Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Monday, February 3, 2025

An Addendum Poetry ലേശം കഞ്ഞി.. developed from random words from the book written by Devi Nediyoottam.. NGDCs ..


An Addendum Poetry ലേശം കഞ്ഞി .. developed from random words from the book written by Devi Nediyoottam.. NGDCs ..

NGDCs .. Happened to read the book പ്രണയം പൂക്കുന്ന കാലം published by "Geetham Books" and written by ദേവി നെടിയൂട്ടം .. After reading the book and especially the forward "ദേ രുചി" by അന്നാ പോൾ it made me think what could be the difference between Dileep's Hotel and the Maestro Amitabh Bachan's song in the movie "Hum" .. Maybe both have their own class ..

Instead of the between the lines analogies that we try to do with Gloskrutham Reviews with addendum story build ups to make up different angles of imaginary background as we have done many times with the likes of Ashalatha's poetical works  on "പലമയുടെ ഗരിമ" or the last Gloskrutham Addendum book review that we did, here taking the advise of "Anna Paul" in preface, an inspired poetry is tried from the rearranged words randomly selected from the book .. 

Maybe like trying an inspired Gloskrutham poetry of വ്യഗാരുരിരിക that we tried in my LinkedIn profile or like the inspired poetry of കാലാന്തരം from a previously read book and need not be like the "Tailstock as head" inspired story published earlier with the home coming issues in a Spanish style .. 

So here goes the inspired Malayalam Gloskrutham Poetry that is written from the words taken from the book randomly and rearranged with some added words and conjections .. This poetry is no way connected to the book except for the words taken ..

The title of this poetry is not taken from the randomly selected words from the book .. These words are added additionally with some kind of "തമാജ്ഞ" in a previously written square poetry ..

Interesting to notice that the essence of this inspired poetry seems to be going a lil against the theme "പ്രണയം" whereas the stories in the book seem to be going in tune with the "Happily Married Ever after International Matrimony" Schemes .. 

So here goes the inspired Malayalam Poetry reminding the character of film actress who got divorced in the title.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

NGDCs ..

ലേശം കഞ്ഞി ............

അകലങ്ങളിൽ ഇരുപതുകളിലെ ജീവിതത്തിലെ പണവും സ്ഫോടനാത്മകം ..

ഞാൻ അല്ല ..

അന്നൊരു അതിനിടയ്ക്ക് എല്ലാം വെള്ളത്തിൽ ..

"നീയെന്തൊരു" കേട്ടിട്ടു ആദ്യമായി പ്രണയം ..

ഗീതം, ജലകണികകൾ പോൽ പ്രതാപം ചെയ്യുന്ന കോളേജിൽ.. 

ഇതാരാ ഈ പിയാനോ നിനക്കീ തന്നത് ..

കേട്ടു നനയുമ്പോൾ ആളുകൾ എത്ര നല്ലൂ ..

നിസ്വാർത്ഥ മനസ്സും, സ്നേഹവും ആധാരമാണല്ലോ ..

രുചി പേരു പോയി, ഇവിടെയുള്ള വായന, ഇരുവരുടെയും മോഹം.. 

വേണ്ട, അപരാധമാണെന്നും, "അനുവാദവും" പേരുണ്ടാക്കും ..

മനസ്സെല്ലാം സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു ഞാൻ, ദേ, യൗവ്വനം നോക്ക്വ)..

ഉദ്ദേശിക്കുന്ന കുട്ടി നന്മ, അതാണെന്റെ അന്നം ..

ആദ്യത്തെ അപരാധം നേരിട്ടു, വിലപിച്ചു ..

അങ്ങനെ, അവളീ ഭൂമിയിൽ.. 

ചെറുകഥാ സാഹിത്യമെല്ലാം ഒന്നിച്ചു വേദിയിൽ പറയാൻ ശാലിനി ..

പ്രണയ ദുരന്തം വന്നാൽ കൊണ്ടുപൊയ്ക്കോ, അല്പാല്പമായ്.. 

അത്താഴമാവാം .. ലേശം കഞ്ഞിയൊ .. അതോ .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Sunday, December 15, 2024

NGDCs .. An addendum Poetry from the randomly selected and randomly Re-arranged words from a book "Kalantharam" ..

