Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Saturday, March 31, 2018

NGDCs. . Another Gloskrutham Manthra to think more about ..

More NGDCs .. just 4 some fun only, a manthra perhaps to think more about ..  ,  .. 

നിഗൂഢ സാംഖ്യ ദേവതാ, ജയകൃഷ്ണ ഋഷി, മുക്ത ഛന്ദോ, ആനന്ദാനാശ്വര മന്ത്രോ ഇതി:

ചെറ്യെ സത്യം വെല്യ സത്യം ചെറ്യെ വെല്യെ സത്യം, നിച്ഛിതാനിച്ഛിതത്വ "വ്റിഅ" !!  .. 

NGDCs. . "AriyillAriyillAriyilla" - Beeja Manthra of Gloskrutham and PFA ..


ഒന്നുമേ പറയാനില്ലെങ്കിലും 
എന്തോ പറയാനൊരു മോഹ-
മെൻ ചിന്തയിൽ എവിടെയൊ 
എങ്ങോ പറന്നു പറന്നു നടക്കവെ..

എന്തോന്നു ഞാൻ ചൊല്ലുവൻ
അതിലുമെത്രയോ ധന്യമോ 
ശൂന്യത തൻ ശീത ചുംബനങ്ങൾ .. 

അറിയില്ല, അറിയില്ലറിയില്ലറിയില്ല.. 
അറിയുന്നതാരോ, അതുമറിയില്ല.. 

എന്നിട്ടും എന്തിനോ ദാഹിക്കുമീ..................

Friday, March 30, 2018

NGDCs.. "ViRaga" aka Visheshathaha Raga Ithi ViRaga.. a Gloskrutham Poetry..

"ViRaga" .. aka Visheshatha: Raga Ithi ViRaga.. a Gloskrutham Poetry..

For the cause of a smoother run ..

For the Resonance fun of a Greater tasteful Raga..

Like the dance of a vibrant horse hoof..

Need not to join nor break anything..

But to let go for the joy to stay free..

Not because always a wanted thing..

For the fear of loosing a biscuit's steadfastness when dipped inside the tea..

Maybe as stated in Band Baje Barath..

Don't want to let go, but neither to hold on .. 

To Stay Free too there needs to be some prices to be paid probably (Not very sure though..) ..

So maybe it is always and always better to Let Go ..

At least to help them to get some bonded fun too .. 

Stay Free need not be an easy task but when compared to continual long term benefits ..

Let Go the momentory looking fleeting funs could be the prudent thinking. .

But is it possible to let go the fleeting joys of moments ..

Yep, says the Zen, if you master that art of "TheNa ThyaktheNa Bhunjeetha" ..

But i am no master of that art, Yet shall try that .. 

Maybe with the passage of time I 2oo may realize more of that Zen ..

So let's give a chance to "Let Go" now..

 Unlike the earlier times let me experience more of that power of Zen now..

 Which I enjoyed Very Much when the others let me go .. 

But my selfishness don't want to give that fun to them that others gave me .. 

Yet for some slight changes, this time let me try the Let Go ..

NGDCs. . MamaMohaRagam .. Gloskrutham Story .. Some slight small modifications are also done now ..

NGDCs. . "MamaMohaRagam" (MMR) - a New Gloskrutham Story .. 

(Part 8 - of the Gloskrutham Story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras , with a Natakantham Kavithwam philosophy further ..) ..

To know more about the basic build ups of this story one may also read the previous Gloskrutham story "Niche Buzz" too .. 

So while GJk is moving ahead steadfast with the VEW project some partial or side benefits also started happening in the issue of addressing the "Tapathrayas" with the material world which is more a field of PEC ( Peace Engineering Corporation. .)  ..

GJk while going ahead with CNC operations in Value Engineering Works (VEW), the question of Thapathrayas came up .. 

The first one with the possessive spirit of people and the fear of loosing that with the problems of First Law of Thermodynamics (aka the Heat Laws ) that "Energy can never be produced from Nothing" got addressed by calling that with a jargon word "Mamathwam" .. as kind of fear of loosing the custodianship. . Maybe like a kind of Share Holder's dilemma. . which in due course of time got found from some Bhagavatham principles that "Bhakthi" (Devotion) is the Veda relevant here with some Yajur Vedic principles and statements like "Aham Brahmasmi" using some Greek/Roman "Theta" notation that some times look even like some kind of 90 degrees rotated "infinity" symbol that stand up like the number 8 (Need not like any kind of Ettinte Pani in Malayalam with Disciplined Hard Work..).. Maybe to create Energy from even Unknown Sources including from the Sound of Silence too probably  (as though from Nothing at an initial Glance perceived by the Normal beings too perhaps)  combining Discipline and Success with some fear of the Incarnations (Avatars) of God 2oo probably .. 

The Second Tapam arising out of the desires to catch something like a heavenly life with Heavenly Hoories (ApSaras) or for a Great Fortune etc etc got termed as "Moham" with the 2nd Heat Law of Thermodynamics that create that heat (Tapam) .. Because in terms of maximum possible efficiency as per the law an efficiency beyond CarNot is not possible,  with useless work that get lost which cannot be used because of the exchanges of heat with a Second Source of Dwaita World, that is of YogaMaya which is compulsory as per 2nd law of Thermodymamics. . , creating obstacles before, in achieving and getting some perfect things and objects of desires put up by Heavenly Angels like a kind of AadhiDaivika Tapam  ..

The method ie stated in Srimad Bhagavatham in case of breaking this 2nd Heat Law of Thermodynamics or to quench this Tapam, is said to be having some "AdhikariBhedam" (a kind of Varna (Taste) Bhedam (Difference)) to achieve the Heavenly Heights of PMM2 by converting even the Hells to Heavens , maybe using a combination of Goodha Gyan and Oordhwa Moolam AdhoShakham techniques along with some Rigvedic MahaVakya statement of "Prajnanam Brahma" .. probably also being able to see the Side Benefits too of any big projects , even if the project meets success or not to get that some extra efficiency ie otherwise and normally need not be possible for the pretty ordinary ones to reduce on the Useless Work to generate more Useful work like a kind of PMM2 mechanism. . For example like the useless heat ie provided is used to spread some nice smells which motivate people to put in more work enthusiastically. . Maybe like singing while working to improve workability with motivation  or maybe even like  SWCC's generation of current in KSA (SaudiArabia) while going for the main project of water treatment .. A kind of Multi Tasking to achieve a kind of Heavenly Heights of Life, overcoming the Second Heat Law of Life to quench the Moham with a PMM2 mechanism, which need not be possible for all, to Multi Task Well enough to get to the Heavenly Worlds of Hoories and all offered by Heavenly Angels  .. Gyan Margam if not properly done with proper Route Clearance and all, it may have some distastes (a kind of Kuthu Taste of Ramphal as said by Shirdi Sai Baba..) and may not be enjoyable well enough with the lack of some finer tuned multi tasking efforts with finer tuned Sraddha ..  So Bhakthi Margam with Yajur Vedam is usually promoted in VEW rather than the Gyan Margas of RigVeda which is having AdhikariBhedam for want of proper finer tuned Multi Tasking abilities with higher Sraddha .. 

Here Bellram deputed into , VEW from JEW is now put up in a kind of Jinx with some kind of "Na Ghar ka Na Ghat Ka" fix, left all alone to himself with question marks on his relevance further in VEW .. Not just that, he is nowhere near anywhere in his Lobbying and PR buzz to get a Nobel Prize for GJk , but now further to complicate things , he is also facing  questions on his relevance too from the Board of Directors .. 

