Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Further Additional aspects in my Will dated 12th February 2022 published in WordPress site.. NGDCs ...


Originally on 9th, May 2023.. 

Edited further on 11th September 2023 and further on 2nd February, 2025, as per the further findings of a ReSurvey by Revenue Department of Kerala State Goverment..

This statement is based on the ReSurvey, done by the Revenue Department of Kerala State Government, which observed that the 20 cents of Property and the house in it, that I own as per the ആധാരം documents, in reality when measured with actuals is just the same or a lil less .. Only a lil less than the Aadharam Documents of the land registered in my name  .. So in order to adjust the discrepancy, between the on paper (documented) 20 cents of land handed over to me from my father and fore fathers and the actuals, I am donating the whole if property a lil less than 20 cents of land and the house by my will, expressed here, to the  Bhagavatha Parayanam Gloskrutham Corner (BPGC) Trust in which myself shall be the First Chair Person and Permanent Trust Member and contemporary 1924  SreeBhoothaNathaVilasam NSS Karayogam, Palluruthy's President and Convenor of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithy, Palluruthy shall also be Permanent Trust Members .. 🙏 .. Permanent Trust Members can not be ousted from the Trust in their life time or till their posts exist in case of Permanent Trust Membership based on Organizational holding of their posts .. 🙏 ..

.. 🙏 ..

From there, on 12th February 2022, and edited further on 11th September 2023 and then on 2nd February 2025 here,  further directional call is as following .. 🙏 ..

NGDCs .. In search of Blissful Eternity for myself, the New  directives regarding the inheritance of around a lil less than 20 cents of land and the House Properties  in my name at Chelayil CheriyaMadom Lakshmy Nilayam, Palluruthy shall be something like this..

Remembering The Legacy..

The ചേളായിൽ ചെറിയമഠം house been first built by my Grandfather's Mother "Lakshmi Rai" whose സ്മാരകം is found at the North West Corner of the house ..

LakshmiRai built ചെറിയ മഠം for his son Late. Sri. Krishnan Elayitam to develop an ആശ്രമം.. But due to some other compulsions, he had to leave the project in between, and got married to Ponnu Velyachan's Mother (Ramankutty Bhagavathar's Mother).. So the property got handed over to my  Mutthassa (Grand Father) Late. Sri. Sreedharan Elayitam (who was younger brother of Krishnan Elayitam) who gave it to my father P.S.Vijayan..  And my father gave the property to me, Jayakrishnan.C.V...

Maybe the time seems more ripe, to think more about fulfilling some of the age old Sankalpas of Late.Smt. LakshmiRai, my Great  Granny, while planning the further inheritance of the property with a future vision of forward thinking ..

So the idea is now to form a Trust, " Bhagvatha Parayanam Gloskrutham Corner" (BPGC) ആശ്രമം Trust.. 

Wherein you all could be the trust members to be a  part of that Legacy to  inherit this property .. 

The Future Outlook..

The primary eligibility condition to be a Trust Member is the ability to conduct a ഗ്ലോസ്കൃത ഭാഗവത പാരായണ സപ്താഹം at own house at least once in an year under the കാർമ്മികത്വം BPGC Trust ChairPerson, and the ability to donate an amount to the BPGC trust as requested by ChairPerson as an  ആജീവനാന്ത one time  membership fee (which can vary from person to person as per the discretion of the Trust ChairPerson ..) to be the Trust Member of BPGC.. The discretion of who all to be made the Trust Members, completely rests with the Chair Person only.. Any Trust Member who fails to conduct the ഭാഗവത സപ്താഹം under the കാർമ്മികത്വം of Trust Chair Person in a span of one year, shall get ousted from the Trust automatically or may either require a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Trust Chair Person or may require support letters from more than one third persons in the Trust, to continue being the Trust Member each year without any gaps ..  However, if a person is able to be a Trust Member continuously for 30 years without any breaks in between, that person shall be made a Permanent Trust member, who can not be ousted.. 

The bye - law of the BPGC Trust shall be to act as per the decisions and discretion of Trust ChairPerson, who is once elected shall hold the post ആജീവനാന്തം (Full Life Term) like the Pope of കത്തോലിക്ക സഭ  or until he decides to resign or offer retirement .. 

The Chair Person of Trust can add any number of Trust Members as he or she wills.. 

To remove any Trust Member who is conducting Gloskrutham Bhagavatha Sapthaham at least once in an year, (other than any Permanent Trust Members)  there needs to be more than two third majority of votes by the  members plus the Vote of ChairPerson who has Veto Powers to any activity regarding the Trust.. Permanent Trust Members can not be ousted from the Trust even if they don't conduct Gloskrutham Bhagavatha Sapthaham yearly.. 

Chair Person can be removed by force, only if the total number of Trust Members exceeds 56, and also, all the trust members, have to vote against the ChairPerson (both conditions are to be met), without anyone in the trust abstaining while voting .. Even if removed by such a manner as Chair Person, once a ChairPerson, that person  shall automatically be a Permanent Trust Member even if removed from the Chair Person post .. 

The election of New ChairPerson shall be on following grounds.. 

Any contestant for the vacant post of Chair Person, needs to be a Trust member either Permanent or Non Permanent .. Whoever   secures more than 50% votes of all the Trust Members (including both Permanent and Non Permanent)  shall be the next ആജീവനാന്ത  Trust Chair Person who can take all  the  decisions on, the actions to be pursued by the Trust..

