Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

PeruMattom (BehaviourCoding) ..

 #72 #Gloskrutham Story

PeruMattom.. (BehaviourCoding) ..


GJk was reading the news flash in TOI that Preity Zinta's IPL team of Punjab has changed its name (Peru)..

At that time Rajive Singhania Saheb, the head of Networking division in Value Engineering Works (VEW) called on GJk.. He asked GJk for an appointment the next day and added if that can be a brain storming session along with Arjun, Sandra, Bellram and Ksheri Rai it could be better.. GJk readily agreed to the request of Singhania Saheb and called on a meeting of all concerned the next day..

Next day in the meeting Singhania Saheb said that it's okay to go on producing Gloskrutham VEW products with different different strategies.. But when it is taken to Gyan Yajna platforms, even while there are no guarantees offered with disclaimers, it's better to take care of the feed backs ie coming out and make appropriate changes to the products..

Then GJk asked what's matter that Saheb Rajive Singhania is trying to put up .. Whether he means to reduce the range of products from VEW with specific focus with a kind of controlled production so that a better organised marketing is possible rather than just doing the mass production irrespective of the needs and then shoving those products down into the throats of clients withOut much assessing the real needs of the customers.. πŸ€” ..

Saheb Rajive Singhania replied, "No, No .. After all, likes of US, think that any product has a customer and we try to find the best one for a better Quality Fit for the product trying to dissuade some customers, like the WasteBasket Recycling Zink, to the maximum extent possible using the units of Resistance .. '

"The intention of suggestion been incorporating the customers inertia towards a few points.. Of course Freshness is Great.. But bringing in some modifications in tune with the Ancestral Glory might help to avoid a probable situation in which Shambhooka Rishi got killed in "Utthara Ramayana" for the lack of Aim in the Motion of Mind, that later probably led Lord Ram to leave Sita (Earth/Bhoomi) Devi, facilitating the Heavenly ascendance of Lord Ram too perhaps thru Sarayu ..

GJk then asked, "Do you mean Freshness is to be treated as a kind of Natural Consequence that emerge with "Assimilating the Customer Feedbacks" thru "Mananam" (Thinking Within) and bringing out probable solutions via Keerthanam (Saying that aloud at least like a soliloquy)" ..

Saheb Rajive Singhania said, "Mr.GJk, What you seems to be stressing at is a kind of "Saura" Religious View point with the 3rd question in BhagVatham on how Avatars happen" .. "Irrespective of Cast, Creed, Wealth and Religion Bhagavan has helped innumerous number of people in various ways including the creation of  Free Hospital Service  .. πŸ€” .. "

"But that is not the point here.. A thought process that make such things and visions  possible for the needy is great and fine.. But what I am trying to say is a lil different from that.. Maybe  lil more than like a Y2K  issue that needs a Renaming.."

.. πŸ€”πŸ˜² ..

Arjun intervened now as though getting into a gun to make a shoot.. Arjun said, "Is it not something like Electrons are the real Charge carriers, but by conventions been termed negative.."..

Singhania Saheb smiled and said, "Yep, and a lil more too my dear child.." ..

Bellram asked a lil hesitantly and suspiciously, "Has it got something to do with the RigVedic Brahmins' complaint to the Kings of ancient times that their off - springs were being called fools or "Pottanmar" and made fun of for their inability in Socialising good enough like others, with their comparitively lower interpersonal skills paving way to demands from Mafia to provide them only lesser and lesser Social Interfacing Infrastructure materials in tune with their natural DNA tastes of Inertia .. Maybe like Nedumudi Venu's daughter Monisha not appreciating Manoj K Jayan  good enough for his lesser socialising skills in the Malayalam movie PerumThatchan.. "

"Or maybe like in the family gatherings while all other lesser educated family members in the business field comes in latest model posh cars, Engineer brother coming in a good old Maruthi Car, or Scooter or in a Public Transport Vehicle being made fun of as what's the big deal in studying well, look at his pity plight and ours kind of nudges by other street smart family members .."

Singhania Saheb just smiled only and kept silence for sometime taking a few deep breaths, probably as though giving a still deeper thought into what's said by Bellram ..

Ksheri Rai intervened and said, Saheb Rajive Singhaniajie has already stated, he wants avoid  the situation of killing the Shambhooka Rishi and wants to solve this in a better manner if possible ..

Hearing all these, Sandra too put up her two cents and asked whether it has got something to do with the fights between Nimi and Vasishtah Muni over giving the Rishi Gauthama a revered position in the ordeals as said in Utthara Ramayana's "Nruga Chartham" episode 2oo probably ..