GJk is aware of this psychological trauma underwent by Bellram, and he was trying to find some extra relevance for Bellram in the Gyana Margam.. But Ksheri Rai was highly opposed to such attempts of GJk to give Heavenly Heights to Bellram and argued that, His path is more Yajur Vedic with Bhakthi Margam more rather than the RigVedic ways of Gyana Margam with knowledge fruits ..

Upon this GJk decided to explore the third option of SamaVeda which is said to be having the taste for VysyaDharma with the Mahavakya of "ThatwaMasi" more .. 

And here GJk got into a slight dilemma in how to name this kind of Athmeeya Tapam that happen because of "Frictions" in the Universe maybe as per the Third Heat Law of Thermodynamics and ways to break or overcome that with some PMM3 mechanisms. . 

GJk asked Bellram himself regarding how can a good caption or name be given to this third kind of heat that arise naturally and automatically with a kind of Adhyathmika Tapam with a kind of God's call like Hunger, Self Actualization Needs,  Athatho Brahma Jinjasa ......................... etc etc , that goes on and on again and again ..

Bellram asked back to GJk, "Just Think, What do you think the Solution could be" and upon this answer from Bellram, GJk thought a little further and found the solution to overcome or break the heat (Thapam) arising from the Third Heat Law of Thermodynamics that say One cannot Work without any Friction .. So if Solution to this is so called "ViRaga", interpreted as Visheshathaha Ragam, like the Moon orbiting Earth like a PMM3, at a distance with ample attractions of gravity not to fly away from Earth and also with ample Tangential Velocity  not to fall upon Earth too canbe a kind of Smoother Frictionless or reduced Friction running state .. Maybe like the Return Journey of Lord Krishna to Dwaraka, after Pandavas won the battle for HasthiNaPuram .. 

So ViRagam with the MahaVakya of "ThathwaMasi" while might be a combination 5th and 6th questions asked in the first chapter of Pradhama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham with a combination of RaThS and RaSaTh as discussed in the 6 basket analogies in the previous episodes of the story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras, and then it dawned in GJk that , the third Adhyathmika Tapam could be that of Ragam,  maybe because of tunes (Ragas) put up by God and one's Tapam to play to that frictionless tune of Resonance with God's Tunes .. Maybe using the ThathwaMasi principle put up by Bellram when met with a question of Relevance , perhaps with the "Customer is the King" approach used by modern Management Experts and Corporates ..

NGDCs.. MamaMohaRagam (MMR), Part 8 of the Gloskrutham Story , 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras ..

NGDCs. . "MamaMohaRagam" (MMR) - a New Gloskrutham Story .. 

(Part 8 - of the Gloskrutham Story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras , with a Natakantham Kavithwam philosophy further ..) ..

To know more about the basic build ups of this story one may also read the previous Gloskrutham story "Niche Buzz" too .. 

So while GJk is moving ahead steadfast with the VEW project some partial or side benefits also started happening in the issue of addressing the "Tapathrayas" with the material world which is more a field of PEC ( Peace Engineering Corporation. .)  ..

GJk while going ahead with CNC operations in Value Engineering Works (VEW), the question of Thapathrayas came up .. 

The first one with the possessive spirit of people and the fear of loosing that with the problems of First Law of Thermodynamics (aka the Heat Laws ) that "Energy can never be produced from Nothing" got addressed by calling that with a jargon word "Mamathwam" .. as kind of fear of loosing the custodianship. . Maybe like a kind of Share Holder's dilemma. . which in due course of time got found from some Bhagavatham principles that "Bhakthi" (Devotion) is the Veda relevant here with some Yajur Vedic principles and statements like "Aham Brahmasmi" using some Greek/Roman "Theta" notation that some times look even like some kind of 90 degrees rotated "infinity" symbol that stand up like the number 8 (Need not like any kind of Ettinte Pani in Malayalam with Disciplined Hard Work..).. Maybe to create Energy from even Unknown Sources including from the Sound of Silence too probably  (as though from Nothing at an initial Glance perceived by the Normal beings too perhaps)  combining Discipline and Success with some fear of the Incarnations (Avatars) of God 2oo probably .. 

The Second Tapam arising out of the desires to catch something like a heavenly life with Heavenly Hoories (ApSaras) or for a Great Fortune etc etc got termed as "Moham" with the 2nd Heat Law of Thermodynamics that create that heat (Tapam) in a terms of maximum possible efficiency as per the law with useless work that get lost which cannot be used because of the exchanges with a Second Source of Dwaita World, that is of YogaMaya. . , creating obstacles before, in achieving and getting some perfect things and objects of desires put up by Heavenly Angels like a kind of AadhiDaivika Tapam  ..

The method ie stated in Srimad Bhagavatham in case of breaking this 2nd Heat Law of Thermodynamics to quench this Tapam is said to be having some "AdhikariBhedam" (a kind of Varna (Taste) Bhedam (Difference)) to achieve this Heavenly Heights of PMM2 by converting even the Hell to Heaven , maybe using a combination of Goodha Gyan and Oordhwa Moolam AdhoShakham techniques using some Rigvedic MahaVakya statement of "Prajnanam Brahma" .. probably also being able to see the Side Benefits too of any big projects even if the project meets success or not to get that some extra efficiency ie otherwise and normally need not be possible for the pretty ordinary ones reducing on the Useless Work to generate more Useful work like a kind of PMM2 mechanism. . For example like the useless heat ie provided is used to spread some nice smells which motivate people to put in more work enthusiastically. . Maybe like singing while working or maybe even like the SWCC's generation of current in KSA (SaudiArabia) while going for water treatment .. A kind of Multi Tasking to achieve the or quench to overcome the Second Heat Law of Life to quench the Moham with a PMM2 mechanism, which need not be possible for all to Multi Task Well enough to get to the Heavenly Worlds of Hoories and all offered by Heavenly Angels  .. Gyan Margam if not properly done with proper Route Clearance and all, it may have some distastes and may not be enjoyable well enough with the lack of some finer tuned tastes ..  So Bhakthi Margam with Yajur Vedam is usually promoted in VEW rather than the Gyan Margas of RigVeda which is having AdhikariBhedam for want of proper finer tuned Multi Tasking abilities .. 

Here Bellram deputed in the VEW from JEW is now put up in a kind of Jinx with some kind of "Na Ghar ka Na Ghat Ka" fix left all alone to himself with question marks on his relevance further in VEW .. Not just that, he is nowhere near anywhere in his Lobbying and PR buzz to get a Nobel Prize for GJk , but now further faces questions on his relevance too .. 

GJk is aware of this psychological trauma underwent by Bellram, and he was trying to find some extra relevance for Bellram in the Gyana Margam.. But Ksheri Rai was highly opposed to such attempts of GJk to give Heavenly Heights to Bellram and argued that, His path is more Yajur Vedic with Bhakthi Margam more rather than the RigVedic ways of Gyana Margam with knowledge fruits ..

Upon this GJk decided to explore the third option of SamaVeda which is said to be having the taste for VysyaDharma with the Mahavakya of ThatwaMasi more .. 

And here GJk got into a slight dilemma in how to name this kind of Athmeeya Tapam that happen because of "Frictions" in the Universe maybe as per the Third Heat Law of Thermodynamics and ways to break or overcome that with some PMM3 mechanisms. . 

