Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Monday, January 21, 2019

"A Step Further" .. #30 #Gloskrutham Poetry ..

#30 #Gloskrutham Poetry ..

A Step Further..

#30 #Gloskrutham Poetry ..

A Step Further..

NGDCs ..

Bellram crossed the first mile stone of approvals in PR..
To win the Nobel Prize for GJk in Gloskrutham Literature Art..
Maybe with a "Tick" mark beginning ..
Perhaps with some Adult Education of VALUEs programmes..
Creating a Perpetual Motion Machine of the First Kind with loyalty and devotion..
Defying even the Energy Laws to create energy even from Unknown Nothing..
With a "Being" art of "Just Be" with the Bigger Flow ..

Need not like any similar sounding "A Step Father"..
Who is ready to take the patency of all "Avihitha Garbhas" ..
Like a Vellimoonga kind of Magno Mchita programme ..
Bellram crossed yet another second mile stone of Approvals from the ILP soldiers of Kammara Sambhavam..
With a "V" shaped strategy of Sarcasam upon Sarcasam with Seriousness..
Saving about 72% of energy in flying with a Magno Mchita..
That can help to achieve some more further Extras in Useful Energy ..
To assuage many of the Desires at the Uttharas (Answers) above ..
Like a PMM2 mechanism defying the 2nd law of Thermodynamics going on painting the green(eries) around..
As though there are no Second Class Seconds..

But Still that been not Enough ..
As though Bellram felt the "Tick" Mark is incomplete with a "V" shaped strategy ..
Without some waves in "Shushke Neere Ka Kasara" philosophy ..
Without some Value Addition using a few wagging tales..
Withoutwhich the Ocean may not look that pretty and appealing externally ..
Without the practical knowledge of some skin deep beauty too ..
Without some Goggles of own Colour Choices.. Perhaps without some PMM3 mechanism ..
The calm Ocean might seem a waveless one..
And then Bellram started the Betting Buzz..
Perhaps to skate thru the waves..
Maybe reaching the  Personal heights of Quality..
With a Gloskrutham Interpretation of Bell's Theorem that "Any Real Local Secret is a Quantum Secret only" ..
And if it is not a Secret of Success locally..
Then that can't be a Quantum Success Secret..
Maybe like in some thinking art of Corollaries ..

Perhaps with Some Invisible Gorillas2oo Among ..
Wherein an Egotist is defined as the One ..
Who refuses to Marry at any cost..
Being explained well to the PR activist Bellram..
Probably as a Carrot Before RealizaTion Point for him..

Monday, January 14, 2019

NGDCs .. A modified Financial Game Plan using a MagnoMchita too..

[14/01, 20:16] GloskruthamJayakrishn(GJk: 

NGDCs .. In the background of news reports regarding, Sri Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump trying to  become the President of World Bank, we shall too think of a good old  Financial Game Plan with a varied priced Magno Mchita for Fund Raising or for the flow of funds with some added features ..

It's a kind of "Benefit Fund" programme .. Some modified features are added in this Plan that was conducted earlier many years back in a low scale ..

To play this financial game there needs to be a formation of Seven peopled groups .. 

There can be any number of 7 peopled groups depending on the number of total  participants .. 

The first month payment to be done by each in the seven peopled groups is Rs.10000/- each for example, to prepare a Magno Mchita worth Rs. One lakh Twenty Thousand .. (1,20,000/-) .. (If it is a Rs.Twelve Thousand (Rs.12000/-) worth Magno Mchita preparation the  payment that needs to be made in the first month is just Rs.1000/- (Rs.Thousand only..) )..

Maybe like a kind of "Prathima Nirmanam (Sculpture Preparation) Art for continual benefits later with or for that slight extra piece of Luck too despite all hardworks put in .. Hmmmmmmmmmm ..  😲 .. 🙏 .. For Praising the Lord too.. 🙏 ..

Now the first lot (kuri) is taken at the  end of the first month from these seven people..

And the winner of that lot(Kuri) at the end of first month gets double the payment that he or she has paid .. For example Rs.20000/- .. Registration and Commission expenses for the conductor of this benefit fund is 20% of the payout with a net pay out of Rs.16000/- for the first winner and he or she need not do any payments later and can walk away with the extra cash with glee as a lucky fellow..

Now there are only 6 participants left in the group ..

The lot or Kuri at the second month is taken with the remaining 6 members ..

The winner of the second month's lot (Kuri) walks away with glee as a more lucky person with double the payment that he or she has done, less 20% from Rs.40000/- .. 

Point to be noted if the participant has not paid in advance his share before taking the lot (Kuri), he or she shall not get double of his or her payment and only that payment made by him or her in total, less 20% Registration and Commission fees ..

