Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Friday, February 28, 2020

AERoPR - Gloskrutham Poetry

#53 #Gloskrutham Poetry

An Evolutionary Random Poetry Reincarnation (AERoPR) ..


Bellram thought about the great Interpretation of "VanaPrastham" in the form of a Bhajan gave by a speaker..
As though the emotionalisation of Space to create a dual world other than the Advaitic World..
Perhaps a step below with SomeNyasam..

Maybe Arjuna adhering to the call of Panchali..
Or like VishwaKarma listening to the calls of Samjna..
To save the Family Life programmes ..
Added Shadows to the Sun Power of Name Calling..
By not killing the Concepts of "Prana" put up by AshWathama..
To be the most Vital thing in saving the Family Lives.
Of Dual world of Togetherness in the Practical Arenas / Scenarios ..
Using some corollaries 2oo 2 promote Anti - Suicidal Campaigns 2oo amply enough, if one has 2 save the Family Lives of One ..

And with it colours also modified the Gloskrutham model..
Like a newly painted Old Wine bottle filled with Cola being modified..
To add some MintO'fresh for a Colourful, Cheerful and Beautiful show spread..
And then to drink the leftover Cola..
After that Fizzling out show..

With Sun being considered the Dwaitha Equivalent of Lord Indra in the second house as Lord Subrahmanya..
And Mercury representing the Fourth House of "Rasam" (Taste) as Sincerity without Attachment .. 🤔😮🙏 ..

As though one not having ample Sincerity is actually an Abuser of his or her own Mother and Motherhood..
With Fire in the Eleventh House and Water in the First House with NarAyana probably.. 🤔😮🙏 ..

🤔😮🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏 ..

🤔😮🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏 ..

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Judge Not - Trust Externally, but Act as per Internal Consciousness with Sincerity ..

#52 #Gloskrutham Poetry

Judge Not - Trust Externally, but Act as per Internal Consciousness with Sincerity ..

NGDCs ..

Bellram thought hard "What Next after "DwiVapa""..
With the latest User friendly techniques of Gloskrutham..
Maybe to take the "Rasam" (fun) with a show - off..
Off the IndraTwam of "DwiVapa" ..
With some higher "Bartering Ability" with the forward thinking concepts of "Vruthrari"..
Who prompted even the sage Gauthama to bring at least a lil Ganga Theertham ..
To feed the Adhokshajas as said in Brahma Puranam..
Perhaps to emulate later for Bhageerathas using Suez Canal build ups ..
To get tolls for Lord Indra for not doing the longer route round abouts around the Good Hopes..
Need not like the Treta Yuga Programmes of Yajna Karmas opting always for the Longer Routes ..
Perhaps as Lord Ram might have done while opting for SuGreeva instead of Bali ..
And VaNaras instead of SwayamPrabhas who could have get things done faster probabiy ..

But The Alternate Point Of View (TAPOV) seemed sensible with its International LieSense ..
With the parallels doing things faster in the paths of achievements paying the tolls to Lord Indra..
Who like the King Clodius who killed Valentine..
Accepting the LieSense of Living Together ..
Instead of the Longer Routes of Marriages with Good Hopes probably ..
Maybe like a fee to travel to the heights of Alternate Paths of Quality suggested by the TAPOVs ..
Respecting the Grammar of External Laws 2oo very much..
Probably to reach the Personal Heights of Quality Anubhava Yogams..
 Whatever the field one might be involved in ..
Maybe like a "KoormaAvatar" to keep the "ManDhara" mountain afloat ..
Above the 72% Karana Jalam of Logic and Reason too ..
With the Divinising programmes of Emotional Plays ..
Keeping the Emotional affairs and flows in tact above the Logical and Rational Waters with Koorma Avatar holding that above ..

Maybe to Trust Externally and Act as per Internal Consciousness with Sincerity ..
Like Divinising the External World as Bhagavan's (God's)..
Yet Bhagavan (God) need not be one's own like Internal Convictions..
That can change from time to time and place to place..
To a more finer tuned Internal Conviction..
Depending on the Trust that one give to the External Systems and Laws ..
Externally with the External Activities ..
Though the Internal Worlds may or maynot be different from the External World..
As though "Love" as a Tantra or Technique externally ..
Which might be the one that may last longer kind of analogy ..
With external business minded smiles and external actions..
But acting sincerely to one's own Internal Consciousness ..
That suit the external grammatic frame work..

As though Bhagavan just kept on smiling only ..
Without acting on the pleads by the youth reps..
To visit their lands before the big crowd of youngsters..
In the First International Youth Conference ..
Without giving a promise on "When" and probably "How" too ..
Perhaps beyond all the logics and rationales too..
For a peripheral dabbler on waves ..
Yet with all logics and rationales within..
In a still deeper grammatic  sense too for the Deeper Divers to find the Precious Gems..

🤔😮🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords and Bhagavan (God) .. 🙏 ..

Saturday, February 1, 2020

NeckLays .. a Gloskrutham Poetry ..

NeckLays .. a Gloskrutham Poetry..

The stars in the night sky..
Hanging like on some golden vine..
With her twinkling daughters of Light..
Tempting  the foxes to jump and catch..
Leaving the sour wisdom..
To write the Poetries so beautiful in its agonies..

🤔😮😊🙏 ..