GJk asked Bellram himself regarding how can a good caption or name be given to this third kind of heat that arise naturally and automatically with a kind of Adhyathmika Tapam with a kind of God's call like Hunger, Self Actualization Needs,  Athatho Brahma Jinjasa ......................... that goes on and on again and again ..

Bellram asked back to GJk, "Just Think, What do you think the Solution could be" and upon this answer from Bellram, GJk thought a little further and found the solution to overcome or break the heat (Thapam) arising from the Third Heat Law of Thermodynamics that say One cannot Work without any Friction .. So if Solution this is so called "ViRaga", interpreted as Visheshathaha Ragam, like the Moon orbiting Earth like a PMM3, at a distance with ample attractions of gravity not to fly away from Earth and also with ample Tangential Velocity to fall into Earth too canbe a kind of Smoother Frictionless or reduced Friction running state .. Maybe like the Return Journey of Lord Krishna to Dwaraka, after Pandavas won the battle for HasthiNaPuram .. 

So ViRagam with the MahaVakya of ThathwaMasi while might be a combination 5th and 6th questions asked in the first chapter of Pradhama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham with a combination of RaThS and RaSaTh as discussed in the 6 basket analogies in the previous episodes of the story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras, then it dawned in GJk that , the third Adhyathmika Tapam could be that of Ragam,  maybe because of tunes (Ragas) put up by God and one's Tapam to play to that frictionless tune of Resonance with God's Tunes .. Maybe using the ThathwaMasi principle put up by Bellram when met with a question of Relevance , perhaps with the "Customer is the King" approach used by modern Management Experts and Corporates ..

Thursday, March 29, 2018

NGDCs .. Part 7, Gloskrutham Story Art, 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras ..

[28/03 11:52] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan:

 NGDCs .. In  Gloskrutham Analogy, it is to be noted that the Taste for Shudra Varna is not taken as lowly but considered more as an IQ thing for a  better balanced healthy body, mind and soul living using all the 6 religious of life science principles for a good living .. Often its greatness and fundamentality is understood only after exploring into the other 3 tastes of Varnas with  Specializations 2oo, like the story of heat laws .. Its based more on the first Purushartha ie "Dharma" epitomized more by Yudhishtir .. Yama Dharman who was the father of Yudhishtir also is said to have this taste for Shudra Varna when he came to Earth to live as a human being as per a story line in Bhagavatham .. Maybe "Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshita" analogy in due course of time is about this "Aparokshanubhavam" of Brahman like the salient pointed guide of major texts .. Maybe V(W)it C analogies in Ashwani Devathopasanas like the giving up of Mahabali for allowances elsewhere too and living within one's own limits like what is said in Mundaka Upanishad ( few steps below approach to keep oneself smaller and healthy in a Gloskrutham sense.. ) and Mandookya Upanishads (To depend more on the strengths of one's legs in Gloskrutham story sense..) are major mile stones in this principled life approach with Dharma like Yudhishtir in Gloskrutham thinking .. in which all other Vedas and Shastras are also incorporated .. 

🙏  ..

[29/03 16:32] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan:

NGDCs..  Part - 7 , Gloskrutham Story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras (Continuation) ..

You may take the previous parts from the following link ..

So in this perspective we have seen the Athrava Veda as a kind of Zeroth law of Thermodynamics which incorporate all the 6 religious principles with a kind of few step below approach using higher degrees of freedom as per the prevailing Dharma of the place and moment's Space Time Continuum ..

Maybe all the religions as Gandhiji said , could be having an error too provocating Shankaracharyar to say "Nahi Nahi Rakshathi Dukringekarane" .. In reality the so called 6 principles in a Gloskrutham sense could be having a 51% validity as the age of Brahmadev and in tune with a "Thwaya Hrithwa Vamam Vapura Trithena Manasa, Sareerardham ShambhoRaparamapi....." sense of Saundarya Lahari Sthothram , with more followers joining each religious principle an augmentation process also happens with the Natural, providing a kind of 66.6% Righteousness effect 2oo to each religious principle for some higher specialized presentations in the Universe .. 🤔😳🙏 .. 

Maybe Vedas representing the 1, 2 and 3 heat laws of Thermodynamics, other than Atharva Veda, combine just two religious principles for a more authetic Specialized Show with minimal errors in Presentations (when one principle errs, the other takes care kind of analogy)  in this Universe with the so called "Thapathrayas" 

When we mention the Thapathrayas, they are of three types .. 

One because of Mamathwam (My/Mine) feeling which can even be called a kind of "AadhiBhautika Thapam" , the second due to Moham (To achieve the objects of  desires for Moha Kshayas) which probably is called to be a kind of AadhiDaivika Thapam and then the third one, a kind of Natural Needs provided by God like Hunger and Self Actualzation Needs which can be even termed as a kind of "Aadhyathmika Thapam" .. 

So in a Gloskrutham analogy to quench the Tapam from Mamathwam, two religious principles that of Sauram and Shaktheyam are combined to form a kind of "Bhakthi" (Devotion) with the Avatar of Bhagavan to promote Discipline and Success with Fear of God too probably as based on the 3rd and 4th questions in the first chapter of Pradhama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham representing the two religions Sauram and Shaktheyam probably with the "Aham Brahmasmi" MahaVakya of Yajur Veda Samhita .. While Sauram could be the major basis of YajnaValkya's Shukla (White) Yajur Vedam, "Shaktheyam" with Fear and Success could be the major ingredient of Krishna (Black) Yajur Vedam of Mafia with both taking elements from the other too as and when needed or in some distress when met with some errors in one principle .. In Nigudha Samkhya Gloskrutham Analogy Sauram represent 4 th house of BrahmaDev and Sun while Shaktheyam represents the 8th house of ShaniDev and Lord Hanuman  .. (just check the baskets of Sauram and Shaktheyam in the previously posted links to find its ingredients..).. 

So maybe like an aberration to the first law of Thermodynamics with PMM1, Bhakthi or Devotion helps to keep the existing posessions acquired or having with the Yajur Veda's "Aham Brahmasmi" Manthra .. 

Please note that this is just an Artistic Gloskrutham Story Build Up only with alternate interpretations and there could be many other scholary interpretations other than this too .. Praise be to the Lord .. 🙏 .. (To be Continued ..) ..

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Part - 6 .. Gloskrutham Imaginary Story - " 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras" ..

NGDCs .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. A Gloskrutham Perspective Story .. Part - 6 (Continuation from Part - 5..) ..

One may go thru the previous parts too with the link above ..

In the continuation of this story please note that such a Gloskrutham build up story art based on 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras maynot be found anywhere else .. Its a kind of Zennish / Bodhodaya / No Guarantee but probable Story Art under the Gloskrutham Umbrella band with alternate interpretations .. 

So you may not get such versions of thoughts in any other scriptures .. especially like the Permutation and Combination art of Thrigunas with TSR, STR, SRT, TRS, RTS and RST with the 6 religions or a kind of 6 so called logical or rational , Scientific Opinions of life namely Life Science or Shastras .. 

Please remember, this need not be any fool proof story and there could be exceptions and like a working hypothesis might be needed more researches into it ..

There could be many ways to reach Arctic Region 🤔😳🙏 from  Indian Ocean, either thru the Good Hope Munambu around Africa and thru the Atlantic Ocean or thru the Arabian Sea and Red Sea thru the Suez Canal (built with some Bhageeratha Efforts for the easier and faster travel to the destinations for the Children of Sea 🤔😳🙏 paying some tolls to the  Big Brothers of Land) and then thru the Rocks of Gibralters into Atlantic Ocean towards ArcTic .. Or maybe there are also ways thru Pacific Ocean too .. 