In case no contestant among the Trust Members, secures more than 50% votes of Trust Members, the next ആജീവനാന്ത  Chair Person shall  be decided as per the നിഗൂഢ സാംഖ്യ ഗ്ലോസ്കൃത പ്രശ്നം വയ്ക്കൽ  using Truer Random Numbers..

So this is the proposed bye - law for the envisaged BPGC Trust, to which the above mentioned a lil less than 20 cents of Land and the  ചേളായിൽ ചെറിയമഠം ലക്ഷ്മീ നിലയം house properties are planned to be handed over.. 

As such I am the first founding ChairPerson of this BPGC Trust ( Bhagavatha Parayana Gloskrutham Corner Trust) along with the contemporary 1924 SreeBhoothaNathaVilasam NSS Karayogam, Palluruthy's,  President and Palluruthy Sai Samithy Convenor as  permanent Trust Members.. As and when any of you  conduct Gloskrutham Kharana based ഭാഗവത പാരായണ സപ്താഹങ്ങൾ at your houses under the full vijil of current ChairPerson, (Jayakrishnan. C.V. ie me now..), BPGC Trust shall be expanded further..   The list of trustees shall be renewed and published every year, eliminating the ones not conducting Bhagavatha Parayana Sapthahas under the guidelines of the BPGC Trust .. 

Gloskrutham Kharana model for doing Bhagavatha Sapthahas got developed as per the able visions and advises of my Grand Mother, Late. Smt. Pazhangattu Bhargavi Amma..

(NB:- If you are not able to conduct Gloskrutha Bhagavatha Sapthaha at your own house, you can also organize one at the Chelayil Cheriya Madhom Lakshmy Nilayam House Premise or on the Roof Top .. )..

Prayers and Praises to all the Lords ..

BhajaGovindam and Sairam to all .. 

With Sairam, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna and Regards, 

Jayakrishnan. C. V.

14/657, Chelayil CheriyaMadhom LakshmyNilayam,

Chelayil Lane, near ചേളായിൽ അമ്പലം,

Palluruthy, Kochi - 682006..

Residence Phone Number - (0484) - 2234569..

WhatsApp Mobile Number - 9961937396 (India)..

.. 🙏🙆🏻 ..

Friday, May 5, 2023

Swarangal, വ്യഞ്ജനങ്ങൾ.. Gloskrutham കവിതകൾ....


NGDCs .. വ്യഞ്ജനങ്ങൾ.. "തിരിഞ്ഞു നിന്നാൽ, ആ പോട്ടു പുല്ലെന്നു വയ്ക്കും", another Gloskrutham Kavitha ..

പൊകപ്പാടെന്നൊരു പുതിയ അരിക്കൊമ്പൻ..

കൊമ്പനല്ല, പിടി (വലി) ആണെന്നു പക്ഷാന്തരങ്ങളുമുണ്ടു കേട്ടോ..

നിഷേധിച്ച ദേവ ഹവിർഭാഗം വസൂലാക്കാനെത്തുന്നൂന്ന്..

രണ്ടാമതൊന്നും ഫ്രീ അല്ല, ശ്രവണാനന്തര ഇൻസെന്റീവുകൾ മാത്രമാണെന്ന്.. 

തിരിഞ്ഞു നിന്നാലൊ, പോട്ടു പുല്ലെന്നു പറയുന്നതാണത്രെ ആചാരം.. 

ട്രന്റിനൊത്ത ഫാഷനനുസരിച്ചു നടന്നു  നീങ്ങുന്നതിനെത്ര ഭംഗി..

ദർശനേ പുണ്യം, അവനനവന്റെ മേത്തു കൊള്ളാതിരിക്കുവോളം.. 

വേറൊന്നുമല്ല, പതനഭയത്തിൻ ചെലവ്, എടുക്കാനുള്ള മടി കൊണ്ടാ..

സമയരസങ്ങളിലെ റിസർവേഷൻസ് ചാരുത ഒന്നു വേറെ തന്നെയാണെ..

അനുഭവിച്ചവർക്കേ അറിയൂ..

അല്ലാത്തവരോട് എന്തു പറയാൻ.. 

പോയി ശുകമുഖാമൃതദ്രവ സംയുതങ്ങൾ ശ്രദ്ധയോടെ നുകർന്നു നോക്കൂ..

 എങ്ങാനും ............... കിട്ടിയാലൊ.. 

ഉറപ്പൊന്നുമില്ല കേട്ടൊ.. അവനവന്റെ ശ്രദ്ധാ ഭാഗ്യം പോലിരിക്കും ..


 .. Thought Provoking ദേവഗാന്ധാരീ രാഗം .. 😮🤔 ..

Yet another one..  സ്വരങ്ങൾ ..

NGDCs .. 

സ്വരങ്ങൾ, ഒരു ചിന്ന  ഗ്ലോസ്കൃത കവിത.. !! .. 

Aayee, ഊരിലു, എഏയ്, ഒഓ ഔവ്വംമാ.. 🤔🤔..

😮🙏 ..

വന്ദേ മുകുന്ദ ഹരെ, ജയ ശൌരേ......... 🤔 ..

NB:-  സ്വരങ്ങൾ, ഒരു ചിന്ന ഗ്ലോസ്കൃതം കവിത.. 😲🤔🙏🙆🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 ..

NGDCs ..