings towards Ishindra Kaur for taking the project in charge role with VEW that she been expecting with all the Chai Pe Charcha and other hard toiling efforts that she had put up, to bring together PEC and VEW .. And over that , to top up, she also got boxed in by Ishindra Kaur over the selection of exotic location without any explanations given .. PriyamVada really felt good at the treatment that Ishindra received from Kimmikat though it was also going to make all her previous efforts too, a waste, of time and money. . 

But Ishindra Kaur never belonged to that culture of people who give up so easily and she always looked for possibilities to make things work .. She sternly got up and asked Kimmikat and Sandra.. "What is your real objection at ?.. Is it on money spend or the unseen and unlimited legal clauses of marriages that can get the orginal project objectives to jeopardy. . ?"..

While Sandra replied, both matter, CEO KimmIkat said it is more the legal binding clauses of marriage that can go against this project's objectives.. 

And then calmly Ishindra Kaur replied , "Then why can't we think of exploring the chances and options of "Living Together" .. The clauses of deemed marriage applies to that only if the two goes on and on for a considerably longer time, maybe as per the descretion of the court .."

"And then probably we don't need a marriage ceremony but can have a vacation party in this guise, if Sandra's budget allows too .."

Kimmikat smiled at the stern statement and suggestion put up by IshindraKaur and decided that they shall make a "Living Together" agreement between Ksheri Rai and Bellram with clauses attached that anyone can withdraw at any time without any claims whatsoever and made the secret pact too intact with Bellram and Ksheri Rai that they shall have the "Shanti Muhoortham" only after GJk wins the Nobel Prize or in other words, after Bellram succeeds in his PR and Lobeying campaign for Gloskrutham Literature Art Promo. . 

And instead of a grand gala one week Exotic Location Wedding Ceremony at Ninital, they decided for a small party for just a day at an Ayurveda Resort as suggested by PriyamVada originally.. 

And once Bellram and Ksheri Rai started the "Living Together" as per the agreement made and started going for their jobs as a regular routine concert, Ksheri Rai's father took a flight to the Sathpura Mountains. .

Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Wedding Planning. . Gloskrutham Story. .

A Wedding Planning..  Gloskrutham Story..

NGDCs. . 

With Bellram getting wed to Ksheri Rai and also with the return of Senior Executives like Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy to PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation..), PriyamVada slightly felt threatened and dejected in her role in PEC, and maybe felt a lil like the Heroine who is much lesser than her age as in the movie "The Edge of Seventeen" ..

PriyamVada actually didn't like much the idea of Bellram getting wed to Ksheri Rai.. But she didn't show that outwardly. . Working with Bellram and the Chai pe Charcha programmes did fascinate some hopes in her .. And she didn't like much a variation theme planned with she getting appointed into a position that Ishindra Kaur once handled  with Bellram put into wed lock with Ksheri Rai .. She was fascinating to take up the current post offered to Ishindra when she enthusiastically persuaded Bellram to make an alliance between PEC and VEW (Value Engineering Works) with Chai pe Charcha programmes. .

Now when the alliance is got forged, she didn't get her favourite post and instead got put up to deal with GJk whose methods and ways were hated by her, for which sheer reason, she left the job at VEW earlier to join PEC .. 

But with more experience and realization of proceedings, she decided to put up and patch up with GJk somehow. .  And there is a meeting been called to discuss the wedding of Bellram and Ksheri Rai and how that canbe used for the Campaigns of VEW..

Despite her reluctance at the hyped wedding plan to show a moderate face of VEW before the public using some secret agreements on Samaya Tantra with Bellram and Ksheri Rai, PriyamVada still gave a suggestion to GJk in the meeting , that the exotic location planned for the wedding can be some AyurVedic Resort, so that there shall be some boost also to AyurVedic Tourism in a philanthropic thinking wherein AyurVedic methods are said to be of Richer Experiences .. 

But immediately Ksheri Rai and Arjun Krishna team from JEW (Jyothi Engineering Works) opposed to that suggestion.. They argued PriyamVada is giving such a suggestion, because some of her relatives are having AyurVedic Resorts .. 