So the basic idea been there could be many ways in the world .. 

And this is just an articulated story continuation on a Gloskrutham Way in 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. 

In the first chapter of the Pradhama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham maybe 6 questions with Shastras of Life Science are asked about the Material / Physical Worlds and maybe with the Rule of Exceptions in each religion or the 6 baskets told in the previous parts of this story, perhaps answers with 4 Vedas are provided in Srimad Bhagavatham using a kind of 4 meanings by Suthan applicable to 4 Varnas with the 4 MahaVakyas of Vedas , like the inter crossing / mingling petals of Lotus or a kind of PadmaVyooha Set up of the Universe, maybe with various forces acting and counter acting with Resultant Intensities Within and Without getting manifested around as Manifestations of God where each one of us are also a small part of THAT Great God Manifested .. 🙏 ..  

The 6 questions of Life Science, asked in Bhagavatham are there in the text for all to read and understand .. 

Maybe the first question is about the religion Ganapathyam regarding how to get Goodha Gyan or the Unknown New Secret Knowledge .. In the later chapters Bhagavatham tries to answer these 6 Life Science questions  in various ways as applicable to various types of people and their interest or tastes in colours (Varnas) probably ..

Maybe the solution method used in Bhagavatham for all these questions are based on a 4 way Vedic Interpretation Analogy using Bhakthi, Gyanam, Viragam and an Aparoksha Brahmanubhavam .. Maybe like the four ways to handle the so called Tapathrayas ..

Here one needs to think about the 4 heat laws of Thermodynamics as the parallels in Modern Physics and its abberations as Perpetual Motion Machines of the First, Second and Third Kinds namely PMM1, PMM2 and PMM3 .. 

Maybe 3 Vedas if practiced well enough, that could be sufficient in some Kena Upanishad styles but since to err is human and since there could be the Rule of Exceptions also could be happening we cannot avoid the Bullet Pointed "Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics" too that could be hidden in the 4th Athrava Veda with the MahaVakya "Ayam Atma Brahma" .. somewhat also meaning "His/Her Athma is Brahman" .. which probably might have made the Great Scientist Late. Sri. Stephen Hawking too to say as quoted by our Honourable Central  Minister that Vedas could be having some still deeper understandings regarding the Governing Laws of the Universe, maybe even beyond the 6 laws , he might have narrated in his books of which he is said to have said that with this 6 laws , an unknown God need not be necessary for the current  running of this Universe, whatever the Unknown Ancestral Glories might be , regarding the Origin or even the Unknown Future Running of the Universe perhaps .. He probably (not very sure though, yet..) intended to say when glorifying Vedas could be that, apart from his concept of "Known Past and Known Future Plans only matter" in tune to his atheistic beliefs and religion, perhaps there could still be a grandeur "Unknown Origins and Unknown Pasts and also an Unknown Future and its Plans too beyond the known" connecting everything and synchronizing beautifully too maybe like the shape of a Lotus by an Unknown God that can only be experienced beyond just the Stars with 5 corners .. ( not very sure of such a Gloskrutham imaginary addendum build up for the sake of this story..) ..

Maybe like the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics that got invented or realized perhaps with a kind of Aparokshanubhavam of Brahman, only after inventing the other 3 heat laws , but considered a still more fundamental law than the other three laws .. Some scholars like Aurobindo might have said 4 th Veda Atharva and its Upanishads "Mundaka Upsnishad" and "Mandookya Upanishad" are better suited for the Shoodra Varna taste but it is to be noted that it is actually more fundamental law like the "Zeroth Law of Thermodyanamics" that got found later but actually which is more basic and fundamental in nature to other three heat laws .. 

(To be continued ..) ..

Sunday, March 25, 2018

NGDCs. . Niche Buzz .. Gloskrutham Story, slightly more modified ..

NGDCs. .  Niche Buzz , Yet another Gloskrutham Story ..

To understand the characters more please refer to some of the previous Gloskrutham stories of Bellram, Ksheri Rai and Arjun Krishna from JEW (Jyothi Engineering Works) but now on deputation with a project of VEW (Value Engineering Works) as executed by GJk (Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan)..  Kimmy Kat and PriyamVada are from PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation) who are trying hard to get back the international funding for their programmes that got lost with the haste in implementation by Bellram and Ksheri Rai when they were with PEC after ousting GJk from there using some TEChniques of Bellram, without much considerations for the longer handles of time .. Later after being thrown out of PEC for the project failure Bellram joined JEW for the project of VEW on deputation from JEW under GJk..

Bellram and Ksheri Rai are engaged to get married but if they get married, GJk has threatened them to throw out of GJk's VEW project ..

Priyam Vada been working in VEW initially as assistant to Ksheri Rai but got frustrated with a kind of Kadak Critical Path Method (CPM) kind of operation style of GJk and she left VEW to join the PEC in a similar post as that of Ksheri Rai in VEW project when got wooed by the new CEO Kimmy Kat , of PEC .. In PriyamVada's place the new entrant to VEW as the new apprentice of Ksheri Rai is Arjun Krishna, a fresh MBA post graduate, in Operations Research, with a Mechanical Engineering Graduation back ground.. Ksheri Rai and others are overwhelmed at the appointment and entry of Arjun Krishna to VEW, but Bellram feels himself to be at some unease with new appointment of Arjun Krishna  .. Bellram also felt some distant threats from Arjun Krishna for his post in VEW ..  

Now trying to use this opportunity of irk of Bellram fully, PriyamVada is trying hard to woo Bellram back to PEC as per the instructions from Kimmy Kat using various techniques like "Chai Pe Charcha" etc etc .. But Bellram is in a slight dilemma and yet to make up his mind ..

So while the wooing of Bellram to join back to PEC is going on, simultaneously PriyamVada and KimmyKat decided to open yet another Bus BhiKar, Niche Business Front of Co Operation with VEW officially and decided to use the influence they had in Bellram to put up this matter in front of the Policy Makers of VEW, ie heavily influenced by the opinions and strategies of GJk..

Recently PEC has started a business collaboration with Touchup Engineering Corporation (TEC) who are well versed in the field of Surface Treatments .. Maybe need not just like JEW who are well versed Hologram Business helping out in the project of VEW funded by International Charity Organisations, but a kind of reverse help process is asked by TEC from PEC to assist them in their project funded by an International consortium of Cosmetics Producing Companies .. TEC has asked PEC to organize a few projects in a land and society of some good old conventional value systems to promote the Party Culture for freeier mingling of Men and Women even in late night clubs ..  TEC argued to PEC that freeier mingling of Men and Women shall help to bring down the crime rates and atrocities committed against women bringing down the crime rates .. So PEC's CEO KimmyKat decided to help TEC for an undisclosed payment.. and Priyam Vada got deputed to the TEC's project from PEC ..

And on a Chai Pe Charcha programme with Bellram who is actually in a decision making dilemma whether to leave JEW and VEW (for his reducing relevance in the PR activities of JEW and VEW) and join back to PEC, PriyamVada asks Bellram whether he could help to put up this project for a good cause in the strategic agenda of VEW as a Niche Segment addressal.. Maybe like taking a note of Sreenivasan's character in the Malayalam Movie Love 24 × 7 Bellram reluctantly agrees but says that, he shall also put up a remark that he is not sure whether encouraging the Late Night Party Culture in society might actually help the Peace agenda or not .. It may go up or down with some probable atrocities that might get committed against Men / Women ..

