116Thoughts that make jk thoughtful

  • jayakrishnan menon
    Jul 23, 2006
    Life is a challenge, Meet it!

    Life is a dream, realize it!

    Life is a game, play it!

    Life is love, enjoy it!

    -- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    Love all, Serve all

    -- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    Vedas say "Nethi, Nethi" - I think that's an
    enquiry that starts from "Not only This, Not only
    This" to reach that state of "Not any of These".
    An enquiry starting from "Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma" to
    reach "Brahma Satyam, Jagan Mithhya"
    A journey through "Visishtadwaitham" to "Adwaitham"

    "I think I like to be that Nothing who also can be in
    Everything." .


    Life is a Celebration.

    Detached Love is its essence.

    -- Jayakrishnan

    Loving somebody doesn’t mean, not loving or hating
    some other body.


    I have a Dream, an American Dream.

    -- Martin Luther King

    Distance is a great promoter of admiration.

    -- Dickerot

    Sweet are the uses of adversity,

    Which like the toad, ugly and venomous

    Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

    -- William Shakespeare

    The worst moment for an atheist is when he feels
    grateful and has no one to thank.

    --Wendy Ward

    Everything works for the best, even the worst

    --Lord Melbourne

    Charity begins at home, but should not end there.

    --Thomas Fuller

    People are always blaming their circumstances for what
    they are.

    --George Bernard Shaw

    Give what you command and command what you will.


    I never found the companion that was so companionable
    as solitude.


    Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude
    is the school of genius.

    --Edward Gibbon

    Culture is to know the best that has been said and
    thought in the world.

    --Mathew Arnold

    A man of real courage is also full of faith.


    Death is the end of everything. Death is the end of
    life, of beauty, of wealth, of power, of virtue too.
    Saints die and beggars die. They are all going to
    death. And yet this tremendous clinging to the life
    exists. Somehow, we do not know why, we cling to life;
    we can not give it up. And this is Maya.

    --Swami Vivekananda

    There is no greater guilt than discontentment.

    --Lao Tzu

    No one can disgrace us but ourselves.

    --J.G. Holland

    Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom.

    --Sir Boyle Roche

    Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it
    is a kind of order that sets me fly.

    --Julie Andrews

    We should have the discipline of trees, rather than
    that of concrete buildings; for our growth.


    Distance lends enchantment to the view.


    There is surely a piece of divinity in us, something
    that was before the elements, and owes no homage unto
    the sun.

    --Sir Thomas Browne

    For a religious devotee to try and reform others
    instead of reforming himself is a grievous mistake.


    Do all the good you can,

    By all the means you can,

    In all the ways you can,

    In all places you can,

    At all the times you can,

    To all the people you can,

    As long as ever you can.

    --John Wesley

    God heals and the doctor takes the fee.


    In eating a third of the stomach should be filled with
    food, a third with drink and the rest left empty.


    Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.


    There is no education like adversity.


    The things taught in schools and colleges are not an
    education, but the means of education.


    Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in
    terrific bills.

    --Minna Antrim

    Experience is the best of school masters, only the
    school fees are heavy.


    Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the

    --Helen Keller

    Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as
    much as you please.

    --Mark Twain

    Faith is the continuation of reason.

    --William Adams

    I do not want merely to possess a faith; I want a
    faith that possesses me.

    --Charles Kingsley

    Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize
    how close they were to success when they gave up.

    --Thomas Alva Edison

    By seeing the seed of failure in every success, we
    remain humble. By seeing the seed of success in every
    failure we remain hopeful.

    --Mel Ziegler

    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t
    change the subject.

    --Winston Churchill

    Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying
    than danger itself.

    --Daniel Defoe

    To let a fool kiss you is stupid; to let a kiss fool
    you is worse.

    --Woody Allen

    A slip of the foot you may soon recover,

    But a slip of the tongue you may never get over.


    God pardons like a mother; who kisses the offense into
    everlasting forgetfulness.

    --Henry Ward Beecher

    The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is attribute
    of the strong.

    --Rabindranath Tagore

    Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

    --Moshe Dayan

    Do good to your friend to keep him, and to your enemy
    to make him your friend.


    On my first pilgrimage I saw only the temple; the
    second time I saw both the temple and Lord of the
    temple; and the third time I saw the Lord alone.

    --Bayazid Al-Bistami

    God is our expression for all forces and powers which
    we do not understand, or with which we are unfamiliar.

    --Samuel Butler

    Good manners are the art of making those people easy
    with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest
    persons uneasy, is the best bred in the company.

    --Jonathan Swift

    Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which
    none have a right to expect.


    It is the first point of happiness that a man is
    willing to be what he is.


    Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt
    the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all.


    Don’t load yourself with hate; it is heavier burden
    than you think.

    --Madame De Sevigne

    Hate is the subtlest form of violence,

    --Mahatma Gandhi

    Early to bed and early to rise,

    Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

    --Benjamin Franklin

    Accept the things, to which fate binds you, and love
    the people with whom fate brings you together, but do
    so with all you heart.