They said it should be a One Week plan in Nainital near the Lake with the invited guests .. Arjun Krishna also added that one of his uncle's relative is having a very nice Luxurious Resort at Nainital and he can get discounts for the programme. . 

PriyamVada argued back that it could be difficult for the relatives of Bellram and Ksheri Rai to reach Nainital on the wedding day as most of them are in Southern Kerala..

Arjun Krishna retorted back that, they shall take all the invited relatives and guests to Nainital in a Charted Flight itself if needed, One Week before to Nainital for a week's Celebration programme arranged by his Wedding Planner friend. .

PriyamVada asked, and then what about others who can't spend one week at the Wedding Location for the week long celebration programmes. . 

And Arjun Krishna immediately replied that only those who are really ready to put aside a week's time away from their daily buzz shall be entertained to come by flight.. Others having genuine concerns for the bride and groom may join the party at any time in between on their own .. 

PriyamVada asked again whether it is a correct, ethical stance with invited guests' freedom of choices. .

And then Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy intervened and said, they support Arjun Krishna's programme schedule on behalf of PEC and shall get the approval from their boss KimmyKat too ..

PriyamVada felt bruised on her ego and  thought what to do next with her bruises at multiple levels................................

Saturday, June 2, 2018

NGDCs. . A Gloskrutham Story of Lies ..

NGDCs. . A Gloskrutham Lies Story ..

(Courtesy to a Speech made by Sarvasree  Prof. Vaidyalinga Sharma Sir on Lies..) ..

Bellram thought to himself what kind of an Upper Cast he could be whether a Scholary One like a Brahmin, Or an YajurVedi like enjoying the funs within and giving funs without with myriad of imaginations and multiplicity of meanings, Or the one trying to appease "ThatwaMasi " principles, or the one enjoying the Jack of All, Master of None trait who never see any death nor birth of anyone like an Atharvi taking the essence fun of everything at a lower plane of Valleys rather than Hills .. 

Suddenly he remembered a Scholary speech, wherein the talk was about liars .. 

One Liar said he had great fun in creating the Stars and really enjoy displaying them to the World ..

Then the next one said, he actually pasted the stars in the Sky with the gum..

The third liar said that he actually provided the Ladder to go to Sky and fix the stars in the Sky..

And then the Fourth one thought whether, he could be the one holding ladder for all the other three .. 

And to know about his natural tastes better for the longer frameworks of Time, Bellram decided to go for a CGQIP programme to GJk using the FRNGS model. . And it came out via FRNGS model test that he actually is having the taste to sell the ladders to fix the created stars on Top .. 

And in the further CGQIP analysis it showed up that in order enjoy more of his current tastes, he also needs to put some hardworks to sell more of his ladders to go on Top. .

And then Bellram thought what kind of hard work and asked GJk to clarify more.. And GJk answered after some thoughts, "Now you may get married to Ksheri Rai" and continue the Gloskrutham Promotional and Lobbying Acts aimed at Nobel Prize for GJk at Value Engineering Works  (VEW) .. 

Meanwhile Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy returned from their deputed assignment from Switzerland, back to India after Bellram's PR acts of perusal for increased Co - Operation between PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation) and VEW too, so that PEC also can depute them to VEW just like JEW (Jyothi Engineering Works) deputed Ksheri Rai and Bellram along with Arjun Krishna .. 

By now Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy also wanted to settle back in India with their 3 year old Twins, a baby girl named Veda and a baby boy named Vikram born on an Akshaya Thriteeya Day evening on April 21, 2015 ..

Ishindra Kaur and Jithendar Roy also thought proper Value Education programmes in India with VEW shall enable their children too to be better human beings in future .. 

GJk also approved their plan and gave permission to Bellram to get wed to Ksheri Rai in the next month of "Mithuna" .. 

PriyaVada was slightly dejected at Bellram getting wed to Ksheri Rai but she didn't show that dejection outwardly.. PriyamVada's Boss Kimmy Kat from PEC also approved the plan ..

And now they were all looking for a week long Grand Gala, Wedding Celebration in the First Week of July 2018 in an exotic location with select invites of guests..