To this PriyamVada retorted why should Bellram be worried about the decision's pros and cons ie to be ascertained by VEW.. PriyamVada reiterated to Bellram that he need not bother much, of the larger things outside his purview if he wants to be with PEC for longer term.. He just needs to think of his own benefits.. Whether Peace goes down or up he is having a niche business plan now .. If the Peace goes down, PEC's relevance shall increase in the International arena and funds may flow in more for various activities of PEC, and once again PEC shall be in the lime light again trying to engineer peace using its various abilities.. ( need not exactly like increasing number of patients and diseases helping to improve the relevance of Doctors and their fee..) and if the project brings in further peace you have contributed to a noble cause of PEC for which PEC shall reward you handsomly. .

"And now What do you say ?" PriyamVada's sweet voice pushed Bellram to put up this matter before the Policy Makers of VEW including GJk for a few dollars more from Niche Business. .

And then GJk and other Policy makers went into a  kind of slightly amused silent look mode with the PR ability of Bellram in presenting the matter .. And they replied unanimously that they need to think more before replying as this intends to change some of the strong moral threads of the society ie cultivated for a few centuries .. Skipping a few centuries need not be an easy task for the social ethical mind set and moral codes of society targetted.. GJk and other policy makers of VEW agreed to the strengths and abilities of TEC to bring up such radical changes by flipping a few centuries in some blinks to evolve some Regimes of iconic Tigers whom people adored to set up new path breaking solutions in reducing and defending heat waves of pyrometric proportions which, if had been used, perhaps the disaster that happened with Challenger Shuttle could have been thwarted or even the Bellram's project with PEC earlier could have succeeded with proper establishments of cold chains ..

But the doubts that GJk and other Policy Makers were having was that whether this might hamper the project of VEW .. Just a Touchup programme need not hamper the VEW's programme and Image as the proposal  has got some forward thinking logic rationally .. But Ksheri Rai, who was also invited to the discussion as the representative of JEW was opposed to this idea strongly and said TEC's agenda could be deceiving and Touchup Programmes of Surface Treatment may not just stay on Surface and may go deeper than expected and may put the interest in VEW to jeopardy like the award winning last scene walk of the Brahma Chari in the Malayalayam movie "Etho Oru Swapnam" starred by the great legend Late. Sri. Jayan.. Hence Ksheri Rai said, from JEW's point of view, we prefer to say a "No" to this Niche business proposal from TEC and PEC as we prefer a kind of "Cut Joint" rather than a horse hoof joint in Carpentry. . And for bringing up such a project being an ambassador to her Arch Rival Priyam Vada who did a "Thekkal" of VEW earlier, a furious Ksheri Rai said that she is breaking the Engagement with Bellram then and there itself, maybe like showing an attitude of being more loyal than the King kind of show off ..

GJk answered to Ksheri Rai that, she herself been instrumental in Bellram's hand to oust GJk from PEC earlier and it doesn't suit her to talk lowly of such a behaviour shown by PriyamVada. . GJk also added that as a V(W)it C policy to be accomodative of maximum number possible in VEW, they are not opposed to the idea of TEC and PEC to an extent. . Maybe VEW itself uses HorseHoof fit joint policy more rather than cut joint strategy of Carpentry.. Maybe more with the "Pakkalam" plans of the Great Late. Sri. Kamaraj with Chandogya Upanishad more rather than a kind of Kena perspective of Ksheri Rai and JEW that "we together only matter"..

Ksheri Rai as a retort at this statement of GJk, just bursted and stormed out of the meeting room like a kind of Sandiyaag wind saying that GJk  is doing the same mistake as Pareekshit did to Kali who asked for some extra space other than what was given by Pareekshit, who eventually ended up even in killing him.. She reiterated a Point that V(W)it C strategy also needs to be given some V(W)it C allowance with some Cut Fit joints too..

Everyone in the meeting room just got dumbstruck at this awesome Performance  and statements of Ksheri Rai..

GJk immediately called Arjun Krishna and asked him to tame KsheriRai somehow and get her back so that things don't go out of control into jeopardy with heightened emotionalised melodramas..

KsheriRai entered back to the meeting room after sometime with some great PR efforts by Arjun Krishna.. And making the position more vulnerable for Bellram, GJk put up the Compromise deal that as such VEW is not participating in the TEC initiative and project, but shall issue some Sweat Equities of VEW to the TEC venture of PEC,  as and when ample efforts are taken by Bellram, TEC and PEC to win a Nobel Prize in Gloskrutham Literature Art for GJk.. And for the time being the focal group of VEW shall remain the learned older people than younger people .. Of course Sweat Equities to younger ones shall be issued depending on the efforts put up by them with TEC and PEC ..

And knowing the poor abilities of Bellram in PR and Lobbying, Ksheri Rai took a sigh of relief thinkinking that , Thank God, she shall never have to work along with at par with her previous subordinate and now ArchRival PriyamVada..

And after listening to the compromise decision put up by GJk,  Bellram just put his hand on his head and sat down on the Sofa blaming his Destiny because  he is now really in a nowhere position and shall need to really work hard now if he has to achieve any of his dreams  ..  😊🙏  ..

NGDCs. . "Niche Buzz" .. New Gloskrutham story ..

NGDCs. .  Niche Buzz , Yet another Gloskrutham Story .. 

 To understand the characters more please refer to some of the previous Gloskrutham stories of Bellram, Ksheri Rai and Arjun Krishna from JEW (Jyothi Engineering Works) but now on deputation with a project of VEW (Value Engineering Works) as executed by GJk (Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan)..  Kimmy Kat and PriyamVada are from PEC (Peace Engineering Corporation) who are trying hard to get back the international funding for their programmes that got lost with the haste in implementation by Bellram and Ksheri Rai when they were with PEC after ousting GJk from there using some TEChniques of Bellram, without much considerations for the longer handles of time .. Later after being thrown out of PEC for the project failure Bellram joined JEW for the project of VEW on deputation from JEW under GJk..

Bellram and Ksheri Rai are engaged to get married but if they get married, GJk has threatened them to throw out of GJk's VEW project .. 

Priyam Vada been working in VEW initially as assistant to Ksheri Rai but got frustrated with a kind of Kadak Critical Path Method (CPM) kind of operation style of GJk and she left VEW to join the PEC in a similar post as that of Ksheri Rai in VEW project when got wooed by the new CEO Kimmy Kat , of PEC .. In PriyamVada's place the new entrant to VEW as the new apprentice of Ksheri Rai is Arjun Krishna, a fresh MBA post graduate, in Operations Research, with a Mechanical Engineering Graduation back ground.. Ksheri Rai and others are overwhelmed at the appointment and entry of Arjun Krishna to VEW, but Bellram feels himself to be at some unease with new appointment of Arjun Krishna  .. Bellram also felt some distant threats from Arjun Krishna for his post in VEW ..   

Now trying to use this opportunity of irk of Bellram fully, PriyamVada is trying hard to woo Bellram back to PEC as per the instructions from Kimmy Kat using various techniques like "Chai Pe Charcha" etc etc .. But Bellram is in a slight dilemma and yet to make up his mind .. 

So while the wooing of Bellram to join back to PEC is going on, simultaneously PriyamVada and KimmyKat decided to open yet another Bus BhiKar, Niche Business Front of Co Operation with VEW officially and decided to use the influence they had in Bellram to put up this matter in front of the Policy Makers of VEW, ie heavily influenced by the opinions and strategies of GJk..

Recently PEC has started a business collaboration with Touchup Engineering Corporation (TEC) who are well versed in the field of Surface Treatments .. Maybe need not just like JEW who are well versed Hologram Business helping out in the project of VEW funded by International Charity Organisations, but a kind of reverse help process is asked by TEC from PEC to assist them in their project funded by an International consortium of Cosmetics Producing Companies .. TEC has asked PEC to organize a few projects in a land and society of some good old conventional value systems to promote the Party Culture for freeier mingling of Men and Women even in late night clubs ..  TEC argued to PEC that freeier mingling of Men and Women shall help to bring down the crime rates and atrocities committed against women bringing down the crime rates .. So PEC's CEO KimmyKat decided to help TEC for an undisclosed payment.. and Priyam Vada got deputed to the TEC's project from PEC .. 

And on a Chai Pe Charcha programme with Bellram who is actually in a decision making dilemma whether to leave JEW and VEW (for his reducing relevance in the PR activities of JEW and VEW) and join back to PEC, PriyamVada asks Bellram whether he could help to put up this project for a good cause in the strategic agenda of VEW as a Niche Segment addressal.. Maybe like taking a note of Sreenivasan's character in the Malayalam Movie Love 24 × 7 Bellram reluctantly agrees but says that, he shall also put up a remark that he is not sure whether encouraging the Late Night Party Culture in society might actually help the Peace agenda or not .. It may go up or down with some probable atrocities that might get committed against (Wo)Men .. 

To this PriyamVada retorted why should Bellram be worried about the decision's pros and cons ie to be ascertained by VEW.. PriyamVada reiterated to Bellram that he need not bother much, of the larger things outside his purview if he wants to be with PEC for longer term.. He just needs to think of his own benefits.. Whether Peace goes down or up he is having a niche business plan now .. If the Peace goes down, PEC's relevance shall increase in the International arena and funds may flow in more for various activities of PEC, and once again PEC shall be in the lime light again trying to engineer peace using its various abilities.. ( need not exactly like increasing number patients and diseases helping to improve the relevance of Doctors and their fee..) and if the project brings in further peace you have contributed to a noble cause of PEC for which PEC shall reward you handsomly. .

"And now What do you say ?" PriyamVada's sweet voice pushed Bellram to put up this matter before the Policy Makers of VEW including GJk for a few dollars more income to VEW too from Niche Business. .

And then GJk and other Policy makers went into a  kind of slightly amused silence mode with the PR ability of Bellram in presenting the matter .. And they replied unanimously that they need to think more before replying as this intends to change some of the strong moral threads of the society ie cultivated for a few centuries .. Skipping a few centuries need not be an easy task for the social ethical mind set and moral codes of society targetted.. GJk and other policy makers of VEW agreed to the strengths and abilities of TEC to bring up such radical changes by flipping a few centuries in some blinks to evolve some iconic Tigers whom people adored to set up new path breaking solutions in reducing and defending heat waves of pyrometric proportions which if had been used perhaps the disaster that happened with Challenger Shuttle could have been thwarted or even the Bellram's project with PEC earlier could have succeeded with proper establishments of cold chains ..

But the doubts that GJk and other Policy Makers were having was that whether this might hamper the project of VEW .. Just a Touchup programme need not hamper the VEW's programme and Image as it has gto some forward thinking logic rationally .. But Ksheri Rai who was also invited to the discussion as the representative of JEW opposed to this idea strongly and said TEC's agenda could be deceiving and Touchup Programmes of Surface Treatment may not just stay on Surface and may go deeper than expected and may put the interest in VEW to jeopardy like the award winning last scene walk of the Brahma Chari in the Malayalayam movie "Etho Oru Swapnam" starred by the great legend Late. Sri. Jayan.. Hence Ksheri Rai said, from JEW's point of view we prefer to say a "No" to this Niche business proposal from TEC and PEC as we prefer a kind of "Cut Joint" rather than a horse hoof joint in Carpentry. . And for bringing up such a project being an ambassador to her Arch Rival Priyam Vada who did a "Thekkal" of VEW earlier, a furious Ksheri Rai said that she is breaking the Engagement with Bellram then and there itself maybe like showing an attitude of being more loyal than the King kind of show off ..

GJk answered to Ksheri Rai that, she herself been instrumental in Bellram's hand to oust GJk from PEC earlier and it doesn't suit her to talk lowly of such a behaviour shown by PriyamVada. . GJk also added that as a V(W)it C policy to be accomodative of maximum number possible in VEW, they are not opposed to the idea of TEC and PEC to an extent. . Maybe VEW itself uses HorseHoof fit joint policy more rather than cut joint strategy of Carpentry.. Maybe more with the "Pakkalam" plans of the Great Late. Sri. Kamaraj with Chandogya Upanishad more rather than a kind of Kena perspective of Ksheri Rai and JEW that we together only matter..

Ksheri Rai as a retort at this statement of GJk, just bursted and stormed out of the meeting room like a kind of Sandiyaag wind saying that GJk  is doing the same mistake as Pareekshit did to Kali who asked for some extra space other than what was given by Pareekshit, who eventually ended up even in killing him.. She reiterated a Point that V(W)it C strategy also needs to be given some V(W)it C allowance with some Cut Fit joints too..

Everyone in the meeting room just got dumbstruck at this awesome Performance  and statements of Ksheri Rai.. 

GJk immediately called Arun Krishna and asked him to tame KsheriRai somehow and get her back so that things don't go out ofor control into jeopardy with heightened emotionalised melodramas..

KshriRai entered back to the meeting room after sometime with some great PR efforts by Arjun Krishna.. And making the position more vulnerable for Bellram, GJk put up the Compromise deal that as such VEW is not participating in the TEC initiative and project, but shall issue some Sweat Equities of VEW to the TEC venture of PEC,  as and when ample efforts are taken by Bellram, TEC and PEC to win a Nobel Prize in Gloskrutham Literature Art for GJk..

And knowing poor abilities of Bellram in PR and Lobbying, Ksheri Rai took a sigh of relief thinkinking that , Thank God, she shall never have to work along with at par with her previous subordinate and now ArchRival PriyamVada..

And after listening to the compromise decision put up by GJk,  Bellram just put his hand on his head and sat down on the Sofa blaming his Destiny, because  he is now really in a nowhere position and shall need to really work hard now if he has to achieve any of his dreams  ..  😊🙏  ..

Friday, March 23, 2018

NGDCs .. A Gloskrutham story " 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras" - Part 5 ..

NGDCs .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras - A Gloskrutham Perspective Story Data Base build up.. Part - 5 ..

Previuos part maybe read with the following link ..

In the 4th Basket of Samkhya Darsanam put up by Kapila Muni, the Vedanga associated in this in Gloskrutham thinking is "Chandass", somewhat also may mean a kind of meter sense .. and the religion associated is "Vaishnavam" with a kind of RST brick (also Interesting to think of the Hindi meaning of words like Rasath or Rastha .. 🤔😊 ..) .. Planet Jupiter and Lord Shiva while could be Vaishnavites, Chiranjeevi of this religion in a Gloskrutham sense is considered to be Vibheeshanan .. The head of this religion is Lord Vishnu or the Planet Moon along with the  first house of  Gloskrutham who could actually be the Shakthites, or the Goddess Yoga Maya or VishnuMaya worshippers .. 