    --Marcus Aurelius

    The heart has its reasons which reason does not know.


    If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest.


    Honest man fears neither the light nor the dark.

    --Thomas Fuller

    Hope is the poor man’s bread.


    You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an
    ocean; if a few drops of ocean are dirty, the ocean
    does not become dirty.

    --Mahatma Gandhi

    We are human beings, neither Hindus nor Mussalmans. We
    are bodies and souls of the Supreme Being, call Him
    Allah or call Him Ram.

    --Guru Nanak

    The best sauce for food is hunger.


    Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you
    may still exist but you have ceased to live.

    --Mark Twain

    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    --Albert Einstein

    The human race is governed by its imagination.

    --Napoleon Bonaparte

    Jealousy is the most radical, primeval and naked form
    of admiration – admiration in war paint, so to speak.

    --Robert Louis Stevenson

    Grief can take care itself, but to get the full value
    of joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.

    --Mark Twain

    If you judge people, you have no time to love

    --Mother Teresa

    Kindness gives birth to kindness.


    We know accurately only when we know little; with
    knowledge doubt increases.


    You know that you know nothing. Find out that
    knowledge. That is liberation or mukti.

    --Sri Ramana Maharishi

    Give me the liberty to know, to think, to believe and
    to utter freely according to conscience, above all


    In life we must all make due allowance for chance.
    Chance, in the last resort is God.

    --Anatole France

    By all means marry. If you get a good wife you
    will become happy, and if you get a bad one you will
    become a philosopher.


    Observation is the most enduring of the
    pleasures of life.

    --George Meredith

    The difficulty in life is the choice.

    --George Moore

    Faith is the force of life.

    --Leo Tolstoy

    All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence,
    and then success is sure.


    When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries
    disappear and life stands explained.


    There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get
    your heart’s desire. The other is to get it.

    --George Bernard Shaw

    Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of

    --Joyce Brothers

    To live is like to love – all reason is against it,
    and all healthy instinct for it.

    --Samuel Butler

    There is a French saying “Love is the dawn of marriage
    and marriage is the sunset of love.”


    He that falls in love with himself will have no


    Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination
    nor both together go to the making of genius. Love,
    love, love that is the soul of genius.


    To love oneself is the beginning of a life - long

    --Oscar Wilde

    Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would
    amount to another form of madness.


    There is no such thing as a self-made man. We are made
    up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done
    a kind deed for us or spoken one word of encouragement
    to us, has entered into the make up of our character
    and our thoughts as well as our success.

    --George Adams

    The only guide to a man is his conscience; the only
    shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of
    his actions.

    --Winston Churchill

    Man sees your actions, but God your motives.

    --Thomas A. Kempis

    Maturity begins where we are content to feel we have
    right about something without feeling the necessity to
    prove someone else wrong.

    --Sydney Harris

    Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but
    great minds rise above it.

    --Washington Irving

    The true, strong and sound mind is the mind that can
    embrace equally great things and small.

    --Samuel Johnson

    We are the miracle of miracles, the great inscrutable
    mystery of God.


    When we do the best that we can, we never know what
    miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of

    --Helen Keller

    If you can’t make a mistake, you can’t make anything.

    --Marva Collins

    Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried
    anything new.

    --Albert Einstein

    The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make

    --Edward J. Phelps

    Morality is the custom of one’s country and the
    current feeling of one’s peers. Cannibalism is moral
    in a cannibal country.

    --Samuel Butler

    Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of
    much life so. Aim above morality. Be not simply good,
    be good for something.


    Philosophy is the highest music.


    Everything in nature acts in conformity.

    --Immanuel Kant

    In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments;
    there are only consequences.

    --Robert J. Ingersoll

    Nature, like a kind and smiling mother, lends herself
    to our dreams and cherishes our fancies.

    --Victor Hugo

    We can live without our friends but not without our

    --Thomas Fuller

    Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.


    The principal part of faith is patience.

    --George Macdonald

    A man who is master of patience is master of


    To lose patience is to lose the battle.

    --Mahatma Gandhi

    Peace is not absence of war; it is a virtue, a state
    of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence and


    First keep peace within yourself, then you can bring
    peace to others.

    --Thomas A. Kempis

    Son, if you are to speak for the people you must know
    them and if you are to represent people, you must love

    --Samuel Ealy Johnson

    Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower.

    --Charles M. Schwab

    A philosopher’s duty is not to pity the unhappy – it
    is to be of use to them.


    The discovery of what is true and the practice of that
    which is good are the two most important objects of


    Every man is a poet when he is in love.


    Power is both spiritual and subtle. All revolutions
    are spiritual at the source.

    --Vinoba Bhave

    Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for
    God knows best what is good for us.


    Beware of prejudices. They are like rats and man’s
    mind are like traps; prejudices get in easily; but it
    is doubtful if they ever get out.