Saheb Rajive Singhania listened to all carefully and said, "The prestine glory of RigVedic ThatwaSamhita started getting called to be a kind of idiocy by the organised Semitic Bhakthas doing BhajaGovindam, probably because the practitioners don't try the "Nahi, Nahi" Rakshathi Dukringekarane aspects with patience and Iccha Shakthi by playing again and again within one's own mind with "Tapas" so that it appears as a personal Truth for oneself like wearing a green glass.. Probably which differentiated Viru Sahasrabuddhi and Chatur in 3 idiots ..

Bellram mean time made a hush hush that he didn't get the point good enough as the Utaman's interventions and attempts in the movie Sandesam trying to somehow figure out all the statements made by Singhania Saheb into some kind of a cognitable pretext ..

Ksheri Rai immediately asked Bellram to keep quiet with an "ishhhhh" by putting her index finger on lips to let Singhania Saheb talk further..

Singhania Saheb just looked and smiled at Ksheri Rai and continued into his attempts to tell what he intends ..

In a "ChinMudra" outlook of excellence, attribution of the second question in BhagVatham to fly high with a concept of "SuMandaGathaye" programme to the logical and rational religion "Kaumaram" of  Lord "SuBrahmanya" seems slightly misleading with the populist perceptional concept of 6th house's Lord Kumara as mentioned in the Nandanam serial episode mentioned earlier in this post .. RigVedins usually try to reduce the friction with the Purushartha of Dharma by wearing a green glass rather than painting green..ΰ΄΅ΰ΄Ώΰ΄˜ΰ΄Έΰ΄‚

For example if somebody says there are multiple number of PunarJanmas for one, he or she may not disagree but might think within, that at each moment one dies and takes rebirth too at the same time.. We don't look same as when we were two years old.. Maybe the one stating such a thing might be having a different perception but when one agrees with him or her externally, he or she may feel happy, and in the meantime within mind, one can have a different perception of the entire statement with evolutions further within reducing the friction considerably with the external world and yet keeping an inner consciousness.. Whatever constructs anyone might assume, in the end only the Divine Will of Thee only shall manifest like all ours' or the other ones's planning and assumptions just acting like some left over poles only for a Pole Vault jump styled manifestations of Thee.. In an "Aarkkariyam_ (Who knows) scenario neither the statements of oneself nor of others need not manifest as planned.. So why worry within too kind of scenario letting the Shambhooka Rishi to do the Tapas on his own way.. Maybe in a world of grace by the Divine Lord maybe sometimes Lord Ram's principle of aim as path might get spoken up and might get saved from Lord Parasuram and some other times that need not happen too ..

Yet we plan to the finest possible ways by us and shall try to implement a step below as suggested in the Samkhya Analogy..

Then Arjun asked, if so why should we change towards the latest finer tuned new strategy .. We could go with the older method itself..

Singhania Saheb told back that newer strategies to the maximum extent are to be put up in open with Gyan Yajnas to see some Newer Dravya Gunas of personal Funs and Higher Quality Realisations.. So when that happens personally the strategy put out in open is a step below the "Amoortha Personal Realisation funs of Personal Quality Heights" which need not be expressable .. It is also termed "Upadhithe Nivarthyantham Aprapya Manasa Saha:" ..

So going again and again on and on with/after the highest expressed / expressable strategy is always a secondary thing only with the newer Dravya Gunas ie Non Expressable, acting more like a personal fun of Tapas with the "AnoRaneeyanMahathoMaheeyan" heights of still higher Realisations previously  Unknown, which needs to be encouraged for youngsters too to achieve.. Probably for the hypocrites to find a still bigger hypocrite and a criminal to find a still bigger criminal than oneself in God, even at the worst height extremes of Quality probably.. And maybe also for a good one to find a still better good one too at the heights of Quality ..

Sandra then put out a kind of audit objection that, So...... Do you think if a criminal doesn't go to his or her Quality heights possible, will he or she escape the wrath of God ? .. 

Singhania Saheb just smiled and replied they may Realize a much bigger than themselves Gods of Mediocrity.. 

Bellram murmured slightly in a low voice to Ksheri Rai ,  "Seems more Rubbish to me than any reality though" ..

When Singhania Saheb saw the "KushuKushukkal" (Murmuring) of Bellram to Ksheri Rai, he said jokingly whether Bellram is practising the advice of Prabha Varma Sir in writing poetry in a meter (Vruttham) ..

(NB:- Prabha Varma sir once said in Kairali channel programme that writing the poetry in a Vruttham or Meter is like putting out the breath thru a Conch making a much more beautiful sound than that of plain talk..)..

Slightly unsettled Ksheri Rai gave a "Rooksha Nottam" (Tough Look) at Bellram to keep quiet and said to Singhania Saheb a "Sorry" and said it's just a personal remainder matter only and asked Sir to continue further with an expression as though she is very eager to listen to what Singhania Saheb has got to tell next ..