 NGDCs .. Happened to skim read the book "Kaalantharam" written by "Kaithakkal Somakkuruppu" and published by "Prabhath Book House" .. 


Thought provoking change of tone after the death of "Unni Nair" in the second half once "Rathi" is introduced with the chapter "Kankettu" .. 

In the first half of the book some kind of softer "Bhavalolukathwam" seems to be felt.. But then a thought provoking "vyagaruririka" kind of second half with a different kind of tougher tone it seemed .. 

From the words and improvisations, randomly picked from the second half of the book and then randomly rearranging those words in a further improvised manner with some small small addition of some conjunctions too here and there if needed, prepared the following Asambandha poetry(ies) in Malayalam..

NGDCs .. An Asambandha Kavitha .. Vegetarianism ..

നിർമ്മല രതിയിലെ കൊച്ചുകാക്ക 

സുസ്മിത ഭയാംശങ്ങളിലെ കള്ളൻ 

പ്രകൃതീശ്വരിയുടെ ചേട്ടാ അസംബന്ധം 

വികാരജീവിയായ് ഗോപീട്ട മലഞ്ചരിവ്‌ ..

എന്തെങ്കിലും പെൻഷൻ അമ്പഴങ്ങയായാലും മതി 

കൊച്ചമ്മ സത്യഭാമ സ്പായിലൂടെ 

കാർന്നോർ കാക്ക പോർമലയിൽ

അപ്രസന്നനാം പിശുക്കന് സൂക്ഷ്മാനുഭവങ്ങൾ..


ശിവാനന്ദത്തിനൊരു തമാശ 

ജാള്യതയുടെ ചായ 

പ്രസാദത്തോടെ സത്യം

ടീച്ചറെന്നപോലെ കാർമേഘ സമൂഹം..

NGDCs.. Another Asambandha Kavitha.. A sword analogy..

ലതികകൾ പോൽ ആത്മാക്കൾ 

തമ്പ്രാനെപ്പോൽ ലക്ഷണം കാണിച്ചുപ്പൻ 

കുടുംബിനി പോൽ ഭഗവതി 

ജലസർപ്പങ്ങൾ പോൽ സുന്ദരികൾ.. 

സന്ധ്യതൻ കടൽ നിറത്തിൽ കിടന്നു തിമർക്കും കുട്ടാപ്പൂ 

സുവിശേഷകൻ പുറംനാട്ടുകാരൻ 

ചന്ദ്രികതൻ കൊട്ടാരപ്പുര 

അവളുടെ പ്രേമം സൂര്യാംശുപോൽ പടർന്ന മേലാപ്പ് ..

ചെവിയിലെ സംഭാഷണം ആരാധികയായി 

കൂവളം വെള്ളത്തിലാറാടി മന്ത്രിക്കും പോൽ മൊഴി 

ദീപാരാധന ചുറ്റും 

കാണിപ്പെണ്ണിൻ നഗ്നത..

NGDCs .. One more Asambandha Kavita .. Need not be like the recent Tamil Movie "MaVeeran" acted by Shiva Karthikeyan .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

ആരോഗ്യമുള്ള സൂര്യൻ അടുത്തെത്തി കുമിഞ്ഞു 

കരിംചുണ്ടിൻ മാലാഖ 

ജീൻസ് ഇരുളുന്നു 

നിന്ന ഫോണടിച്ചു ..

വാനിലേക്കുയരും ലെഗ്ഗിൻസ് 

പക്ഷികൾ കാവുകൾ പിന്നിട്ടു 

കക്ഷികൾ മാഞ്ഞു, ഭരണം നീട്ടത്തിൽ 

ആകാശം കൊട്ടാരപ്പുരയും പോലീസും ..

കുര കടിഞ്ഞാൺ 

വിണ്ണിന്റെ നിലാവിൽ യാത്ര ..

ബഹുനില കെട്ടിടം മാറിലേറ്റി 

പിണയും സഹചൂടേറ്റിയ കാലാന്തരം പോൽ ..

