Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Eleven Seven Sixty Six.. #63 Gloskrutham Story

 #63 #Gloskrutham Story

Eleven Seven Sixty Six..


Bellram's "OthraKKadakan" kootOthra tech mentioned in the "Eleven Five Hundred" story in the previous "Prakamyam" link worked..

After the initial training period completion itself, all the freshly recruited marketing executives by Sandra and Arjun left the company, because they couldn't bear the tough ask of Abheri Ragam styled Ekadasi Vrathams in VEW ..

Apparantly a happy Bellram and Ksheri Rai reached Sandra and Arjun as though making a statement, "When the going gets tough, the tough only gets going" .. Ksheri Rai said to dejected Sandra and Arjun sarcastically with a kind of slap stick comedy that "Iddlie Sambar is Iddlie Sambar", maybe "Dosa Chutnies" don't understand that..

Then Bellram and Ksheri Rai proceeded to attend the adhoc board meeting called by GJk to address this issue of all the new fresh training recruits for marketing, suddenly resigning searching for still Greener Pastures elsewhere..

GJk asked Bellram if he has any suggestions for a forward outlook..

And Bellram said "Yes" in affirmation and with confidence he narrated his plan..

He quoted a statement from "BhagVatham" that "Visheshatha: Raga Ithi ViRaga" and added that the so called "Thapas"  is the best marketing tool.. He said probably there are a lot of Scientific Principles in the good old Acharas of our Great good old Ancestors like keeping a cat in a Kotta (Box) probably  .. Ksheri Rai as a representative from Jyothi Engineering Works (JEW) added that  in the movie ThoovanaThumbikal, Clara too says to Jayakrishnan, that she yearns to be a chain in the Mad Man's leg.. 

Pretending to have read Havva Beach 2oo, Ksheri Rai probably ogled again sarcastically at Sandra, who was opposed to this idea earlier, thinking it might unnecessarily keep the people lit with a kind of "Eri" .. 

Bellram further added that they should learn more from the "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" strategy of Late. Sri Lal Bahadur Shasthrijie..

Bellram and Ksheri Rai elicited a data point that two years back, the Nobel Prize Winner for literature actually stated  that, he doesn't want the Prize and didn't go to collect the Prize.. Nobel Committee actually insisted and probably pleaded him to take at least the cheque for the Prize Money.. Bellram said, he heard about this story when he went to SabariMalai last yeat along with one Vijayan Master who been husband to a famous Fashion Designer.. 

So looking at Arjun and Sandra with some loads and loads of Puccham, Parihasam and Sarcasam at their pity plight, and as though revealing a Grandeur Plan for the next year to GJk to win the Nobel Prize, Bellram asked Ksheri Rai to explain the details of the plan to the Board Members and GJk..

Ksheri Rai taking the full responsibility to explain that as ordered by her partner Bellram, confidently asked GJk for some private time away from Arjun, Sandra and other Board Members to explain that strategy personally to GJk ..

GJk came back after a secret discussion with Ksheri Rai and announced that Bellram and Ksheri Rai's strategy is adopted by the Organisation VEW, contours of which shall be revealed slowly with the passage of Time, and shall be fully revealed only once the Nobel Prize is won, as a hypocritical, No Secret approach even to "No Secrets" 2oo ..

PraKamyam #62 Gloskrutham Poetry

 #62 #Gloskrutham Poetry..


NGDCs ..

The Nobel Prizes are  soon going to be announced for the year..

Bellram is under pressure as usual being the PR manager of GJk's Gloskrutham Stories..

To complicate the situations more, Bellram saw a dream that some secret mafia, sting camera operators are planning to defame GJk for his philo..

That it's okay and nothing wrong for the King to be naked with a Truthful philosophy..

As against the call of that lad in the manufactured story of weavers that it's not okay for the King to be naked..

The dream operators expressed their doubts to Bellram..

That the mafia sting operators may throw back the philo that GJk supports..

Back upon him perhaps like a Boomerang..

They may have Captured the sting videos of GJk watching porn and doing selfies on own, and with passion looking intensely, upon the TV stars in TV ..

And even videos might have been taken along with Sex Toys like cusions etc using their sting operation cameras ..

And they might be planning to flash that in Social Media to see how GJk's  Gloskrutham Stories might respond..

When some twisted naked selective presentations are done on oneself to make feel how much such philosophies might hurt the others..

And the Dream Planners also doubted an Amnesty also could be offered to GJk in the form of a marriage..

Probably to one of the Dorothy's character in wizard of oz to run away, leaving the country to escape the ploy of living under shame..

After being exposed to terms like a donkey shall only bray about his passionate desires in the local Malayalam lingu..  

With such a probable plot set for an Abhimanyu and the MahaRaths surrounding and waiting eagerly  to catch Bellram too..