Singhania Saheb replied, "Are Beti, no need to tell any sorry as the incident brings up a point that in an onward journey "Krishna Yajur Vedam" might seem like "Sama Vedam" .. Like the (initial) laxity that's felt by DasGanu Maharaj in the servant of Kakka Saheb Dixit.."

Actually Bellram's murmuring reminds that in order to Realize the still greater Divine Higher Self even the great scholars had to bow their head with a reduced ego, before Uncertainty, trying a tryst of experimentation with Divinity ..  Once Realized, it is fine to go to the personal Quality heights of Uncertainty again and again with a "Nahi, Nahi" Rakshathi Dukringekarane, as one has already Realized that, that Quality height that one reaches shall get dwarfed as a step below Secondary thing only before a still Grandeur Personal Realisation Experience than what may have achieved at the heights of their Quality.. 

But for a One who has not gone to that Personal height of a kind of Glorious Realisation, it's okay to deliberately keep a step low with murmuring which can probably help in increasing the Threshold Energy to go beyond a Mediocore Realisation of Divine with an "Ye, Dil Mange More" fired up attitude.. Even Uddhava could have advised "ViDura" but sent him to Maithreya Muni probably because of the better mutually understanding resonance vibes.. Despite not having a good resonance initially with "Uddhava", ViDura found a good resonating vibe of a Grandeur Divine when Uddhavar asked ViDurar to go away from him to the Maithreya Muni for his Realisation of Inner Gyan.. Bowing before Uddhavar might have personally increased the threshold energy of ViDurar when he meets "Maithreya Muni" to increase his resonance with a more Rational and Logical approach put up by Maithreya Muni to exclaim before the wonders of a still Grandeur Divine, than the mediocritic "Choringum, Koorangum" calls of Duryodhana..

Maybe Lord Krishna didn't respond to the complaining "Brahmin" about his children going astray which probably prompted Arjuna respond on behalf of Lord Krishna.. Ideally had the Brahmins studied good enough their own texts of RigVeda good enough with the Practical Knowledge of 'Prajnam Brahma", they may not have needed to sing "BhajaGovindam, BhajaGovindam" and instead might have understood "Nahi, Nahi" Rakshathi Dukringekarane from their own deeper studies into their own ancient RigVedic scriptures and texts on "Practical Knowledge", rather than trying to instigate the killing of  "Shambhooka Rishi" with a kind of UltaPulta analogy .. Any model of Success can sometimes work and sometimes need not 2oo, like story of "Two Crows doing the Ekadasi Nokkal Vrutham and getting different results upon imitating the same procedure.. like one while succeeded the other didn't "  ..

Then in between Arjun interfered and said "again", "Isn't it something like, at the greater fine tuned heights of "KaraPitikkal" (arriving/landing on lands from KaranaJalam..), even the KaranaVasthu of Logic and Reason is also a KaryaVasthu only" ..

Singhania Saheb replied, "Arjun, now you are catching up faster and better.. Only thing is that perceived heights of arriving at lands (SitaDevi) are more like droplets of waves above Ocean manytines though, which in reality, could even be like just one or two feathers of Garudha that can be cut easily by the Vajrayudha of "Vruthrari Indra Dev anytime as it's said the existence of life itself upon this Universe is a Grace of God only with SuKrutham from the past ie known or unknown as decided by Thee and need not be any rights ..

Developing IcchaShakthi with the Tapas might benefit others more rather than for oneself in the perceived material worlds, perhaps like the concepts of "Vighasam" stated earlier,  that's made more famous  by Sri. K.S.Radhakrishnan Sir in his speeches.."..

This time Bellram intervened, "Charlie Chapline's  "Modern Times" also seems to be saying something like this with a high chair reward for Charlie Chapline with a high class service Machine, for the efforts that he puts up even when idling ..

But the high services that he receives also turn out to be temporal in nature.." ..

In his reply, Singhania Saheb said that when Neil Armstrong landed on Moon it was just a step for him, but a Giant Leap for the Mankind.. When a SpacePen instead of Pencil got developed it's just not the question of a symbolic pen but the innumerous bye products and findings involved in the research .. Like Jaipur Legs were made with Rocket Parts.. Its just not the symbolic aim that matter in an analogy of "Practical Knowledge" ..

For all these reasons I suggest in Gloskrutham thinking the second question in BhagVatham regarding "SuMandaGathaye" to fly high needs to be attributed to the RST modelling of "Vaishnavism" rather than STR modelling of "Kaumaram" .. 