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Musings in Gloskrutham Gharana style about Inertia Forces in and as Thrigunas.. NGDCs ..

 .. 🤔🤔 ..

.. 🤔🤔 ..

NGDCs .. With all the chaoes that are happening in the process to degrade the other one's languages that they speak and worship to God (including the sign language of symbolisms with different different Deities and ViGrahas too..) it could be interesting to note a few things .. 🤔🤔 ..

.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

The scholars argue that normal Bhakthi or Devotion can be said to be like the Love of a Prostitute that is said to be oriented towards the Purushartha of "Artha" seeking the meaning of Life with some kind of  Top Down processing approach  trying to earn more "Punyas"  "Virtues" .. 

Sanakadi Munimar asks Lord Vishnu in VaiKundham in a lil angry manner that what is there in the Bhakthi  other just being a sound that last  beyond all times .. Maybe like the  Love of a Non Committed Prostitute without any loyalty .. If given something extra like a money payment with "Sraddha" something  extra seem to be happening for that time until there is Sraddha and Attention.. 

Maybe the Lord in the trio reincarnation drama with JayaVijayas using Thrigunas, show that in the top down processing with Gravity the "Thud" feeling may not be felt as there need not be any limits or ends to "AnoRaneeyan Concepts" with the Hari Chinthanam in derivatives while the world goes on integrating with the Brahma Karmas .. Something like by the time  one reaches one end of a diametrical tunnel with the momentum beyond centre of gravity, the gravity pull direction can get  reversed and instead of the Thud experience it could be the "Back to VaiKundham" experience of Jaya Vijayas with the "Utthama Shloka Chikeersha" .. 

So with such observations, here on, while the Inertia Forces of Rest shall be considered more equivalent to the Kshathrite programmes with PMM3 mechanisms of Dharma using the Divine Will (IcchaShakthi) of Father to reduce on the friction, Inertia Forces of Direction shall be considered more in tune with the Brahminical programmes of PMM2 mechanism by the clergy for some extra efficiency using the Holy Spirit's Gyan Shakthi to achieve the Purushartha of Desires (Kama) with Vasanas ..

Maybe the "Vashithwam" programmes of finding the meaning of Life with Top Down approaches  of Bhakthi using the "KriyaShakthi"  as though travelling thru an endless Gravity tunnel with Inertia Forces of Motion and it's momentum with the  "Thamo Gunam" of Secrets like an endless free fall with "Mananam" probably like the "Son concept of Holy Trinity" could be oriented to the Purushartha of "Artha" that is probably realized personally on own only as the saying goes "Upadhithe Nivarthyanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha:" perhaps without any logic and reason but with a secret Realization that "Brahman" is not made any "Ucchishtam" (Victual) yet, to be able to be expressed via the sensory languages or any holy texts fully other than being just a guiding symbol like "KariVeppila" ie said to be a "VishaHari" eating which (despite being the Victual) Lord Krishna quenched the hunger of "Anger" One of DurVasa with some kind "Thatthireeya Thanthram" that probably Hanuman too used with SuRasa(s).. Not at all very sure about such an analogy though 😲😲🤔🤔😊😊🫢🤭🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏🙏 ..

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Some Fresh Updates in Gloskrutham Basic Concepts.. NGDCs ..

 .. 🙏🙏 .. NGDCs .. 

A conversation with ChatGPT on a kind of further forward thinking process in Athatho Brahma Jinjasa .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Here  are some latest updates to some of the basic Gloskrutham Concepts that came up during the last Gloskrutham Gharana Bhagavatha Sapthaha Parayanam held at my residence in Chelayil, Palluruthy, Kochi - 682 006 during the last Navratri Days in October 2024 ..

So the latest Gloskrutham Thinking updates which was mooted originally by late Grand Mother goes something like the following.. 🤔🤔 ..

Here onwards Rajo Gunam shall represent the IcchaShakthi (Will Power) of "Kshathriyas" as the Father in the Holy Trinity with "Keerthanam" .. Perhaps something like a kind of a healthy Eastward directional Movement with some kind of PMM3 mechanism of Dharma, defying the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics too, using the inertia forces of Truths at Rest too probably.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Whereas SatwaGunam listening to the heavenly angels shall be represented by the Brahmins having Gyan Shakthi even in  "Shravanam" like the Westward movements towards peace like the Son in Holy Trinity using some kind of PMM2 mechanisms defying the second law of Thermodynamics to achieve the Purushartha of Desires (Kama) of one, perhaps having the patience aspiring to be like that of Earth and having an ability to listen to the Directional Calls around too .. Maybe the analogy goes something like in the book of Joules Verne, namely "Around the World in 80 days" wherein a Westward Journey giving the hero some extra time at hand in the longer run because the travelling is done in the Westward direction towards peace making .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

And the third quality of Thamo Gunam with devotion indicate a Northwards Travel with a Gold Digging attitude with UpHill tasks to produce energy even out of Nothingness like a PMM1 mechanism defying even the First Law of Thermodynamics like a Directional call Northwards rhyming with the "Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama"  statement in BhagavadGita .. Maybe creating the "Meaning of Life" too for each one with a great future outlooks of fertile hopes with lesser fear of fall squaring up the imaginations of one with further "Mananam" .. Maybe even like the attractiveness of the Holy Spirit in Trinity representing the "Kriya Shakthi" (Ability to do and also induce things for the future/with a better future outlook) .. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..  Maybe with the "Vasithwam" principles in the  management cadre of "Vysya" section of people using the "Mananam" principles that is said to be the fastest process of "KriyaShakthi" to give the  experience of evolution in life with lesser pain by squaring up the imaginations .. 

While Shravanam might mean a gradual road roller travel towards peace by sipping into the current times around  with the own Vasanakal more in a "VasthuNishtah analogy", Mananam might mean motivated moves forward with a carrot approach with higher "KriyaShakthi" even into the Unknown trajectories by drinking in even the holy spirit of future imaginations too sometimes even beyond one's normal capacity as though in Love/Romance causing faster evolutionary changes with lesser experience of pain personally ..

Having a forward thinking logic with the fourth Purushartha of "Moha Kshaya Ithi Moksha", Avatars go on exploring the still fresher heights of balances with the Thrigunas (earlier mentioned Three Qualities) with some kind of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.. 😲😲🤔🤔 ..

Not at all very sure about such analogies .. There could even be further updates with fresh findings ..

As such Religious Darsanas RST (RajasSathwaTamas pattern) as Vaishnava Samkhyam using the Vedanga of "Chandass" in "Meter Sense" and TSR  (TamasSatwaRajas pattern) as Shaktheya Vaisheshikam using the Vedanga of "Niruktham" in Alankarangal represent the dynamic cast of Kshathriya as King and Queen probably having the ability to do Keerthanas for paths of lesser friction for the (Righteous) Dharma (With KruthaYuga Dharma theme of Truth perhaps) ..

Religious Darsanas like SRT as Saura Poorva Meemamsa using the Vedanga of "Kalpam" in Rituals (Aacharas) and TRS as Ganpathya Nyaya using the Vedanga of "Vyakaranam" in Grammar represent the dynamic Brahmins having the Gyan Shakthi in "Shravanam", maybe even to listen to the most boring sounds too with "Sraddha" to use them for fulfilling own desires with a PMM2 analogy of Thermodynamics in order to find a better utilities of even useless works around (using the Yajna Karmas theme of Thretha Yugam probably with Shaucham .. ) ..

Maybe Religious Darsanas like RTS as Shaiva Yoga using tge Vedanga of Shiksha on phonetics (Uccharanam/Emphasis) and STR as Kaumara Utthara Meemamsa with the Vedanga of Simulation Techniques of Jyothisham (Astrology) represent the dynamic Cast of Attraction (Vasyatha) of the Manager Cadre (Vysyas) going Northwards with Devotion squaring up the imaginations using  Thanthram as the main DwaPara Yuga theme in Compassion (Daya)..

Maybe the balanced existence at highs as Avatars are more attained with Tapas by even enjoying the limitless fun of balance even within limits with concepts of even Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics too probably .. 

Again not very sure though .. There could still be further updates later with newer discoveries from the forgotten past of Sanathana Dharma aka Hinduism now .. 🙏🙏🏃🏃 ..

Praises and Prayers to all the Lords .. 

Srikrishnaya Vayam Nama: 

🙏🙏 ..

Friday, July 19, 2024

An addendum Book Review on " Jathikkathottam" .. NGDCs ..

NGDCs .. Continuation .. 🤔🤔 ..

നത്തിന്റെ കനിവുകളുമായി കഴിഞ്ഞാ മതിയായിരുന്നു,  ഇതിപ്പൊ വറചട്ടിയിൽ നിന്നും എരിതീയിലേക്ക് എന്നപോലാണല്ലൊ കാര്യങ്ങളുടെ ഒരു ഫിസിക്സും, കേമിസ്ത്രീയും, മാത്തമാറ്റിക്സും ഒക്കെകൂടെ കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നത്.. എങ്ങനേങ്കിലും, തലയൂരി ഈ കൊല്ല പരീക്ഷേന്ന്   കഴിച്ചിലായാൽ മതിയായിരുന്നു.. ഒന്നും രണ്ടും ഒക്കെ കണ്ട് മനുഷ്യനു മനം പിരട്ടലും, ഭ്രാന്തും  പിടിക്കോല്ലൊ എന്റെ ദേവ്യെ.. ചാടിപ്പുറപ്പെട്ടപ്പൊ രസമായിരുന്നു, ഒരു vigour ഒക്കെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു, മ്യൂസിക്കും അടിപൊളി ആയിരുന്നു.. അവസാനം ഇങ്ങനെയൊരു മാരണ പരീക്ഷ നേരിടേണ്ടി വരും എന്നു നിരീച്ചില്ല.. പുന്നക്ക എണ്ണ ഒഴിച്ച വിളക്കിൻ ചോട്ടിലിരുന്നാണേലും മ്യൂസിക്കിന്റെ വരികൾ കുറച്ചുകൂടെ ശ്രദ്ധയോടെ വിശാലാർത്ഥത്തിൽ മനസ്സിലാക്കേണ്ടീരുന്നു.. ഇനീപ്പൊ എന്താണൊരു പോംവഴി.. ഭ്രഷ്ട് അഭിനയിച്ച്, സ്കൂട്ടായാലൊ..

പാമ്പിനെ തിന്നുന്ന നാട്ടിൽ ചെന്നാൽ നടു ഖണ്ഡം തന്നെ തിന്നണമെന്നാ പഴേ പഴമൊഴി.. ഭാഗ്യം അതെങ്കിലും  ഓർമ്മ വന്നത്.. കാട്ടു ചോലകൾ പാടിയ പാട്ടുകൾ ഏറ്റു പാടി പഠിച്ച മുത്തശ്ശിമാരുടെ അനുഗ്രഹം..  യക്ഷഗാനത്തിലെ തേപ്പു ശാഖയിൽ specialize ചെയ്ത് ഊരു ചുറ്റി കളിക്കാമെന്ന  ഓപ്ഷൻ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യാമെന്നേ.. വളരെ വിശേഷപ്പെട്ട ദു:രയുള്ളവരുടെ extrasഉം കൂട്ടിയുള്ള ഒരു മാസ്റ്റർ പീസ് item number ആണത്രെ..

.. 🤔 ..

അങ്ങനെ പോയ്ക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ്, വിശ്വരൂപന് ചിറകു മുളച്ചു പറന്നു പോകുന്നതു കണ്ടത്.. അങ്ങനെയെങ്കിൽ നമ്മളും ഇതൊന്നു ആഞ്ഞു മന്ഥിച്ചു നോക്കണ്ടെ എന്ന വിചാരമുണർന്നത്.. അങ്ങനെയാണ് തന്റെ  ധനമൊക്കെ ദാനം ചെയ്ത്, അയ്യപ്പ സ്വാമി ഭക്തനായ, കോടീശ്വരന്റെ വാക്കു കേട്ട് ചിന്താവിഷ്ടനായ ശ്യാമളനിൽ ശ്രീനിവാസൻ, എന്നാപ്പിന്നെ ഭക്ത ശിരോമണി തന്നെ ആയേക്കാമെന്നു വച്ച്, കാക്ക നോറ്റ ഏകാദശീ വ്രതത്തെ ഉദ്ബോധിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് .. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. 😮🤔 ..