    Psychologist – a man who, when a beautiful girl enters
    the room, watches everybody else.

    --Bruce Patterson

    Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and
    take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but
    to weigh and consider.

    --Francis Bacon

    When I am reading a book whether wise or silly, it
    seems to me to be alive and talking to me.


    One religion is as true as another.

    --Robert Burtonl

    Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for
    it; die for it; anything but-live it.

    --Lacon Colton

    True religion is real living; living with all one’s

    --Albert Einstein

    After long study and experience I have come to these
    conclusions; that (1) all religions are true, (2) all
    religions have some error in them, (3) all religions
    are almost as dear to me as my own Hinduism.

    --Mahatma Gandhi

    Our hope of immortality does not come from any
    religion, but nearly all religions come from that


    Research is to see what everybody else has seen and
    thinking what nobody has thought.

    --Albert Szent – Gyorgyi

    That man is the richest whose pleasures are the


    The golden rule is that there is no golden rule.

    --George Bernard Shaw

    Our senses through ignorance of Reality, falsely tells
    us that what appear to be, is.


    Speech is silver, silence is golden.

    --German Proverb

    Simplicity of character is the natural result of
    profound thought.


    O sleep, O gentle sleep,

    Nature’s soft nurse.

    --William Shakespeare

    Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.

    --Charles Reade

    What does solitude or seclusion mean? The self being
    all extensive there can be no fixed spot for its
    solitary state; however to be still is to remain

    --Ramana Maharshi

    The soul pervades the body and God pervades the soul.

    --Swami Dayanand

    Great spirits have always found violent opposition
    from mediocrities. The latter can not understand it
    when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary
    prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his

    --Albert Einstein

    All your strength is in your union,

    All danger is in discord.


    A successful man is one who can lay firm foundation
    with the bricks that others throw at him.

    --David Brinkley

    Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the
    key to success. If you love what you are doing, you
    will be successful.

    --Albert Schweitzer

    The very first step towards success in any occupation
    is to become interested in it.

    William Osler

    All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence,
    and then success is sure.


    Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the

    --Helen Keller

    You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you
    can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will
    continue the learning process as long as he lives.

    P. Bedford

    If a teacher is indeed wise he does not bid you enter
    the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the
    threshold of your own mind.

    --Khalil Gibran

    Generally the theories we believe we call them facts,
    and the facts we disbelieve we call them theories.

    --Felix Cohen

    It is difficult, if not impossible, for most people to
    think otherwise than in the fashion of their own

    --George Bernard Shaw

    They are able because they think they are able.


    Thinking is growth. Non-thinking is the destruction of
    society. Only the vision of the nation can ignite
    young minds. The ignited mind is the most powerful
    resource on the earth.

    --A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

    Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put
    one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing
    in the world.


    No occupation is at once idler and more fruitful than
    entertaining one’s own thoughts.


    Thinking without learning makes one flighty, and
    learning without thinking is disaster.


    Thoughts: – Too deep to be expressed and too strong to
    be suppressed.

    --George Wither

    A tart temper never mellows with age and a sharp
    tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with
    constant use.

    --Washington Irving

    All that is in tune with Thee,

    Universe, is in tune with me !

    --Marcus Aurelius

    There is no reason to assume that the universe has the
    slightest interest in intelligence – or even life.
    Both may be random accidental by-products of its
    operations like the patterns on a butterfly’s wings.
    The insect would fly just as well even without them.

    --Arthur C. Clarke

    The violence of Jesus is deep love, not the sword or
    the prison, which is how he always wants to resolve
    the problems which seem insoluble to us.

    --Carlo Carretto

    Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.

    --Jonathan Swift

    The human voice can never reach the distance that is
    covered by the still small voice of conscience.

    --Rabindranath Tagore

    Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor
    is bound to administer in his life – time for the good
    of the community.

    --Andrew Carnegie

    The world loves a spice of wickedness.


    Wise living consists perhaps less in acquiring good
    habits than in acquiring as few habits as possible.


    Our wisdom comes from our experience and our
    experience comes from our foolishness.

    --Sacha Gutery

    Women are wiser than men because they know less and
    understand more.

    --James Stephens

    Words are clothes that thoughts wear – only the

    --Samuel Butler

    Bright is the ring of words

    When the right man rings them.

    --Robert Louis Stevenson

    To see a world in a grain of sand,

    And a heaven in a wild flower,

    To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

    And eternity in an hour.


    Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and
    is important in some respect, whether he chooses to be
    so or not.


    You should live in the world in such a way that it may
    hang about you like a loose garment.


    It takes all sorts of people to make a world.

    --Douglas Jerrold

    All the world’s a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players.

    --William Shakespeare

    This world is a comedy to those think and a tragedy to
    those who feel.

    --Horace Walpole

    Youth is happy because it has the ability to see
    beauty. Any one who keeps the ability to see beauty
    never grows old.

    --Franz Kafka

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