Wearing the Green Glass programme of RigVedam along with the TSR modelling of Ganapathyam suits more with an aligning of the reverse reading of RST with Vaishanavism more.. And the Kshathrite Programmes of painting green around with Yajur Vedic thinkings of "Aham Brahmasmi" along with the fifth question asked in BhagVatham on developing a purer heart goes hand in hand in a better manner with the "Jagratha" (STR) model of "Kaumaram" which perhaps is better equated with the "Swad, Swad Pade, Pade " question asked in BhagVatham.. 

Singhania Saheb then just rushed thru a few more changes that are needed accordingly, as GJk said FaceBook is no more allowing the further editing to this story, so if possible it's better to do a rush thru Singhania Saheb's presentation quickly..

So Singhania Saheb pointed out the major changes ie needed for now in the evolution of Nigudha Samkhya Gloskrutham Concepts.. 

In those changes he said, the earlier consideration of "Kshathriya" philosophy of 1,5,9 Bhavas/houses now be changed to 2,6,10 houses/Bhavas with GyanShakthi themes of Buddhi to find newer Dravya Gunas.. The ParaBrahman of "AtharvaVeda" be better represented by the deites Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Brahma Dev in 1,5,9 Bhavas/Houses.. While 11,7,3 houses/Bhavas shall represent the Brahminical RigVedic IcchaShakthi themes of Practical Knowledge more, 12,8,4 Bhavas/Houses be better represented by the Satvic KriyaShakthies of Middle Men in SamaVeda..

First house be better represented by the Ego of "Natha" Thathwam  perfected by Lord NarAyana and water principles along with Lord Indra and symbolised by the planet Moon.. 2nd house representing Sun, 3rd house representing "Kethu" and also the Panchabhootha of "Earth" and 4th house of sincerity and discipline of soldiers by the princely planet of Emarald ie "Budhan" .. 5th house of Lord Shiva representing the imagination base for evolution and planet Jupiter, and 6th house of property of "Earth" ie "Vasana" be better represented by Mars (Chovva) and Hanuman .. Lord of Chovva , "Kumara Swami" representing second house along with the Sun .. 7th house of Space represented by Shukracharyar of early life , having both eyes in a pre MahaBali era, even like Lord Ram who bridges the gaps, 8th house being represented by Shanidev and the spurt of himogloubin that went to 9th house of Brahma Dev with Ravana's sword representing the Gulika Graham that got aired probably as "Pitru" too .. 10th house of  Farmers, Managers, YogaMayaDevi Sakshal Bhagavathi  (MahaMaaya of Bhagavathi's Yoga Maya Devi),  Executives, Chefs,  etc of "Samsara Sagaram" be better represented by YajnaValkya's concepts of "PoornnamadaPoornnamidam" along with BalaBhadran as Anantha holding the properties of Sky and maybe also like the wife "Uloopi"  rather than Panchali as early assumed  of, on the theme of Arjuna and planet Rahu playing a kind of "Shashtashtam" with Kethu .. Quality heights in the 11th house of SelfRealisation representing a Mercurious Budhan with the Elephant Headed Lord Ganesha, Jesus Christ and Bali, and the 12th house of Lord Srikrishna representing also the King MahaBali, Saraswathi, Karnnores of the houses, Shukracharyar of later life after MahaBali's departure to SuThalam etc etc .. 

Many other smaller further features modifications and developments can be done to adjust the still finer tuned details from time to time, as and when the gaps are observed praying to Lord Ganesha..

After saying all these in a faster and quicker manner in a hush hush Saheb Rajive Singhania looked at all..

And all lauded, hailed and approved the new and fresh schematic diagram for VEW as though they have understood every nook and corner of whatever ie said, which seemed to be more in tune and resonance with the good old ancient philosophies of organising too, to reduce on the friction of generation gaps too .. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ ..

GJk and Bellram just got wonderstruck at the awesome abilities of Rajive Singhania Saheb in putting up some of those modified Gloskrutham model guidelines and they said together "Prayers and Praises to all the Gods, Goddesses, Lords and Thee" .. πŸ€”πŸ˜²πŸ™ ..

All are NGDCs only though with this artistic narration of a Gloskrutham Model ..  And if someone gets tempted to practice any of the songs of mermaids in Shakespeare's Odyssey, may try practicing on own risk only and I shall not be responsible for any more good or lesser good that may or not be happening.. πŸ™ Prayers again to all the.................... 

NB:- Gloskrutham Model may change or Further modify even this model at any time in future without any announcements .. So please don't come to me with complaints on this Gloskrutham Literature Art Modelling  .. 

Following unrelated links are just for some fun thinking only related to some misleading Rr^u coded twisted analogies.. πŸ€”πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜²πŸ™πŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒ..