Eleven Seven Sixty Six.. #63 Gloskrutham Story
#63 #Gloskrutham Story
Eleven Seven Sixty Six..
Bellram's "OthraKKadakan" kootOthra tech mentioned in the "Eleven Five Hundred" story in the previous "Prakamyam" link worked..
After the initial training period completion itself, all the freshly recruited marketing executives by Sandra and Arjun left the company, because they couldn't bear the tough ask of Abheri Ragam styled Ekadasi Vrathams in VEW ..
Apparantly a happy Bellram and Ksheri Rai reached Sandra and Arjun as though making a statement, "When the going gets tough, the tough only gets going" .. Ksheri Rai said to dejected Sandra and Arjun sarcastically with a kind of slap stick comedy that "Iddlie Sambar is Iddlie Sambar", maybe "Dosa Chutnies" don't understand that..
Then Bellram and Ksheri Rai proceeded to attend the adhoc board meeting called by GJk to address this issue of all the new fresh training recruits for marketing, suddenly resigning searching for still Greener Pastures elsewhere..
GJk asked Bellram if he has any suggestions for a forward outlook..
And Bellram said "Yes" in affirmation and with confidence he narrated his plan..
He quoted a statement from "BhagVatham" that "Visheshatha: Raga Ithi ViRaga" and added that the so called "Thapas" is the best marketing tool.. He said probably there are a lot of Scientific Principles in the good old Acharas of our Great good old Ancestors like keeping a cat in a Kotta (Box) probably .. Ksheri Rai as a representative from Jyothi Engineering Works (JEW) added that in the movie ThoovanaThumbikal, Clara too says to Jayakrishnan, that she yearns to be a chain in the Mad Man's leg..
Pretending to have read Havva Beach 2oo, Ksheri Rai probably ogled again sarcastically at Sandra, who was opposed to this idea earlier, thinking it might unnecessarily keep the people lit with a kind of "Eri" ..
Bellram further added that they should learn more from the "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" strategy of Late. Sri Lal Bahadur Shasthrijie..
Bellram and Ksheri Rai elicited a data point that two years back, the Nobel Prize Winner for literature actually stated that, he doesn't want the Prize and didn't go to collect the Prize.. Nobel Committee actually insisted and probably pleaded him to take at least the cheque for the Prize Money.. Bellram said, he heard about this story when he went to SabariMalai last yeat along with one Vijayan Master who been husband to a famous Fashion Designer..
So looking at Arjun and Sandra with some loads and loads of Puccham, Parihasam and Sarcasam at their pity plight, and as though revealing a Grandeur Plan for the next year to GJk to win the Nobel Prize, Bellram asked Ksheri Rai to explain the details of the plan to the Board Members and GJk..
Ksheri Rai taking the full responsibility to explain that as ordered by her partner Bellram, confidently asked GJk for some private time away from Arjun, Sandra and other Board Members to explain that strategy personally to GJk ..
GJk came back after a secret discussion with Ksheri Rai and announced that Bellram and Ksheri Rai's strategy is adopted by the Organisation VEW, contours of which shall be revealed slowly with the passage of Time, and shall be fully revealed only once the Nobel Prize is won, as a hypocritical, No Secret approach even to "No Secrets" 2oo ..