If the second winner has made the mothly payments earlier than the lot, the more lucky second winner walks away with the extra cash gleefully leaving the group with Rs.32000/- for the 20000/- he or she has paid in the second month itself .. 

Now the group is left with 5 people only .. And the lot is taken among them only now .. The still luckier winner this time after 3 months gets Rs.60000/-  gross for the Rs.30000/- paid less 20% Registration and Commission fees  .. And walks away from the group netting Rs. 48000/- with a smile  at the end of third month, leaving behind just 4 people in the group ..

And at the end of 4th month the last of the lots (Kuri) is taken .. And the winner of 4th lot (Kuri) wins double the payment he or she has made in 4 months with a gross amount of Rs.80,000/- for the Rs.40,000/- payment made in total by the 4th winner ..

Less 20%, the 4th more luckier winner leaves the group with Rs.64000 for the total payment of Rs.40,000 ie made at the end of 4th month ..

The rest of the 3 participants are presented with some options ..

Option Number 1

They can take back their total paid money in 100 equal parts in 100 months ..

Option 2 comes with a Magno Mchita..

One of them can opt to buy the Rs.1,20,000 priced Magno Mchita prepared from this programme at a base price of Rs.40,000/- forgoing his payments made..

If all the three wants that Magno Mchita there shall be an auction among these 3 and the highest bidder shall need to pay the bid price over and above the payment of Rs.40,000/- made by that one..

The winner of MagnoMchita can participate in the  next similar financial game immediately after with another or same 7 participants with a lower or equal to monthly payment amount to test that Magno Mchita to see if his or her luck level has increased or not ..

And again if he or she misses all the 4 lots or kuries this time too, the amount he has paid for Magno Mchita shall be paid back fully.. 

And then that Magno Mchita can be sold to another one for its power ie shown in giving back its owner, the full amount paid for the previous game immediately itself without any needs to wait for 100 months with equaled parts payments ..


Here the tax issues are not considered and if the conductor of such a kind of benefit fund kuries don't invest properly the amount gained from, for the next 100 months wisely, he or she might end up in trouble ..  

Maybe here the credentials of the Conductor of such a Benefit Fund highly matter ..

Maybe Trusts and Organizations for Noble causes might find it easier to raise the funds in such a method .. not very sure though .. yet ..

Again, I have not considered any of the legal aspects of such a Benefit Fund Financial Game Plan for the conductor and benefactors ..

Maybe instead of Rs.10000/- monthly payment , if it's made Rs.1000/- monthly payment in a reduced level, probably it can also be an interesting financial game among friends and relative circles of 7 people with some Magno Mchita preparations for increased luck .. 

And again this is just a financial tool planning only and I am not responsible for any losses or legal implications that one might incur or have playing such a game ..

.. 🤔😊🙏 .. Praise the Lord .. 🙏 ..

[14/01, 20:19] 


[14/01, 20:21] 


[14/01, 20:25] 



Instead of 20% Regn. and Commission charges from the winners, it is better to modify that to 25% to be really on a safer side with lower risk .. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

NGDCs .. Eee = Em See Square .. Gloskrutham Poetry ..

NGDCs .. #29 #Gloskrutham Poetry..
Eee = Em See Square ..
NGDCs .. #29 #Gloskrutham Poetry..
Eee = Em See Square ..
After the first mile stone of Approvals from the Munshies and Murali Gopys as though from the Kammara Sambhavam movie, addressing the Generation Gaps in bridging ..
Bellram crossed yet another second mile stone with approvals from  ILPs too in Kammara Sambhavam with some MonKey Magic with PultaUlta Worship as Ravi Teja does in the movie Bengal Tiger  ..
By changing the good old UltaPulta concepts of "Moha Mama Ragam" to "Raag Mama Moham"..
As though approving the electrons to be the real charge carriers, but for the sake of practicalities with fear of y2k hardworks, treating electrons as negative only in the public eye ..
Maybe like the Third Law of Thermodynamics', PMM3 to reduce the Generatiin Gaps ..
With the actuals of the Rajo Gunam of RigVedam mixed in some some secrets of Icchha Sakthi, using the Raagaas of Will Power, giving some Dharmic Allowances2oo 2 ..
And then the Second Law of Thermodynamics' ,  PMM2 as the Real Charge Carrying Electrons of BuddhiYoga's TamoGunam..
With a Real GyanaMarga of RajaYoga probably ..
In attaining the Mohas (Desires) Above at the Uttharas ( Answers at the heights) by trying to find the still  finer tuned utilities and usefulness..
Even in the so called Useless Works in an Yajur Vedic Plot style with AIravatsToo using AnoRaneeyanMahathoMaheeyan .. Hmmmmmmmmmm .. 🙏 .. Praise be to the Lord .. 🙏 ..