As though in a PadmaVyooha with the likes of Abdul Qadirs and Wasim Akrams threatening Sachin in his debut benefit match..

Bellram just danced down the wicket to hit the ball before spinning ..

And immediately reached GJk to abreast him of  Bellram's dream planner's doubts..

The first question that Bellram put was, holistically while GJk support the "Freedom of Speech" and even Blasphemy including Cuss Words, as a better option of a higher Samskruth Language..

Than making and exploding bombs silently to kill the people..

How can he complain against the publication of sting operator's videos ..

And how can he go out bearing the Social backlashes as a sex starved psycho while masturbating or while watching porn in some angles of the camera, watching intensely..

Bellram again questioned, how can GJk oppose and complain about the selective private speeches that GJk might make in private that can show him in angry colours of a psycho using selective edits..

Bellram again questioned how can Bellram deal with the funny and sarcastic speeches getting converted into serious rants with selective parts being aired into the Social Media by the sting operators..

Bellram again asked "And how shall you deal with a probable Amnesty Offer made by the system's security forces..

To crack down on the sting operation mafia to save GJk with a job offer deal in Peace Engineering Corporation..

Changing the current job from Value Engineering Works (VEW) ..

GJk listened to all the arguments made by Bellram and said..

As Sankaradi said to Sreenivasan in the Malayalam movie Sandesam..

That it's better to take a route that of  Bernad Shaw's drama  Apple Cart ..

Maybe to promote the PMM2 mechanisms bypassing the 2nd law of Thermodynamics..

To achieve the third Purushartha of Kama..

Trying to find the still finer tuned utilities of anything..

Including the useless work with Vasanas and Samskaras..

Like not throwing away the sting operator's videos into the Thrash Fire by complaining that to the Police Authorities..

But trying to find its more sensitive utilities in evolving further..

Which can probably help to find out some breathing spaces..

With the responses of the noses that may not go off at a few Hachhees.. 

And a still finer tuned utility of that could be to keep own egoes under check with the ways of water fun..

And probably a still finer tuned samskarik Vasana could be asking such videos and pictures themselves about its objectives of incarnation perhaps also using the CGQIP methods and Soliloquy too with some good heartful sincerity ..

And a further more finer tuned principle could be to talk into that louder, giving answers for it to find its own Realization Solace and self actualisation with more refined ways and kinds of "OthraKKadakans" in "Klim" ..

Perhaps by appreciating that at its own place as placed by the Great Divine hand of Almighty  .. 🤔😮🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords .. 😊🙏 ..

Garima #61 Gloskrutham Poetry

 #61 #Gloskrutham Poetry


NGDCs ..

Bellram thought of Garima now..

It talks of a kind of living with lesser movements..

Hunger and Thirst make one move around many times..

Maybe in order to quench that ..

Maybe an ability to withstand hunger and thirst is mentioned in Ramayana..

With the Siddhies of Bala and Athibala..

Maybe trying to save people doing the Yajna Karmas of Sacrifices..

And reducing the fears that goes against the philosophy of living in the Forest..

With the probable tempting statement of  "KaTaThaa" ..

Against which probably some Civilizations too Fight.. 

With their own (Agri)Cultured versions of Lanka Lakshmi of Laghima..

To have and probably to keep too the Hunger and Thirst.. 

Could be a key in  hunger and thirst management..

With a lot of rivers and raw food trees in the Forests..

One probably need not even worry much of too much movements far away..

To have ample food and water, which might have angered the RakshoJan who thrive in saving people..

Maybe after conquering even Lord Indra and hijacking even Kuber's Pushpak Flight..

RakshoJan probably wanted to make it difficult for the Unsaved lives of likes of GauthamaMuni with Garima..

Maybe they expected to get the Heavenly Ganges as Lord Indra pursued with GauthamaMuni..

By irritating the ones who tried to imitate Gauthama Muni..

To be AthmaNirbhar (Self Sustained) in their own way..

Maybe while Lord Indra made Ahalya to a Stone..

Ravan tried a livelie Ashoka Vanika without grief.. 

(NB:- probably need not be  with the quest "Chandrettan Evideya" nor to save Arunettan with the Diamond "Trupthi"..) ..

Trying to compete even the Sun God in which he failed ..

Maybe before the platonic platinum techniques of AadityaHridayam probably .. 🤔😮🙏 ..

And with all these data before, Bellram asked GJk..

Regarding what could be a practical swaroopa of Garima..

And GJk showed him his partenership firm deed on Gloskrutham Promotional Business..

Where he is spending the interests of deposits from him and his parents without any returns..

Maintaining the Hero Bellram and Heroine Ksheri Rai on and on in his PR business to get a Nobel Prize for Gloskrutham Literature Art..

Without even much hope too of any returns in a platonic style..

With an on and on going onnnnnnnn Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa in the Belly..