Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

GLANCE (Gloskrutham Literature ArtisaNCE) at the "Theory of Ignorance" ..

Theory of Ignorance or rather the Hypothesis of Ignorance.. a Gloskrutham Literature ArtisaNCE ..

NGDCs ..

The other day somebody asked Bellram about an example of Gloskrutham Quality Planning..

And Bellram narrated the story of MahaBali by adjusting the logical and rational Time-Line ..

MahaBali who is going to be the Future Indra of SaVarnni Manwanthara..
Was the King of the whole of BharathVarsha, the Whole World and Heavens too..
That was a time when Kerala was under the Seas and yet not reclaimed by Lord Parasuram..
After Killing all the Kshathriyas..
And probabiy giving powers to the Satvic Executive Committees painted as Kshathriyas..
Like lifting or allowing a SuThaLam from PaThaLam Singing the glory of the Lord Ram with Adhyathma Ramayanam ..
Like Lord Ram might have made the Ram Sethu by writing the "Ram Naam" on Rock Stones to keep the rocks afloat above the sea as narrated in RamaKathaRasaVahini probably..
Need not be exactly like the story of Chembakassery King in AithihyaMala..
Yet with some modifications..

MahaBali got pushed down to PaThaL by Vamana Moorthy..
And later Kerala got lifted up from PaThaL to SuThaLa when Parasuram threw his Axe Effect ..
And got ruled by the pushed down MahaBali as the King of Kerala ..
Who once in an year in the month of Shravan visited UpNorth and perhaps for a World Tour of Ten Days ..
To visit his old subjects to remind the Tourism Opportunities in God's Own Land and probably also reminding and tempting to prepare for God's own Land that can come up everywhere during the next SaVarnni Manwanthara ..

And perhaps also to invite them to innumerous number of Temple Festivals and Temple folk Arts starting with Sabarimala Pilgrimage to Thrissur Pooram ..

And these 10 days of Global campaigns of MahaBali world wide with the samples of Festivities alongside the "ONaghoshams" celebrated by all the Malayalies 2oo with their King going on a Grand Gala WorldWide  Campaign of 10 days that culminate in the "Thiruvonam day" when he returns back to Kerala as a Winner after the successful Global Campaign Expeditions ..
Maybe to provide his subjects in God's Own Land, Kerala an year long activities like jobs and we'll - being from Tourism Revenues too ..

And the subjects in Kerala also play the second fiddle of base support for their King's Global Campaign Expeditions during the Ten days of OnAghoshams starting from "Attham" until the Successful return of MaVeli after his Global Campaign Expeditions..

And perhaps to prevent or escape some of the Logical  Emotional Backlashes of flooding in the month of Karkkitaka..
Ramayana Parayanams are also done in households to keep afloat perhaps like the techniques used by Lord Ram in bridging the Sea as said in Ramakatha RasaVahini ..

Probabiy even trying to address the logics and rationales of Modern Times' Cloud Computing 2oo with a kind of Kerala's MayaMatham VaasthuVidya Techs in Town Planning..

After a very logical and rationale presentation of relevance of Gloskrutham Quality Planning, the questioner to Bellram asked again for one more Gloskrutham story..

And then Bellram narrated the story behind the  idea of the "Captioning Incident" of this narrative..
Maybe like the "Theory of Ignorance or The Hypothesis of Ignorance" with Suspicious Time Line Datas presented Globally ..

One day a devotee asked Bhagavan, that if He is really Omnipotent, why can't he just convert the whole of Indian Ocean into Petrol and save the whole of India from poverty ?
And then Bhagavan replied something like, He can do that , but then some of the very logical and rational thinkers who are believers to the Economic "Theory of Scarce Resources" might light up a match box stick and put in that ..

Maybe indicating the "Nahi, Nahi Rakshathi Dukringekarane" tech of "Bhaja Govindam" in not considering the whole of InDia as  "SuThaLa" of MahaBali probably, maybe with the "Theory or Hypothesis of Ignorance" perhaps maintaining a falsifiable Time Line Datas Globally using the Personal Truths of Bell's InEquality  ..

Like not everything is meant for all always kind of approach .. 🤔😮🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏 ..

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Residual - another Gloskrutham Poetry..

#54 #Gloskrutham Poetry

The Residual..


Bellram time travelled fast to reach AD 4040 ..
With some FreshO'mints in Cola ..
And thought..
Maybe in the beginning there might have been only Three..
The Advaitic Hindu, the Advaitic Muslim and the Advaitic Christian without any Seconds..
Then later they might have started evolving more with more learning..
The more learned started calling themselves as Secularists..
The Secularist Hindu, Secularist Christian and Secularist Muslim..
And the others the Non - Secularist breeds in all the religions ..

The Secularist breed then started creating further colours based on how they treat women and Feminism..
The Secularists who treated women as means of Entertainment mainly..
Sometimes even using a kind of "PuttALooo" Ammavan's Tech 2oo in Balarama ..
Probably started taking the life as a game as if they all were everything..
And they were named Gaming Secularists..

And the Secularists who treated women as a means for making money were called the Dramatist Secularists ..

Then there were Secularists who ignored women with  "ViRaga" to pursue their dreams with Practical Knowledge..
They were called the "Untouchable Scholarly Dreamer  Secularists" ..

And then as though the "Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics" was found out..
After the Second, First and Third Laws of Thermodynamics..
Which was perhaps existing there already prior and fundamental to the other laws, but getting identified later only..
Thus the Secularists identified a Healthy Challenge in Non - Secularists who treated their women as their own Health Package tonics of own..
 To meet the challenges in Living ..
While going on looking after one's own personal affairs perhaps like "AjaMila" in BhagVatham did..
Without bothering much about others addressing one's own personal challenges faced in Life..
Trying to keep their health package tonics to one's own, as "Untouchable" in a different way..
Than the "Scholarly Dreamers' Untouchability" ..
To meet the challenges of a Healthy Life, taking the essence from All ..

And once the more fundamental "Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics" been identified..
Some Secularists then started calling.. Themselves as "Non - Secularists" cutting their tag tail of Secularism..
Taking the curses of likes of DoorYodhans..
For their"Choringum Koorangum" attitude..
With a Special "Dura" of "Athi Vanchha" ..
For the Straight-Linist Non - Secularists..

Starting to bat for the latest Religion of Scientists as against Non - Scientists ..
With Non - Scientists bearing and carrying the outdated "Vizhuppu" (Laundry) concepts with some feudalist Secularist tail tags..
Instead of the most modern concepts of most modern religion of Science..
Using the Logic and Rationality..

They argued there are only two Vargas (Races) upon Earth..
And ie the Ones who follow the Science ..
And the Ones who don't follow Science as the feudal Secularists do with their tag tail ..
Oppressing Non - Secularists unscientifically ..
Based on their baseless and outdated laundry (Vizhuppu) belief systems..

And then the battles continued ..
With Scientologists further identifying their own different casts and colours..
Based on how they treated their women ..

✌️😮🙏😊🙏 .. Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏 ..