NGSCs .. Dilemmas of a Falcon Granny .. A slightly Modified Version of that poem published previously ..
#28 #Gloskrutham Poetry
Falcon Granny's Dilemmas ..
NGDCs ..
Falcon Granny is worried ..
Off - Springs are not able to swallow fishes wholly..
As she used to in her younger days along with friends..
Like in the video Joy and Heron, Falcon Granny is worried..
Her Off - Springs are not able digest well the Brahmarshi concepts..
To eat big fishes Wholly to have some Sharp Eye Sights ..
Like a Falcon to scan from the Top ..
Using the "Hiranyaya Nama:" manthras of "Gold Digging" ..
Using some quantum strategies of pretense to act to be knowing what is not known..
And then to adjust that to pretend "Not to know" some of those , what is known..
Perhaps to keep onself lit with sharp eyes with a prickling #consciousnessToo..
To catch even the big fishes in their nets of dashes..
While dabbling in the waves of Ocean above's peripheral surface with lighter weight ..
So that the skating and flying above the ocean is made easy ..
With a Value Addition Project of keeping the collective ego of the Net..
As one's own personal Ego ..
Like the statement "Shushke Neere Ka Kasara" being interpreted as..
"How can something be called of higher Value, if there is no second to barter that, with the dilution principles of adding Water" ..
And with this while the Falcon Granny was brooding over..
On why her Off - Springs are not able to digest that..
Her BrahmaRishi concepts in kitchens for cooking..
With reduced appeasements because of Generation Gaps probably..
Like the Dilemmas of Vyasa Dev..
Then came some Rajarshi Techniques of Narad..
As some snacks, from the Jerry's Bait Shop nearby ..
With a DeValuation of Currency programme..
Like the Chinese do to reduce the prices of their Products internationally..
By diluting the Value Addition principle itself by reducing the seconds..
With a Common Bigger Kitchen rather than a segregated personal Kitchen..
By giving the Patency of the Off -Springs to the "VelliMoongas" who are ready to take the Patency of anything and everything..
Maybe like the Kuber Kunjhi or Magno Mchita who provide the Luck with "Adrushtam" by just keeping that along with..
Need not exactly like a scenario wherein the Moon God Chandra takes the patency of son "Mercury" from the "Jupiter" paving way for a kind of "Nahusha Puranam" probably as a kind of V(W)it C "Ashwani Devathopasana" ..
Along with whatever is existing probably as a kind of Satvic reflections upon the Vishwaroop..
With Lord Indra going for a Tapas worshipping a Bigger Common Quantum Kitchen rather than individual, smaller Kitchens that used to do too much of timing planning with Muhoorthas..
Perhaps to increase more upon the Bartering Ability with the so called "Adrushtam" with a larger timing with more consistency using Maha Samkhyam instead of a personal Samkhyam..
Which probaly need not have liked well enough by the Earth, Women, Old Memories of Smrithies with the Thazhampoos on Elephants for controlling others too who been not Family Members ..
And probably even #WaterToo for its reduced Utilities with a Common Kitchen than some personalised personal kitchens of Family Planning ..
Though with some initial reluctance ..
But with the spurt of the Children around her, later Falcon GrannyToo started enjoying better..
For the childrenToo started liking to come to her more often..
Whenever they faced peer pressure dilemmas with the ones playing "Maheshinte Prathikaram" themes..
Arguing back against "aLux Soap Operah" themes.
That "All Theorists Need Not be any Practicalists having enough Shoulder Strengths to bear and lift the bigger loads of life" ..
"With HardCore Realities of Life" and "the World need not be any Utopian Bannana Republic" kind of statements coming up from peers..
With the hard hitting Peer Pressure dilemmas..
With the inabilities to swallow some of the Big Fishes cooked #thereToo ..
For the lingering memories of Jerry's Bait Shops' natural food tastes..
To keep themselves afresh with the Fresh Spirits of Architecture in Consistency using Granny Falcon's #helpsToo with her HawkEyes #programmesToo some times..
Maybe in tune with the Narayanaya Nama of BhagVatham too ..
.. 🙏 .. Praises be to all the Lords .. 🙏 ..