And in the 5th basket Kanaka (or Kanada) Muni's Vaisheshika Darsanam is said to be kept in a Gloskrutham sense along with the Vedanga "Niruktham" with Planet Rahu, Yoga Maydevi ruling as Heads with Planet Moon and Vishnu Bhagavan as followers.. Planet Rahu and YogaMaya as Reps of Shaktheya Vadam, themselves   are actually  shaivaites in a Gloskrutham story thinking .. and the Chiranjeevi of Shaktheya Vadam is considered to be Lord Parasuram in the Gloskrutham sense .. and bricks used for build up is TRS (interesting to think of the meaning of the Hindi word Taras too 😊🙏..) in this 5th basket .. 

And then in the 6th Basket of Veda Vyas' "Utthara Meemamsa" Shastra Darsanam, the Vedanga put in is "Jyothisham" along with the religion "Kaumaram" with a kind of "STR" bricks build ups (Interesting to think of the word Meaning Satark in Hindi.. 🙏 .. )  and the followers of this relogion in a Gloskrutham sense are the Leaders and Pada Lakshmies (Koluse Bhandara Nayaki concept..) who work hard .. And the planet Mars also follows this Religion headed by Lord Subrahmanya Swamy and planet Mercury who follow the Sarawathi Devi and Planet Venus of 10th house Gloskrutham that is more characterised by correct correct just enough doings in some IAS kind of style probably.. and the "Chranjeevi" of this religion is considered to be "Krupar" the uncle of "Aswthama" from Mahabharatham story .. 😊🐼🤔😲🙏 .. Praise be to all the Lords .. 🙏 .. 

(To be continued..) ..

Thursday, March 22, 2018

NGDCs. . Panchabhoota Fans Association.. A Gloskrutham perspective .. published a few years back in FB ..

NGDCs .. Interesting to think about "Earth" as a "Producer" of an "Entertainer" with a lot of Cash in Hand and "Water" as the "Stories" / Story Board (Ocean of Stories) and then the Fire Power being the "Director" to decide on which story to be brought forward from the "Ocean" of Stories and then filmed into the "Visible World" with "Air"  as the "Heroine" and "Space"  as the "Hero" .. Maybe Panchabhootas Fans Association (PFA) encourages feeding the "Hero" more with "Bio Sound Energies" of people so that all the "Panchabhootas" may enjoy some good and entertaing show too .. :) .. 🙏  ..

NGDCs .. We are all enjoying the many benefits that the "Panchabhootas" have provided us in this world including the physical body of us .. Maybe interesting to think what can we give back in return .. Maybe there can be many types of "Yajnas" that can be done to feed the bio energy to the Panchabhootas for them to create the many things for the entertainment of the Divine Will of the Lord in this Universe .. Maybe there are many ways to feed our "Bio Energies" to the "Panchabhootas" as an offer .. Feeding our  "Bio Sound Energy" to Space, "Touch Energies" to "Air" with some kind of "Zen" flying kisses single handedly, "Shapeful" offers to "Fire" or perhaps even to the "Lime Light", of "Crafty" things made by us using our "Bio Energies" even from the so called "Waste Materials" too perhaps .. :O .. "Tasty" and "Tasteful" things, including tasty food or perhaps even stories to "Water" and then good smelling things to one's liking to be buried into the "Earth" and "Movements" to Time too probably making the movements taking tiime gracefully too perhaps by walking or even cycling other than using other faster movement things as a kind of "W(V)IT C" offers to keep younger at "heart" more with some probable so called meaningless Gloskrutham Thought Perspectives too probably with a "Fresh Mind" to even assess and plan things better too with some better enjoyments / experience / realizations of fresh and interesting things around that freshens mind more to be more young sometimes that might miss in some Speedier Travels .. :) .. :O .. Higher Quality offers are perhaps offer to the Higher Beings like the offers to the "Hero" of the "Entertainment Programmes" more as said in the previous post like feeding Bio Sound Energy to Space for the gradual evolution of things with "Time Taken" :O proper evolution channel gradually with other "Panchabhootas" too with the right(eous) threshold points of "Emotionalisation" for evolution further to the other "Panchabhootas" with Gloskrutham perspectives with movements of Divine Will and Individual Wills and Desires perhaps .. NCBP plans try to promote the feeding of "Bio Sound Energies" to the Nature for the consumption of Space for gradual evolution of Divine Will to many other things too with Divine and Individual Desires in a more "Graceful Manner" if possible even with Prayers, Soliloquys, Dialogues, Thoughtful/Thoughts filled Minds etc etc too with sounds of lower frequency below 20 Hz too feeding the Space for some kind of a Gradual Graceful Evolution taking time for the healing purpose and even to keep the Universe more "Fresh" and "Younger at Heart" even with the ageing processes .. :) .. :O ..  


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

NGDCs.. Gloskrutham Story Art - 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras - Part 4 ..

Gloskrutham Story Art .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. (Continuation..) .. Part - 4 .. 

In the First Basket just like planet Jupiter and Lord Shiva represent the Religion "Shaivam" as heads but are  ardent followers or practitioners of Vaishnavism personally in a Gloskrutham Sense, in the second basket Planet Sun and Brahma Dev or Lord Ayyappa or SriDharma Shastha or Lord Venkateswara represent the Saura Religion as Heads for the followers of Saura Religion like Lord Hanuman or Planet Saturn .. And just like the 4th house of Gloskrutham representing discipline and defense forces including the Mother's Sraddha with Thought, Word and Deed in line and in tune with harmony and discipline in the Second Basket of SRT with Sauram, in the same way, 5th house Gloskrutham of Imaginations (i) of Sanakadi Munies (i^4 (i raised to 4) as a kind of Missing links in Evolution probably..😊😳 🤔🙏 ..) and Real Children's  imaginations are put in the 1st Basket of the religion Shaivam with RTS in a Gloskrutham Perspective .. 

And now the 3rd Basket of "Nyaya Shastra Darsanam" of Gauthama Maharshi probably contain the Grammar King Law Man Ganesan's Ganapathyam Religion with a TSR (T(he(y))(e)(a)ser) brick Analogy, with a kind of some Third Angle Isometric kind of Perspective Projections too probably even converting the Hells into Heavens too with some new findings too previously unknown within the "Goodha Gyan" (Secret Gyan) using a kind of "Ganapathikkai" as said in some VadyaMela terminologies as said by the Actor Jayaram in a Badai Benglavu Interview .. 

In the first chapter of Srimad Bhagavatham, the first question asked by Shaunakadi Maharshies to the Brilliant shishya of Shuka Maharshi named Suthan is about this principle of Ganapathyam regarding how to get Goodha Gyan (Secret Gyan) with new findings which is a strong principle or religion running this Universe in the name Ganapathyam..  Here in a Gloskrutham sense these are put up in the 3rd Basket along with Nyaya Darsanam with the Vedanga of "Vyakaranam" or Grammar .. Probably "Aswathama" representing the 3rd house of Gloskrutham along with Planet Kethu is imagined to be the ardent follower or practitioner Chiranjeevi of this Religion Ganapathyam in a Gloskrutham perspective whereas  Lord Ganesha at the helm along with Planet Mercury in the 11th house Gloskrutham thoughts of Higher Personal Quality with SAP techs of CGQIP measures is more of an ardent follower or practitioner of Goddess Saraswati and Planet Venus in 7th house Gloskrutham who are perhaps Great Experts in the Bridging Art wherever and whenver necessary or needed .. 


NGDCs .. Gloskrutham Art Story .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras .. Part - 3 ..

[20/03 14:48] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan: 

NGDCs .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras - A Gloskrutham Addendum Story .. (Continuation) .. (You may read the previous build up sections with the following link ..) ..

Now if we try to put R for Rajas, T for Tamas and S for Satvic (the Thrigunas) it seems funny to think further about the 6 further permutations and combination of some kind brick build ups using different combinations of RTS and associating that to 6 principles of religions, Shastras and Vedangas put in 6 different baskets together like a particular kind of brick, suiting cement, suiting gravel, water and other additives for the build ups with a kind of Kausthubha Ratna Analogy found out sometime before October 2013 with a Palazhi Mathanam kind of project held in Our No. 1924 - Sreebhothanatha Vilasom NSS Karayogam .. Further additions have later come up regarding a practical way to understand Special Relativity and General Relativity in some Layman story methods .. but that do not have much prominence in this story now though some of its subtle elements could be observed .. 

In this story part dealing with the six baskets, the analogy mainly focuses on some similar things that are put in each basket for a better understanding of the later parts of this Gloskrutham story ..

So Basket No. 1 could be deemed to take up the following things ..

 At the level of Darsana Shastram, the Yoga Darsanam of Pathanjali, with an RTS brick of Shaiva Religion might give more importance to the Vedanga called "Shiksha" that deal and emphasise more on Phonetics and probably also on its Neuro Lingustic ways  .. 

Markandeya Maharshi could be a great epitome (Chiranjeevi) of the Shaiva Religion with RTS .. 

But it could be interesting also to note that while Markandeya is a great Shiva Bhakth, the Head of Shaivism Lord Shiva himself is said to be a Vaishnavite (Vishnu Bhakth) in a Gloskrutham thinking perspective of course .. 😊🤔🙏 ..

[20/03 15:08] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan: 

Now if we take the Basket no 2 with the Poorva Meemamsa Shastra Darsanam of Jaimini Maharshi in Gloskrutham style with an SRT brick of the religion of Sauram (Thought provoking the meaning of Sharth in Hindi as Betting 😊🙏 just like the meaning of RTS  RaThS~ in Shaiva Religion (Need not just the Rethas with yet another beeja / nuclear thinking 🤔😳🙏) in Hindi can even be equivalent to taking the funs .. 😳🤔🙏.. and in Gloskrutham thinking Devi / YogaMaya or VishnuMaya Goddess, Planet Rahu all follow Shaivism next to Sage Markandeya ..  ).. 

But here in the Second Gloskrutham Basket of Sauram , "Kalpam" is the Vedanga, which talk of "Rituals" is associated with that Basket .. Actually Meemamsa somewhat meaning something on Sentence Construction with a kind of annotation and when it is said "Poorva Meemamsa" it is more a kind of giving build up to Sentence Construction .. 😊😳🤔🙏 ..

And now the other 4 Gloskrutham baskets..

(To be continued )..

🙏 ..


[20/03 15:22] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan: 

Maybe "Sauram" is a religion of Discipline with Thought, Word and Deed in Harmony and while Sun represent the SRT religion, Saturn seems to be a great follower of that religion with HanuMan as the Chiranjeevi of this religion in Gloskrutham thinking, with the Personal Quality heights with PFA giving Success to Sun and gap addressals and healings being provided by Gulikan (A kind of bullet pointed Guides of the main texts in a Gloskrutham story sense ..) to the head of this Religion Sun with blessings of people who Sacrifice like Jesus or Karnnores of the House  .. Maybe also to be noted that the planet head representing Shaivam (RTS) in the first Basket is Planet Jupiter in a Gloskrutham sense .. 🙏 .. - NGDCs .. A Gloskrutham Fusion Addendum Story on 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras in som...

NGDCs .. Gloskrutham Story Art , Part - 2 of 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras in Gloskrutham perspective ..

NGDCs .. Gloskrutham Story 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras (Continuation)

If we look at the "Bhakthi, Gyana, Viraga and the BrahmAvabodham" analogy further into, ie depicted in Srimad Bhagavatham interesting to think Bhakthi (Devotion) to be something that  glorifies the Mahavakya of Rigveda "Prajnanam Brahma" .. wherein Practical Knowledge is appreciated to keep the ego lower with Devotion before the Manifested God around with the "Visheshatha: Grahayathe Ithi Vigraha" analogy with prayers before the Rituals and Priesthood with a kind of "Bhava Chintha" within   .. Maybe as a kind of PMM1 mechanism to defy even the 6 principles or Religions or maybe even the 6 Shastras of the Dual, Physical , Material World ie put up be Shanuka Muni before the brilliant Sootha Muni in the first chapter of the Pradhama Skandam of Bhagavatham.. This probably might have made the so called statement of Hawking that Vedas could be having something more than these 6 material world "Shastra Principles" .. 🤔😳🙏 .. Thought Provoking .. Maybe if we look further into the Devotion with Devotion probably two religious principle of 6 Shastras might seem to be constituting it with a kind of "Nahi Nahi" dukringekarane creating energy even out of nothing with a kind Nuclear fusion analogy that even create energy in Sun .. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. Further  thought Provoking .. 😲🙏 ..

(To be continued ..) - NGDCs .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras , a Gloskrutham Fusion Addendum Story in the back ground of some Modern Science Principles .. Thought Provoking .. ..

Monday, March 19, 2018

NGDCs .. 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras , a Gloskrutham Fusion Addendum Story in the back ground of some Modern Science Principles .. Thought Provoking .. 😲 ..

NGDCs .. A Gloskrutham Fusion Addendum Story on 4 Vedas and 6 Shastras in some Modern Scientific Backgrounds ..

 Interesting to think about the six religions or the six principles that is said to govern the material world as questioned by Shaunakadi Maharshies to the highly intelligent Suthan in the first chapter of the Pradhama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham  .. 

Maybe Suthan probably also says that there could be the Rule of exceptions in any religion and perhaps when all these rules put together or when two religions are followed well, maybe the "Nahi, Nahi" factor of Dukringekarane's also might work praising the Lord Govinda .. maybe as said in the movie Narnia about the six swords put together to overcome the fast invading green naturals or it could even be as Stephen hawking is said to have said in one of his books that with the 6 laws that govern Universe God need not be necessary with a Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma Analogy .. 

But then maybe like even without any aerodynamic design, (without knowing that the bumble bee flies analogy) perhaps with the rule of exceptions in  each principle or religion the Quality "BrahmAvabodham" of God also has a place like the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics which is said to have found later after finding the fist three heat laws .. Maybe the abberations to all these three laws of Thermodynamics also exist in this Universe like PMM1, PMM2, PMM3 with a kind of Zeroth Law of BrahmAvabodham ..

Like the Universe began from Nothing as an aberration of First Law of Thermodynamics, that Energy can never be created from Nothing .. Maybe Bhakthi (Devotion) is a kind of PMM1 mechanism that create energy even from Nothingness .. Thought Provoking .. 🤔 .. (To be continued..) ..

Saturday, March 17, 2018

NGDCs. . Interesting to think about the 6 principles or religions that run the world as said in Srimad Bhagavatham..

NGDCs. . The first chapter in the Pradhama Skandham of Srimad Bhagavatham tells about 6 principles seem that run the Dwaitha  (Dual) World .. 

Thought Provoking. . 😲 .. 🙏  ..

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

NGDCs.. A Square poetry by Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan (GJk) titled Made Up Tamanjcha..

NGDCs .. Gloskrutham Poetry titled

"Made Up Tamanjcha .."

I Wonder should i play or 

Wonder should i let to band

Should i play or let it 

I let or do something funny

Play to let something liven up

Or band it funny up sidedown Tamanjcha..