.. 😲🤔🤔 ..

🤔🤔 ...

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords / Gods and Goddesses .. 🙏 ..

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lottery Ticket .. A story developed by Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan with the help of ChatGPT.. NGDCs ..


Lottery Ticket .. A story developed by Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan with the help of ChatGPT.. NGDCs ..

😮😊🙏🙏🙆🏻🙆🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 ..

NGDCs .. A modified ചിറകൊടിഞ്ഞ കിനാവുകൾ story developed by me and ChatGPT in "Gunah" movie style with " അൻപോട് കാതലൻ" ശൈലി ..

Here goes that story put up by ChatGPT with a  "ഭൂപാള" രാഗം that the music director refused to do in the movie in "Azhakiya Ravanan" despite Srinivasan and Mammootty giving the cues to add whatever necessary to what they say .. 😊🙏🙏🙆🏻🙆🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 ..

ChatGPT accepted the suggestion to make the adjustments .. 

ChatGPT says, 

Certainly! Let's make those adjustments:


### The Lottery Ticket

James O’Connor had always considered himself an ordinary man. Living in a small, quiet town, he worked as a librarian, enjoying the peace and predictability of his routine. Every Friday, he would buy a lottery ticket from the corner store, more out of habit than hope.

One Friday evening, James sat in his cozy living room, sipping tea as the lottery numbers were announced on TV. He glanced at his ticket casually, expecting nothing. But as each number was called out, his heart began to race. One by one, the numbers on his ticket matched. He had won the grand prize: 20 million dollars.

For a moment, James sat in stunned silence, the enormity of the situation sinking in. He thought about how his life could change with such a fortune. New house, luxury car, world travel – the possibilities were endless. But as the days passed, James found himself increasingly uneasy. The idea of such sudden wealth felt overwhelming, almost burdensome.

James decided to keep the news to himself, not even telling his closest friends or family. He tucked the winning ticket into an old book in his library, where it remained hidden from the world. Life continued as usual, though with a curious sense of what-if lingering in the back of his mind.

Days turned into weeks, then months. Occasionally, James would think about the ticket, wondering if he should finally claim the prize. But each time, he pushed the thought aside, preferring the comfort of his quiet life.

One year later, James received a notice in the mail about the lottery ticket's expiration. He had just a week left to claim his prize. Panicked, he rushed to the library to retrieve the ticket from its hiding place. He flipped through the pages of the old book, but the ticket was gone.

James tore through his library, searching frantically. He retraced his steps, checked every nook and cranny, but the ticket was nowhere to be found. It dawned on him that the ticket might have been mistakenly discarded or lost amidst the stacks of books.

As the deadline approached, James felt a mixture of regret and acceptance. He realized he had lost the chance to claim the money, and the dream of wealth slipped away. The lottery authorities announced that the unclaimed prize would be rolled over into future jackpots, leaving James with nothing but a poignant lesson.

Months passed, and life in the small town continued. James returned to his usual routines, but something had changed. The weight of his secret was gone, replaced by a newfound clarity.

One day, while organizing a community event at the library, James overheard a group of young students discussing their dreams and aspirations. He couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to their enthusiasm. He decided to quietly support the library and its community, choosing a path of gradual, meaningful contribution.

Meanwhile, across town, Lisa Evans, a high school teacher, was browsing the library for materials to inspire her students. She picked up an old, dusty book, intrigued by its antique cover. As she flipped through the pages, a small piece of paper fluttered out and landed on the floor. Curiously, she picked it up and gasped when she realized it was a lottery ticket.

Lisa quickly checked the expiration date. There were only a few days left. Hesitant but hopeful, she took the ticket to the lottery office. To her amazement, it was validated as the winning ticket for the 20 million dollar prize.

News of the windfall spread rapidly. Lisa, known for her dedication to her students and the community, announced that she would use a significant portion of her winnings to fund educational programs, scholarships, and community projects. The town celebrated her generosity and the positive impact the windfall would bring.

James watched from the sidelines as Lisa became a local hero. He felt a complex mix of emotions: regret for his inaction, relief that the money was being put to good use, and a strange sense of fate at work. The ticket he had hidden away was now transforming lives, just not in the way he had imagined.

However, Lisa was unaware of the ticket's origin. Driven by her passion for education and now influenced by the serendipity of finding the ticket in the library, she initiated a project to renovate the town’s library. She believed deeply in the power of libraries to inspire and educate, and this conviction was strengthened by the magical discovery of the lottery ticket.

When James learned about the renovation project, he felt conflicted. On one hand, the library had been his sanctuary for years, and the improvements could greatly benefit the community and himself. On the other hand, he preferred a more mellow approach to material gain, contributing without drawing attention to himself.

Despite his internal struggle, James couldn't ignore the students’ enthusiasm and Lisa's dedication. He watched as they worked tirelessly, organizing fundraisers and planning the renovation. The library began to transform into a modern, welcoming space, filled with new books, technology, and areas for community activities.

Lisa, unaware of James's connection to the lottery ticket, often sought his advice for the project. James, with his vast knowledge and experience, became an invaluable resource. Slowly, he found himself drawn into the project, despite his reservations.

As the renovation neared completion, Lisa organized an opening ceremony to celebrate the new library. She invited James to speak, honoring him for his lifelong dedication to the library and the community.

Standing before the crowd, James felt a rush of emotions. He looked at the transformed library and the faces of the young students who had worked so hard. He realized that, despite his initial resistance, he had played a role in this transformation.

During the ceremony, Lisa made a surprising announcement. Thanks to the success of the library project, she had been offered a directorship at a new, state-of-the-art library in a nearby city and wanted James to join her as an assistant director, with a significantly higher salary and benefits.

James was taken aback. The offer was tempting, a chance to work in a cutting-edge environment with substantial financial rewards. However, true to his nature, he pondered the decision deeply. He had already turned down one form of wealth by not claiming the lottery ticket; now, he faced another.

After much contemplation, James politely declined Lisa's offer. He thanked her for the opportunity but explained that he felt his place was in the small town library, where he could continue to nurture the community he loved. He preferred to build his legacy gradually, contributing in a more understated manner that would last longer and benefit more people.

Lisa, respecting his decision, left for her new position, but they remained in touch, their bond strengthened by their shared dedication to education and community service.

Months later, Lisa returned to visit the town and the renovated library. She brought with her a group of students from the new city, hoping to inspire them with the story of the town’s transformation. During her visit, she and the students met with James, who shared his wisdom and experience.

One of the students, inspired by James's dedication and humble approach, decided to stay in the town for an internship, working under James’s mentorship. This student’s enthusiasm and fresh ideas further invigorated the library, continuing the cycle of growth and community enrichment.

James's quiet influence extended beyond the walls of the library, fostering a culture of learning and collaboration. Though he never revealed the secret of the lottery ticket, the impact of his decisions rippled through the community, creating lasting change in a way that aligned with his principles and values.

In the end, James learned that true contentment comes not from sudden wealth or status but from consistent, meaningful contributions that nurture and grow over time. The unclaimed lottery ticket, once a symbol of missed opportunity, became a testament to the power of quiet, deliberate action and the enduring value of community.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

AnuPrathyaksha ArunoRuna Sambhavans .. NGDCs ..അനുപ്രത്യക്ഷ അരുണോരുണ സംഭവൻസ്

NGDCs .. അനുപ്രത്യക്ഷ അരുണോരുണ സംഭവൻസ് ke baare mein Ek Hindi "Sher" sunatha hoon.. 

Jis (Cheez) se hameim hai pyar, Us (Cheez) ko hum bhee Pyara Lage..

Yahee, Chattanom se uthare, Patharom (Mitti) ke Aayinom ka vasana hai, gyan hai.. 

Not at all very sure about such a shayari though ..😊 😮😮🤔🤔🙏🙏🙆🏻🙆🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 ..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords .. 🙏🙏🙆🏻🙆🏻 ..